2025 Rule Book
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All bold blue text depicts changes in rules from 2024.
Table of Contents
This policy will define the requirements and procedures for participating as a driver in any PCA Club Racing event.
- All participants in a PCA Club Race must be PCA members in good standing. The minimum age for any driving entrant in a PCA event is eighteen years.
- All participants in a PCA Club Race must hold a current PCA Club Racing License and be a competitor in good standing.
- To obtain a PCA Club Racing License, you must submit the PCA Club Racing Competition License Application to the PCA Club Racing National Committee (PCA Club Racing Committee) and attend the PCA Club Racing School (Club Racing School). The PCA Club Racing Competition License Application is available from the PCA National Club Racing Program Coordinator (National Club Racing/CRPC) or download a copy using the link found on the Forms landing page.
- The PCA Club Racing Competition License Application provides two routes to obtaining a PCA Club Racing License:
A. Provisional Application
1) Applicants with a current FULL competition race license with NASA, SCCA, IMSA, BMWCCA or equivalent sanctioning body or any vintage group that is a member of the Vintage Motorsport Council and recent race experience may apply to attend the PCA Club Racing School (Club Racing School). The required paperwork includes proof of a current PCA Membership, the completed and signed application form, the license application fee, a fully completed PCA Club medical form (no more than (12) twelve months old at the time of submittal), a copy of the applicant’s current license(s), and a list of a minimum of (6) six completed races in the past (24) twenty-four months with copies of the ‘official’ race results. A fully completed, properly signed and dated SCCA, BMWCCA, NASA or other equivalent sanctioning bodies Medical Form may be acceptable. Eligibility and equivalency will be determined by the PCA Club Racing Committee. Time trial licenses are not accepted. Applicants with an expired Full competition race license and/or no recent race experience should contact the Club Racing Office.
2) Upon approval of the application paperwork by the PCA Club Racing Committee and successful completion of the PCA Club Racing School, Provisional License status will be in effect for his/her first four incident-free PCA Club Races (completed at a minimum of two PCA Club Race events). Completion of these four incident free races is required within a two-year period. Performance will be carefully monitored at these races, and if satisfactory, the Provisional License status will be deleted and a Full PCA Club Racing License will be granted.
B. Rookie Application
1) Applicants without a current FULL competition race license and no prior race experience may apply to attend the PCA Club Racing School (Club Racing School). The required paperwork includes proof of a current PCA Membership, this completed and signed application form, the license application fee, a fully completed PCA Club Racing medical form (no more than (60) sixty days old at the time of submittal), a complete listing of track days within the past (24) twenty-four months which will include (12) twelve or more days of race track driving training and experience at driver’s education events, time trials, race schools or equivalent events and the required Certification of Experience and Ability from a PCA Region Chief Driving Instructor (or equivalent). Of the required (12) twelve or more days, a minimum of (6) six track days must be with a PCA (or equivalent) driver’s education event. Dates, locations, sanctioning body, Chief Instructor, Run Group data, and instruction status (e.g., signed off by instructor after the first two sessions) data should be noted. Eligibility and equivalency will be determined by the PCA Club Racing Committee.
2) Upon approval of the application paperwork by the PCA Club Racing Committee and successful completion of the PCA Club Racing School, PCA Club Racing Rookie License status will be in effect for his/her first four incident free PCA Club Races (completed at a minimum of two PCA Club Race events). Completion of these four incident free races is required within a two-year period. Each Rookie will be required to display a ‘rookie’ “X” on the rear deck lid or bumper, Performance will be carefully monitored at these races, and if satisfactory, the Rookie status will be deleted, a Full PCA Club Racing License will be granted, and the ‘rookie’ “X” on the rear deck lid or bumper may be removed.
- To maintain an active PCA Club Racing License a driver must have a current PCA Membership, submit the annual PCA Club Racing License Renewal Form and pay the annual PCA Club Racing License Renewal fee, be a competitor in good standing, provide a current medical form (eligibility and equivalency determined by the PCA Club Racing Committee) and compete successfully in four PCA Club Races within eighteen months. If a driver fails to fulfill these minimum requirements, he/she may be required to attend the PCA Club Racing Orientation Meeting prior to the next event entered.
- PCA Club Racing Licenses will be maintained by the PCA Club Racing Committee. All incidents and penalties will be tracked by the PCA Club Racing Committee, and a data base will be maintained on those drivers on probation or suspension.
- Participation in the PCA Club Racing School will be approved by application as noted above.
- PCA Club Racing School participants will be required to have all the personal and car safety equipment as required by the PCA Club Racing Program Rules and Equipment Regulations; pre-school inspections will be for personal and car safety equipment.
- The PCA Club Racing School will be conducted in conjunction with the applicant’s first PCA Club Race and will be organized as follows:
- The PCA Club Racing Orientation Meeting, conducted by the PCA Club Racing National Steward (National Steward) for the race, which will focus on procedures for the PCA Club Racing School and detailed discussions of race driving etiquette, techniques, and on-track safety procedures. The PCA Club Racing Orientation Meeting will be held prior to the first day of the Club Race.
- Registration and safety equipment inspection.
- Open practice and qualifying sessions. License candidates will practice and qualify with the regular race groups.
- Review of open practice session comments with each license candidate.
- Review of performance results with each license candidate.
- The PCA Club Racing Program is designed to be fun, safe and competitive. Good sportsmanship, honesty, and a sense of fair play should exist at all times. Details of the 2025 Points Championship are found in Appendix H.
- Two driver cars are allowed in PCA Club Racing events. The second driver in a two-driver car shall always be in a higher group and placed in a class. The only time that a car should be designated as “Exhibition” (EX) is when the only option is to move the second driver to a lower run group. The car number should be the same in both groups. The car must display both class markings.
- Conduct that is inappropriate to the intent and spirit of the PCA Club Racing Program jeopardizes safety or results in dangerous or damaging situations will not be tolerated. In addition to the normal discretion of the National Stewards to deal with inappropriate and unsafe conduct during all Club Race sessions, the probation rule will be in effect at all PCA Club Racing events and will be imposed for such conduct. Under this rule, the procedure for any incident which results in car damage is as follows:
- Any driver involved in an incident:
- If the car is not running or handling normally or appears to be unsafe the driver must immediately exit the track during the session and must immediately report to the Black Flag Station
- If the car is running and handling normally and the driver determines the car to be safe the driver may complete the time on track but must immediately report to the Black Flag Station upon finishing the session.
