Updated PCA COVID Protocols – 2024

COVID is here to stay. Despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, one may still get COVID.
Our recommendations remain that you, your family, and crew are fully vaccinated (2 doses
of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines followed by boosters) and be prepared to wear masks if

Porsche Club Racing will follow current CDC recommendations for racing events as well as
respect each race locations’ protocols to keep all safe and minimize the spread of infections.
(CDC recommendations can be found here.)

Be aware that each state, county, city, and race track may also have their own
requirements, which may not be the most current regardless of CDC recommendations.
Therefore, bringing masks, sanitization equipment, and proof of vaccination if vaccinated,
to each race venue is recommended. Please follow any individual track requirements at the
time of the event.

Be respectful of those who may not be vaccinated and are at risk for COVID infection in all
personal interactions.

Participation is at your own risk: Attendees with higher risk factors for COVID-19 infection
must evaluate their own risk regarding participation at any race event. If an attendee
develops a fever, cough, sore throat, loss of smell or taste or other symptoms of possible
COVID-19 infection, before, en-route to, or at the event, the attendee should refrain from
coming/participating at a race event and seek medical attention. If you are exposed, there
is also a risk of spreading COVID-19 to your friends/family/co-workers when you return

See the CDC recommendations for exposure and testing here.

Important: As of this current 10/20/23 COVID revision, few if any restrictions regarding
COVID are in place. However please check with your country, province, state, or county
regarding reentry and quarantine and testing recommendations prior to leaving for the
race event as they may change. Be aware of TSA, airlines, and common carrier rules and
restrictions when traveling.

Race safe and hard!!

PCA Club Racing Medical Committee

Revised 10/20/23