- After reporting to the Black Flag Station, the driver will report to Medical. A driver may decline to report to medical and sign the section of the medical form indicating such. In either case, the driver must then report to the National Steward.
- The driver will not be allowed on the track until being cleared by the National Steward.
- The Steward may order a black flag for any car that, in his/her opinion, is in an unsafe condition.
- Failure to report to the Black Flag Station will result in a penalty in which timing/scoring will stop the track clock at the time of the incident.
- Any driver who, after having been involved in an incident, fails to report to the Black Flag Station during or at the end of the session or leaves the event without talking to the National Steward, may be presumed to be at fault.
- The National Stewards will collect and review all information relating to the incident, including corner worker and other observer reports, driver statements, and damage and incident reports from the PCA Club Racing National Scrutineers (National Scrutineers). In the case of an incident involving more than one car, the National Stewards will make a determination of fault.
- Any driver who is found to be at fault in an incident involving more than his or her car will be:
- Placed on probation for a 9 race or 13 month, whichever ends first, period by the National Steward. That probation period will begin at the time the Steward’s decision is made concerning fault in the incident. If the incident was not caused by a gross error in judgment and the driver’s attitude is determined by the Steward to be conducive to safe racing, the driver may continue to race in the event. The Steward’s decision is final concerning continued participation.
- If during this probation period the driver is involved in another “at fault” incident, his competition privileges will be immediately suspended for 6 months. Suspended drivers must petition for reinstatement to the PCA Club Racing National Chairman (National Chairman). Re-entry into the program will be at the discretion of the PCA Club Racing National Committee and the driver may be required to return on probation.
- A driver may be subject to more severe penalty should the seriousness of any incident warrant it.
- A driver placed on probation retains National Championship Series Points for all races other than the one in which the incident occurred.
- Any driver who has received a probation or suspension may be required to attend the PCA Club Racing Orientation Meeting prior to the next race in which they compete.
- Any driver who has been determined to be at fault and has received a may request a review of the determination by written (or e-mail) request to the National Chairman within thirty days of the date of the incident. Said request should provide all documentation and/or justification as to why the determination should be reviewed.
- Only PCA Club Racing Program “licensed” drivers are eligible to register for an event. All competing drivers must be registered for the event and may only compete in the car and in sessions in which they are registered. Violations of this rule will result in the disqualification of all drivers in the registered car.
- During a qualifying session or race, cars entering the paddock area will be considered retired and will not be allowed to return to the track.
Any modification not specifically listed is not allowed. In other words, if the rules don’t say you can do it – DON’T. The inclusion of prohibitions on certain modifications is to avoid self-serving interpretations and may not be used to infer that what is not prohibited is allowed.
- Stock classes are based on factory published horsepower, torque, weight, gearing and racing performance in previous years of the program. All cars must conform to published figures when tested. The National PCA Stewards reserve the right to test any car for conformance.
- The Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee reserves the right, on one month’s electronic or other notice, to alter the published weights of any model in any class as best suits the competition needs of Club Racing.
- Only Porsche-manufactured sports cars are eligible.
- Definitions of terms used in the rules:
- Factory parts: Parts sold by Porsche as the stock parts appropriate for the specific car model and year.
- OEM: Parts equivalent to the parts sold by Porsche as the stock parts appropriate for the specific car model and year, except that the parts are from the supplier that made the parts for Porsche.
- Aftermarket: Parts from sources other than Porsche or OEM.
- Every racecar must have a working transponder compatible with the PCA Timing & Scoring system installed.
- Any decisions of the National Stewards concerning safety, eligibility, acceptance, etc. are binding. Vehicles entered in the program must, in addition to meeting safety and classification rules and regulations, be presented in an attractive and eye-pleasing manner. The National Stewards reserve the right to refuse to accept any vehicle which they feel does not “conform to the spirit” of the PCA Club Racing Program.
- In order to promote careful adherence by all competitors to the car classification and preparation rules, the National Stewards reserve the right to conduct impound and inspection of any cars at any time during the event; cars must be in compliance at all times. Cars found to be at variance with the class rules during the qualifying session will be denied their starting position and will be gridded at the back of the entire starting field for their race and may remain in the class only if the rules infraction has been corrected. If it is not possible to bring the car into compliance, it shall be reclassed into the appropriate class and gridded at the back of the entire field. Cars found to be at variance with the class rules at post-race impound will be denied their finishing positions. All variances will be noted in the vehicle Log Books.
- In order to receive a vehicle Log Book, and at their first race in each subsequent calendar year, drivers are responsible for presenting one fully completed Annual Technical Inspection Form that certifies compliance with the PCA Club Racing Rules, and one fully completed Vehicle Compliance Form. Both of the above forms become part of the vehicle Log Book. New Forms must also be completed if the vehicle changes class. Both Forms are available at https://pcaclubracing.org/forms/-licensing-forms. Log Books must contain two photographs of the race car, one a 3/4 front view, and one a 3/4 rear view, suitable for attaching inside the 5″ x 8″ Log Book.
- The National Scrutineer may conduct technical inspection of any car at any time during a PCA Club Race event. Upon request of the National Scrutineer, for compliance checking, all entrants shall allow downloading of any data accumulated during the event concerning the car.
- Cars, other than in the GT1-6 and GTP classes, are required to maintain stock data ports, to add power supplies for Club Racing in-car data systems and other compliance purposes, and for cars without them, to add a cockpit accessible tachometer signal connection. The connector types, sizes, and locations are found in Appendix K. Data from these ports, both on the track and at tech, are used in compliance checking.
- The vehicle Log Book must be kept within the cockpit and accessible at impound to the driver or to a scrutineer who is outside the car. If a car is found to have flagrant technical variations, the National Scrutineer will:
- Note the variation in the Log Book.
- Recommend to the National Steward that a “cheating” sanction be imposed. This sanction will be a 13/13 probation (see above). Further, the car will not be allowed to participate in another PCA Club Race until sufficient documentation is presented to the PCA Club Racing National Scrutineer (National Scrutineer) to indicate that the variations have been corrected.
- Upon review of the National Scrutineer’s recommendation, the National Steward will render a decision on applying the sanction.
- Should the driver of a car under a 9-race or 13-month probation be involved in another incident, he will be immediately suspended for 6-months.
- Racers, if not willing to reuse existing gaskets or seals, must have replacements on hand so that valve and other engine covers may be removed as needed for rules compliance checking.
- All cars must display easily readable numbers (1 – 3 digits only) for identification. The numbers must be displayed on each side, the front, and the rear of the vehicle on a contrasting background. The front number shall be white, a minimum of 4 inches high, with a one-inch plain stroke, installed horizontally and located on the upper right side (from the perspective of the driver) of the windshield. If it is mounted on a banner, the background must have at least as much contrast as the windshield glass. GT and GTP cars without a windshield shall have the front numbers a minimum of 8 inches high, with 1-1/2 to 2-inch plain strokes on the hood, centered, horizontal, and against a highly contrasting background. Side numbers shall be at least 8 inches high with 1-1/2 to 2-inch strokes. Rear numbers shall be at least 4 inches high with a 1-inch stroke. Magnetic numbers must be securely taped in place. The PCA Racing logo must be displayed on both sides of the race car.
- All cars must have their class displayed front and rear in easily readable characters at least 4 inches high. Modified classes need display only the number and letter after the GT- (for example,“C3”). In all cases, if timing and scoring cannot read car numbers and class designation from their location, the competitor will be required to change those numbers/letters if he/she wants to be timed. PCA Club Racing National Sponsor logos may be required on all cars.
- GT1 – GT6 class cars running slicks (tires not DOT approved) must add an “R” after their class designation. This does not create a separate class but allows administration of the extra weight such cars must have, and to allow collecting performance data.
- All cars must display their minimum class weight, in at least 14-point font/type with black numerals on a white background, on the outer side of the driver’s side door above the door handle.
- All cars must be comprehensively prepared and inspected prior to arrival at the track. It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that his vehicle is safe and track-worthy, and that he has the required personal safety equipment. At the track, all cars are subject to a tech inspection of all safety equipment and meet all the safety requirements of the PCA Club Racing Program.
- All required safety equipment must be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Any vehicle deemed unsafe by the National Stewards will not be allowed to compete.
- All cars must have a tow hook, strap, or other suitable device in both the front and rear. It is recommended that the location of the tow hook allow for easy access in a gravel trap. It is highly recommended that the tow hook does not protrude beyond the bumper.
- Reverse gear may not be used in the hot pits except with the permission and under the supervision of a National Official.
- No one under sixteen years of age is allowed in the hot pit area. Long pants, short-sleeved (at a minimum) shirts, and closed shoes are required in the hot pits. Where local rules or the National Steward requires, these restrictions may be applied to a delineated area on the “cold” side of the hot pit inner wall.
- The pit lane speed limit is 35 MPH. Violations other than during Enduros will be dealt with as the Steward sees fit.
- Helmets must be certified in accordance with one of the following standards: Snell SA or SAH 2015, Snell SA or SAH 2020, FIA8859-15, 8860‐2004, 2010, 2018, or their successors, SFI 31.1, or BS6658‐85 type A/FR. Helmets expire at the end of the 10th year after the year of manufacture. Helmets must have the driver’s name on the rear and have the approved PCA Club Racing Inspection sticker displayed on the left side. It is recommended that helmets be replaced or relined after 5 years of actual use.
- Drivers of vehicles without full windshields or running without a top in place (e.g., Targas without the top on) are required to have a full-face helmet with shield in place at all times while on the track.
- A head and neck restraint certified as meeting the standards of either SFI 38.1 or FIA 8858 or its successor is required. There is no expiration date for head and neck restraints, but racers should consider replacing straps after five years of use.
- A one-piece approved fire retardant driving suit which meets or exceeds SFI 3.2A/5 or FIA 8856-2000 or 2018 or their successors is required. The suit may meet SFI 3.2A/1 if fire retardant long underwear is also worn. The display of the PCA Club Racing patch on the driving suit at every PCA Club Race is strongly encouraged. Driving shoes and gloves meeting SFI 3.3/5 or FIA 8856-2000 or 2018 or their successors are required. Fire retardant sox are required. Drivers with mustaches, beards, or long hair extending below the helmet must wear a fire-retardant balaclava.
- Drivers of open cars, cabriolets and cars with non-stock, non-metal roofs must use approved arm restraints. This does not apply to stock roofs on Targas, 914’s, or factory sunroofs. The arm restraint requirement does not apply to Boxsters equipped with the allowed aftermarket plastic top as long as a custom fabricated roof net, filling the halo area of the roll cage, is installed. Custom fabrication means that a template of the actual roll cage halo area has been sent to a manufacturer of SFI or FIA-approved webbing goods, and that the product is appropriately constructed and attached to the halo bars on all four sides with webbing and metal buckles. The use of plastic tie wraps, plastic straps or elastic cords is not allowed.
- All cars are required to have a roll cage which conforms in design and materials as given in Appendix A. Exceptions to the roll cage requirement are A) GTP-class factory built prototypes which retain their original safety systems, and B) GT-6 class open-top 356s and rare or historically significant GT-6 class cars as approved by the PCA Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee.
- At a minimum, a 2-1/2 lb. or larger SFI, FIA, UL, or NFPA approved fire extinguisher capable of extinguishing B/C type fires, securely metal-to-metal mounted in the cockpit in a safe location convenient to the driver while seated and restrained is required. An on-board fire suppression system of equal or larger capacity may be substituted for a hand-held extinguisher, and is strongly recommended, and it should include external actuation in addition to driver actuation, and the external actuation must be on the cowl and be identified with the standard red circled E fire decal.
- An electrical cut-off is required, which can be either an externally accessible pull wire or externally mounted electrically operated switch. It is preferred that the cut-off switch be on the driver’s side. The location of the handle, pull, or switch must be indicated with the standard approved decal. The switch must disconnect the battery from all circuits except electrically operated on-board fire systems and must shut off the engine while it is running well above idle speed. (See Appendix C)
- All cars are required to have a dedicated one-piece race seat with routing for straps.
- Headrests, either integral with the seat or separate, are required. The headrest must extend above the midpoint of the back of the helmet on the vertical plane of the seatback with the driver in the driving position.
- All cars shall be equipped with a seat back brace, except as provided in Safety Rule 7 below, which is mounted securely to the roll cage/bar and rests firmly against the back of the seat. The seat construction must be compatible with the seat back brace and not pose a hazard to the driver. The portion that contacts a metal seat shall be a minimum of twelve square inches and bolted to the metal seat, and larger is suggested. The seat back brace for composite seats must have a minimum of thirty square inches contacting the seat back and must have 0.5” to 2” of high-density foam padding between the brace and the seat back. The seat back brace cannot be bolted to a composite seat unless the manufacturer has designed the seat to bolt to a brace. Seats constructed with a tube frame require a brace which is secured to the seat frame, not the back of the seat.
- There are two exceptions to the seat back brace requirement:
- If the seat is within 3” of the firewall, a seat back brace is not required but the area between the seat and firewall should be padded with high-density foam. At a minimum, all roll cage bars which the seat could contact if it or the mount fails must have approved roll bar padding, but thirty square inches of padding to prevent concentrated loads from tubes is recommended.
- A seat back brace is not required in cars whose seat and mounting system comply with the requirements of Appendix I.
- Five, six or seven-point SFI or FIA-approved competition harnesses are required and must be properly mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and Appendix B. Strap material must be replaced no later than two years after the date of manufacture or no later than the expiration date on the harness if present (SFI) or no later than the expiration date on the harness (FIA). Harnesses cannot be mounted to the seat or seat rail. Mounting must be to the chassis backed by large diameter washers (if stock mounts are not used) or to the roll cage. No two harness straps can be attached to a single mounting bolt. No Y-type shoulder harnesses are allowed.
- Firewalls: All cars must be equipped with a metal firewall separating the driver compartment from any area exterior to the driver compartment below the level of the window bases (e.g., the engine compartment, the transmission compartment, the fuel tanks, exhausts, or just the ground under the car) capable of preventing the intrusion of fire, fluids, gasses, or debris into the driver compartment. All openings in the firewall, including those created by the allowed removal of stock components, must be closed with a metal cover mechanically fastened over the opening. Adhesives are not mechanical. The fuel sender opening in 924/944/968s must be covered with such a metal cover. Openings in firewalls for tubes and wires, if oversized, must be substantially closed with metal covers or commercial pass throughs, with any remaining small gaps and any holes no larger than 10 mm not closed with metal shall be plugged with high temperature sealants. Drain holes in the floor pan may be open when running in the rain.
- Sunroofs must remain completely closed. Sunroof operating mechanisms must be electrically or mechanically disabled or disconnected with the sunroof locked in the closed position, and sunroof motors may be removed.
- Cabriolets must run with the soft top down or with the hardtop in place. Targa bodied cars and 914’s must run with the top in place. Targas and 914s with the top off, and cabriolets are classified as open cars (see Safety Rule 10).
- Except as otherwise specified, all cars will have both front door windows removed or down before being allowed to race and an approved window net must adequately cover the window opening area on the driver’s side (See Appendix D). “Adequate” means that the net covers all portions of the driver’s door window opening through which a hand or head of the driver, with the seat in the driving position, is likely to protrude outside the car in a crash. If a window net will adequately prevent the driver’s helmet from getting outside the car but not protect hands, the driver may race if arm restraints (both arms) are used in conjunction with the window net.
- Triangular window nets, as approved by FIA or SFI for sedan race cars, can be used without the necessity of arm restraints assuming that the net is mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. PCA Club Racing advises that the triangular nets without arm restraints do not provide equivalent protection as rectangular nets. Racers choosing to use triangular nets without arm restraints acknowledge and accept this additional risk of injury.
- GTP class factory-built or recognized prototypes may run with windows “up” in the configuration raced professionally and without a net if that was the rule when raced. GT, GTC3 and higher, or GTA cars may run with plastic side windows in place, with or without a sliding opening panel. For GTA and GTC3 and higher, the plastic window must be “as delivered” on the car from Porsche. For GT cars, the plastic window must be easily removable in an emergency and must have been designed, built and marketed for motorsports by a recognized manufacturer and approved by the PCA Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee (no “home-built” windows). Plastic door windows on these cars may be removed for ventilation, but removal of a driver’s door window means a complying window net must be used. If a plastic door window is replaced, it may be attached with rivets or other equivalent fasteners, but if so, attached on the driver’s door, a complying window net must be used
- Floor mats must be removed.
- All hubcaps and center caps must be removed.
- Lug nuts, lug bolts, and wheel studs must be steel or titanium, with engagement at least equal to the diameter of the thread.
- The use of overly wide spacers which place higher than normal vertical loads on spindles and bearings is a safety hazard and will, therefore, not be allowed.
- All oil lines on the pressure side of the oil pump(s) must be thread-on connections equal to or better than the factory, i.e. No slip-on oil lines to coolers, etc. Plastic connectors for lines which convey liquids may be replaced with metal connectors.
- Steering wheels containing wood are prohibited.
- Tinting of windows is not encouraged and in no case may tinting be any darker than that supplied by the factory.
- Cars must have two working brake lights, at least as bright as stock. Corner workers are instructed to notify the National Steward if a car has less than two brake lights on the track. If the car has no brake lights, it will be black-flagged. If car has only one brake light while on track, the National Scrutineers will attempt to notify the driver after the session.
- Cameras or other instrumentation mounted on the exterior or protruding beyond the bodywork must be secured with a tether of suitable strength so that the device, if it has come loose, will have minimal ability to flail around, and in no case will be able to hit a tire or the ground or break the tether.
- All cars must be equipped with a video recording device capable of recording what is in the driver’s forward field of vision and equipped with a card or other means of showing the video on a computer screen after a session. A second camera or lens pointing backward is highly recommended. It is the driver’s responsibility to understand the operation of the device, to ensure that the device is aimed properly, has adequate power and memory to record the session, and that it is turned on when the car leaves the grid.
- Drones are not allowed at Club Races.
- Any tire deemed unsafe by the National PCA Stewards will be disallowed. No car may enter the track with cord showing on any tire.
- Ballast, where allowed, must be securely bolted to the chassis.
- An FIA or equivalent rain light is required to be turned on when on track in conditions wet enough to reduce visibility.
- Metal tire valve stems and valve stem caps, or rubber valve stems with metal valve stem caps and valve stem supports, are recommended.
- Drivers of water-cooled cars should be aware that anti-freeze is a slippery substance and consideration should be given to using water only, a reduced concentration of anti-freeze, or an anti-freeze substitute.
- Fuel cells are allowed in all classes and strongly recommended for Modified Class cars. When mounted in any class other than GT or GTP, the fuel cell must be in the stock gas tank location.
- A single opening (port) dry break filler may be installed in the stock gas cap location under the gas cap door, and modifications may be made to the fuel filler tube leading to the gas tank, and for ancillary equipment required by the system. If a fuel cell is installed, it may include any dry break system attached directly to the fuel cell and accessible only by opening the hood. GT and GTA cars have no limitations on how a dry break is installed on the car or accessed if it is safe.
- Exterior window clips and straps are allowed to ensure retention of the windshield and rear glazing.
- The base of the steering knuckle below the strut attachments on 924, 944 and 968-based cars may be machined, modified, gusseted, and otherwise strengthened to integrate the pin which attaches to the spherical bearing in the A-arm ball joint into the knuckle, as long as there is no dimensional change between the lower ball joint center and the knuckle attachments, attachment plane, and spindle.
- 924s, 944s, and 968s, in every class, may add a bolted or welded flat plate to the front firewall where the clutch master cylinder attaches in order to reinforce the area where cracks may develop due to the master cylinder mounting. This modification may serve no other purpose.
- All cars not in the GTC class with ABS systems are allowed to install the following modifications:
- A reset switch may be installed.
- B. The brake booster diameter may be reduced to achieve a 3.5:1 ratio with part number 996.355.923.90, the master cylinder bore may be increased to 27mm with part number 997.355.910.30, or both, or any other 996/997 Porsche parts which change nothing related to their performance other than to the allowed ratio or bore. This option is only available in models where the changed parts have 996 or 997 part numbers and will directly bolt in without modification
- PSM may be disabled by disconnecting its multi-pin connector.
- Every ABS whose PWIS programming includes an option for a PCCB flash may use that flash.
- 911s with door window frames may remove the wing window glass and the support upright to its rear. The wing window may be replaced with plastic.
- Any model which came with an air-oil separator may replace it with any air-oil separator.
- Unless otherwise restricted by class rules, cable shift cars any may use any substitute cable and cable end.
- Quick-release steering wheel hubs are allowed.
- Brake caliper piston material is free in all classes.
- It is recommended that airbags be disabled or removed.
- Starting with the 981 and 991 models, Porsche has used a cast aluminum front shock tower. Excessive loading of the front suspension can cause the aluminum to fracture. These and subsequent models with the aluminum front shock towers in a Stock or Improved class may make the following modification: Install the Porsche front strut plate reinforcements right 991-504-284-8A and left 981-504-283-8A, successor Porsche parts, or an aftermarket equivalent such as the SP Motorsports strut tower support bracket kit, together with such fasteners and spacers as needed. These plates bolt onto the top of the shock tower and connect to the shock tower in two additional places.
The following flags will be standard in PCA Club Racing:
Green: Start of session or race, course is clear.
Yellow: Caution. Stationary – hazard ahead, no passing. Waving – Danger, slow down safely, no passing.
NOTE: You may not pass after the yellow flag until after the reason for the flag has been passed and you are sure that there are no further incidents between that point and the next flag station which is not displaying a yellow flag.
Double Yellow: Caution. No passing, full course yellow. Form up on the lead car and resume racing with green flag at start/finish in single file.
White: Emergency, service or slow moving vehicle on the course.
Blue/Yellow Diagonal: Information flag. Competitor may be trying to pass you. Check your mirrors.
Black/Orange Disc: Your car may have a mechanical fault. Stop at the Black Flag impound and see the National Scrutineer.
Yellow/Red Stripes: Slippery surface or debris on the track.
Black: (closed/furled – from starter’s stand and/or Black Flag station) Warning. You are driving over-aggressively or unsafely.
Black: (open – from starter’s stand and/or Black Flag station) – Stop at Black Flag impound and see National Scrutineer.
Black: (open – from all corners) – Session is halted. Reduce speed safely, no passing, stop racing. Pull into hot pits and follow directions. No work on cars allowed until flag condition is green during a race. Cars may pull out of line to pit wall but no work on car until green. During PRACTICE may work on car and go to back of field to reenter track.
Red: Pull safely to the side of the track and await directions. Any racer who ignores a Red Flag Condition, continues to race and/or pass other cars may be dismissed from the Event.
Checkered: Finish of session or race.
To qualify as finishing the car must be running on track when the leader crosses the finish line and subsequently cross the finish line timing loop on track or in the hot pit if it is possible at that track. Failure to do so will result in a DNF.
Any racer whose car is reported passing under a Yellow Flag condition during a race will have the car’s number placed on a whiteboard at the hot pit black flag station or other location in the hot pit which the car must pass to enter the paddock. Drivers whose car number is on this board have 30 minutes to see the steward with their video and other evidence to show that the report of passing was incorrect. If a driver does not persuade the steward that the report was in error, a one-lap penalty will be assessed. If a driver fails to report to the steward, a one-lap penalty will be assessed.
Any racer who ignores a Black Flag during a race will be assessed a one-minute penalty for each Black Flag passed.
Any racer who ignores a Black Flag All during a race will be assessed a stop-and-go penalty under green flag conditions. If the infraction occurs on the last lap or two, and it is not possible to assess the stop-and-go penalty, the racer shall be penalized one lap.
Any racer who passes under a Yellow Flag condition or ignores a Black Flag during practice, qualifying or warm up will be given a 6 starting position penalty in the next session.
- The driver attempting a pass has the responsibility to complete a clean pass.
- The car ahead at turn-in has the corner but does not “own” the corner.
- Everyone must leave racing room.
STOCK CARS – Classes A thru M
Any vehicle in the stock classes, including prepared vehicles, must have been sold by Porsche to be registered for use on public highways (i.e., not a factory race car), be listed in the Class Weight Tables, and prepared for racing in conformance with the safety provisions of these rules and with only the deletions, substitutions, and additions of parts and modifications from a street legal vehicle allowed below. Euro-spec cars with higher factory horsepower ratings will automatically progress up one stock class if not listed as “Euro” in the Class Weight Tables. Special editions will generally not be added to the Class Weight Tables any longer. New special or limited edition models, and those removed from the Weight Tables for simplification, may be raced under Stock or Prepared rules if the owner contacts the PCA Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee for approval. The car must be an actual special edition vehicle, and not a clone. Unlisted special edition cars may not be used as the basis for update/backdate purposes. If approved by the Committee, a class and weight will be assigned so a Log Book can be issued.
In certain instances, non-factory parts may be used to replace worn or damaged factory parts, to increase reliability, and to decrease the chances of fluid or debris spills. In addition to those allowed in the specific numbered rules, the following non-factory parts may be used. In no instance shall such parts be allowed if they serve to increase the car’s performance.
- Consumables or parts which can be obtained at general retail outlets for auto parts may be aftermarket parts, including fluids, filters, seals, gaskets, general hardware, belts, hoses, spark plugs and wires, and brake lines.
- Aftermarket bearings and bearing retainers.
- Parts substitution on the stock classes will be allowed when original parts are no longer available, subject to case by case approval by the Technical & Rules Chair. The racer making the request must provide documentation of the search for the correct part and the specifications of the proposed substitute. Approved substitutions will be added to the rules in the following year.
- Engine
- As delivered from factory. No modifications after the air filter box or before the exhaust headers. Mass flow sensor may not be relocated. Modifications before the engine side of the air filter box (e.g., aftermarket air filters, modification of the stock air filter cover, omitting the air filter element entirely, ducting air without making openings in tub or bodywork) are allowed.
- Machining of rotating or reciprocating parts for balancing is allowed as long as the work serves no other purpose and the balanced parts meet the minimum factory-specified weight.
- Stock, for the year, fuel injection must be retained, except carburetors may be substituted for mechanical fuel injection. 911 SCs may use any CIS setting, and any CIS parts found on a Porsche, aftermarket electronic WURs are allowed, and control of the frequency valve on US models from 1980-1983 may be aftermarket.
- Chips are free in pre-OBDII cars, so long as the stock rev limit, and boost control on turbocharged engines, is retained. Electronic fuel injection must retain stock ECU and KLR chip (if applicable), and the OBDII flash may not be altered. 1984 through 1989 911 Carreras may use any ECU/DME native to US 911 Carreras during those model years.
- Turbocharged cars cannot exceed factory-specified maximum boost, nor can any of the stock turbocharger, turbocharger plumbing or boost control components be replaced with non-stock components or altered in any way that could affect performance.
- Exhaust system is free providing the engine meets any local noise limit requirements. On turbocharged cars, the manifold and other exhaust piping between the exit of the port on the head and the entrance to the stock turbocharger is part of the exhaust system. All components which serve only to control emissions may be removed, and cars are not required to meet emissions standards, but this does not permit altering electronic programming where chips, flashes, or ECUs must remain stock other than to remove an emission related CEL.
- All air conditioning components may be removed. The heater core for water cooled cars with integrated air conditioning and heat systems may be removed.
- Radiators are free in water-cooled cars. Radiators must be installed in the stock location.
- The heater blower on the motor may be removed from air-cooled cars. Plates or ducts to close the openings for the heater flex ducts are allowed.
- Oil coolers are free.
- Baffling of stock dry sump oil tanks or wet sump engine oil pans, and use of an oil pressure accumulator (e.g., Accusump ™, to prevent oil starvation is permitted. In addition, M96 and M97 sump-in-block motors (Boxster, Cayman, 996, and 997) may make the following modifications, which may not also serve as a performance advantage: aftermarket oil pump hex drives, replacement of the oil to water cooler with an oil to air cooler and fan, any Porsche internal oil pump, additional oil scavenge pumps with allowance of an electric brake booster, any deep wet sump and baffling, any drain plug, any thermostat, and additional oil filtration.
- The dual mass flywheel on a 964, 968, or 993 may be replaced with a single mass, ferrous material (magnetic) flywheel. Aluminum flywheels with a ferrous wear surface are not allowed. The clutch disk must be the stock diameter. Suggested substitutions are:
- ’90-’94 911 or RS America may use 964 RS flywheel
- ’95-’98 993 may use 993 RS flywheel
- 968 may use 944S2 or 968 Turbo S flywheel. The matching clutch and bell housing are allowed.
- Any ignition trigger which uses a standard distributor with stock style cap and rotor to deliver the charge to the appropriate cylinder is permitted. 911 SCs may use any distributor, including aftermarket distributors which allow electronic adjustment of the spark curve, so long as a distributor is used to distribute the spark.
- Valve springs, retainers, and clips are free.
- Any spark coil and CD unit is allowed. This does not permit crankfire or coil-on plug systems on models where these are not stock. The stock engine revolution limiter and function must be retained. 1980-1983 US SCs may use a 7,000 rpm rev limiter.
- An underdrive pulley on the crankshaft for the power steering belt may be used in Boxster/Cayman. Otherwise, underdrive pulleys are a “prepared” change. A power steering cooler may be inserted into the power steering system.
- Boxster, Cayman and 997 cars may change all power steering system lines and fittings to -8 or smaller Aeroquip style and add a cooler for the power steering pump.
- Pistons, wrist pins, and cylinders may be OEM versions of the factory parts. Aftermarket rings may be used. Aftermarket valves of the factory dimensions and at least equivalent weight may be used. Sodium filled valves may be replaced with solid valves. Aftermarket valve guides may be used as long as the part which protrudes into the port is at least the same size as factory.
- Any valve cover may be used.
- Aftermarket fuel rails are allowed in front-engine cars as long as the stock fuel pressure regulator and damper are used, and fuel pressures are stock.
- Damaged or worn 944 and 968 engine blocks/cylinders may be re-sleeved to the stock ID, and modifications may be made to the block to improve the block to cylinder head seal, but the pistons must remain stock/OEM.
- When the bores of the water-cooled boxer motors with a block rather than a case (Boxsters, Caymans, 996, 997, and later) are beyond factory wear limits or otherwise damaged, they may be re-sleeved. If the liner is plated with Nikasil, an aftermarket piston of a design and manufacture approved by the PCA Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee may be used. Approval will be given to pistons of the same weight, ring size and location, compatibility with the stock rods, piston crown shape offering no flow advantage, and compression ratio no greater than stock, along with a reasonable means of identifying the parts as approved by borescope if feasible and parts invoices. Approvals will be added to the rules in the following year. This approval applies to Stock/Prepared, SP996, SP997, SPB, SPC, and GTB.
- 911s from 1970-1998 may use the aluminum housing/cast iron plate Sachs Sport pressure plate. Rubber-centered disks may be replaced with disks which are not rubber-centered.
- Air-cooled 911s may use any stock Porsche oil pump available on stock 911s with Metzger engine cases.
- Aftermarket starter motors are allowed.
- 928s may install a dry sump system.
- The clutch disk and pressure plate must be factory or aftermarket stock equivalent.
- Suspension
- Suspension pick-up points must remain as stock in location and type.
- Spacers to adjust the height of the steering rack and pinion are allowed.
- Shock absorbers are free providing they are in the same location and use the same pick-up points as supplied by the factory, with no limits on adjustability or location of the reservoir. Electronically adjustable shocks are only allowed on models so equipped from the factory, and those must remain stock. Only the stock electronically adjustable shocks may be adjusted, using the factory switch, by the seated driver. If a hose passes through an inner fender well to accommodate an external reservoir, a bulkhead fitting or tight rubber grommet must be used to seal the hole.
- Non-factory shock housings with potentially adjustable spindle height are allowed if welded in the stock position and the hub matches factory dimensions.
- Any suspension setting not requiring machining or modification of factory parts is allowed. 911s through 1998 may enlarge the camber/caster holes in the sheet metal at the top of the front strut towers to allow more alignment adjustment (e.g., more negative camber). This does not allow altering the shock tower generally for side clearance of the shock body – just the space where the adjusters move. 996 and later bodied models may cut upper shock mount sheet metal to allow full use of the factory adjustment slots if shock adjusters protrude enough to hit the metal, but only enough as is needed for the adjustment purpose.
- Bolt-in devices (e.g., camber plates) that allow for camber adjustment at the top of the shock are allowed. Machining of the shock tower is not permitted. Shock dust covers may be removed.
- Spring type must remain as supplied by the factory.
- Spring rates are free, but torsion bars must be of stock length, with their ends fixed only in the stock locations, and able to rotate freely within the stock torsion tubes.
- Sway bar sizes and configuration are free but may not be cockpit adjustable by the driver.
- Suspension and drive train mounting bushing and vibration-absorbing materials are free. Replacement of these materials cannot alter the suspension or drive train geometry of the vehicle.
- “Hydropneumatic” suspension may be replaced by torsion bar/shock absorber suspension.
- Camber compensating devices for 356’s are free and strongly recommended.
- Braces between the front shock towers are allowed as long as they bolt in to existing suspension or other fasteners, or otherwise unused holes in the stock tub, or rest unattached on a bulkhead in the vertical plane of the shock towers and may also extend diagonally forward from the shock towers but may not extend to the rear of the shock towers.
- Adjustable spring plates that do not change suspension geometry or pivot points are allowed.
- 944/968 aluminum front control arms (A-arms) may be replaced with a part approved by PCA Club Racing or an appropriately modified early factory steel part.
- Toe links may be replaced in 993/996/Boxster/Cayman. 993s may use aftermarket links if they are the same length as the OEM toe link when adjusted by the eccentric. 996/Boxster/Cayman that replace the toe links must use the GT3 adjustable inside rear toe links.
- OEM two-piece lower control arms are allowed on 996/997/Boxster/Cayman.
- McPherson strut spindles may be gusseted to the strut.
- Aftermarket 2-piece lower control arms are allowed on the 996/997/991/Boxster/Cayman as long as camber is not adjusted to exceed what can be achieved with the allowed GT3 part. 992s may run aftermarket lower control arms.
- The 964 RS America steering rack may be replaced with the stock 964 power steering system, which may be powered by an aftermarket electric/hydraulic pump system.
- Tires and Wheels
- Any DOT (or its European equivalent) approved, nationally marketed, generally available tire which is allowed on public roads is allowed, even if it is a “road race version” and its manufacturer does not recommend its use on public highways. “V” or higher speed-rated tires are required for all cars, except those for which “V” rated tires are not universally available. In all cases, the speed rating of the tire must be equal to or greater than the speed potential of the vehicle.
- Wheel type, style, and diameter are free, providing wheel meets or exceeds factory safety specifications.
- Wheel width may be no more than one inch wider than originally supplied wheel. Any tire combination which fits inside the stock body without rubbing and without modification exceeding “rolling” or “grinding” of the outer fender lip is allowed. Models whose widest original rim was less than six inches will be considered to have been originally supplied with six-inch rims for the purposes of this rule. See Appendix J for a nearly complete listing of original widths.
- Brakes
- Brake pad material is free. Insulating and radiating plates may be installed between pad and piston.
- B. Brake calipers and rotors must be as supplied by the factory for the year and type of vehicle. 911s which came with the aluminum S caliper may substitute the iron A caliper for pre-1984 911s. Caliper pistons of alternate material are allowed. The PCCB option is treated as a Prepared change.
- Grooving/slotting/cross drilling of rotors is allowed.
- Ducting of air to brakes is allowed. Blower motors may be installed to pump air to brakes. Water may not be used to cool brakes.
- Removal of dust shields (backing plates) is allowed. Openings in hubs may be blocked.
- Brake fluid is free.
- Master Cylinders must be as supplied by the factory, except that early production cars may update to a tandem master cylinder to provide the safety of a dual circuit system. Adjustable brake bias may not be added to cars not originally equipped with it.
- Rubber brake lines may be replaced with stainless steel braid-covered lines.
- 914s may use aftermarket rear brake bias adjusters and relocate them to more convenient position for bleeding as long as they cannot be adjusted by the driver while driving.
- The emergency brake lever, cables, and associated parts may be removed.
- Transmission
- Ratios of ring and pinion and individual gear sets must be as supplied by the factory.
- Transmission coolers are free.
- Any limited slip differentials (LSDs) derived from a mechanical type that was delivered in a street-legal Porsche is allowed. No locked differentials will be permitted.
- Modification to, or substitution of, the shifter mechanism which reduces the range of motion is allowed. The shifter console may be raised.
- Aftermarket transmission gears, mainshafts, ring gears, pinion gears, operating sleeves, and engagement teeth identical to stock factory parts may be used. Synchronizers may be of any material.
- In the 915 transmission, any 5th gear taller than the 5th gear proper for the model, may be substituted for the stock 5th. The Euro SC may run the US 3.2 Carrera 5th. SCs and 3.2 Carreras with the 915 may run US or ROW 2ds and 4ths.
- Body/Chassis/Interior
- Chassis/body, with the exception of bumpers and spoilers, must be the same material and configuration as supplied by the factory. Sheet metal modifications in the rear deck, trunk, and spare tire compartment as required for installation of a fuel cell are allowed. Aftermarket reproduction body parts may be used for repair as long as they are of the same material as the factory parts, are identical in configuration, and of the same thickness and weight.
- Additional flat metal no more than twice the thickness of the adjacent panel may be bolted or welded to reinforce suspension mounting points or repair chassis cracks. Added material may not otherwise provide chassis stiffening beyond the repair of worn areas. Welded material cannot be used for ballast.
- Ducts mounted through the bumper for fender-mounted oil coolers are allowed; headlight buckets must be retained, and body panels cannot be cut.
- Lexan windshields of appropriate thickness and quality of construction are allowed. The rear quarter (side) window glass may be replaced with plastic as long as it includes an air duct for driver comfort.
- E. Seats are free.as long as the driver’s seat meets the safety requirements. The passenger seat may be removed.
- Any ballast to meet weight must be placed entirely in the driving compartment and be securely bolted to the chassis.
- Steering wheels, subject to safety rules, and shift knobs are free.
- Spoilers and bumpers/air dams are free providing they do not exceed maximum factory body width by any amount, maximum factory body length by more than 1 inch, or maximum spoiler height of the vehicle by more than 6 inches. 911s through 1989 may extend a permitted air dam rearward under the car to the front of the stock gas tank chassis opening, extended sideways at right angles to the car centerline. Channels or ducts may be incorporated into the portion of this extension outboard of the tub for the purpose of channeling front brake cooling air. Turn signals, headlights, parking lights and tail lights must be retained in any bumper replacement. Fog lights may be removed. Rear spoilers incorporated into deck lids are allowed.
- Factory Aerokit wings are treated as a prepared change.
- Modifications to the underside of the vehicle for the purpose of improving aerodynamics are not allowed.
- All interior finish items except the complete dash (less any portion necessarily removed to accommodate roll cage bars) may be removed. This includes headliners, carpeting, paneling, glove box, consoles, coat hooks, lever boots, and the front passenger seat. These allowed modifications must conform to the spirit of the PCA Club Racing Program, i.e., be aesthetically pleasing. Additional gauges may be added but the stock dash and its covering must be retained. Radios, speakers, and other stock entertainment or communication systems and components may be removed as long as dash and exterior body holes are covered. The glove box cover may be removed if roll bars interfere with its operation, but the hole must be covered. Original seat belts and retractors may be removed.
- Any interior rear-view mirror is allowed.
- Airbags may be removed or disabled.
- Spare tires must be secured or removed.
- The soft top and its mechanisms may be removed from cabriolets to accommodate the roll cage.
- Boxsters may run with no top, with the factory hard top, or with an aftermarket fiberglass hardtop replica secured to the roll cage. If the replica top is used, the rear window may be Lexan of stock configuration with no venting.
- Factory-installed rollover protection may be removed to facilitate installation of a roll cage (e.g., Boxster, 911 cabriolet pop-ups).
- Brake and clutch pedal covers may be removed, and material may be attached to the pedals to alter their height and width. Accelerator pedals are free.
- Headlights may be removed but the opening must be covered.
- 1974-1989 G series 911s and 930s may remove the rocker panel skirting and its rubber strip.
- Aftermarket fuse boxes are allowed. Fuse panels may be replaced and relocated. The immobilizer box may be relocated inside the passenger compartment. Electrical wiring for parts which may be removed may be removed.
- Windshield washer components may be removed. The windshield wiper arms and blades may be removed.
- Boxsters and Caymans may make the rear bumper cover venting and bumper alterations allowed in SPC Rule 6.2) (cut out license plate area, with an option to replace the bumper with a less obstructive steel piece).
- Hood pins or equivalent are allowed front and rear, and if installed stock latch mechanisms may be removed or disabled.
- Seam sealer, undercoating, weather stripping, and tubing for water drainage may be removed. Plastic fender liners may be removed or can have holes cut in them. Thermal insulation and shielding may be removed.
Updating or backdating is allowed provided the converted vehicle meets all specifications of vehicle to which it is converted, i.e., it is a duplicate in all regards. Such vehicles must have a Log Book with all technical data that references the car to the class in which it is running. The body and chassis must match the year and model for the vehicle to which it is converted; updates and backdates are only permitted across model years sharing the same basic underlying unibody. Using 911s as an example, the chassis groupings are: up to 1973, 1974-1989, 964s, 993s, 996s, 997s, 991s. Cars updated or backdated across these lines will only be allowed if issued a Log Book indicating conversion before 2009. Special edition cars not listed in the Class Weight Tables may not be used as the basis for updating or backdating unless the conversion is used to remove the “special” features which affect competition potential.
Any vehicle meeting the criteria for a stock Porsche per the previous rules and having one or more of the following changes will progress one stock class down the alphabet (e.g., E to F) except as noted. Cars whose original stock class is M may not make any of the prepared modifications and remain in a stock class. Any such modification will result in reclassification to the appropriate modified class based on modified class criteria alone. Note that prepared cars are classified as stock and compete in the appropriate Class A-M; therefore, except as noted below, all stock rules take precedence.
- Engine: The following modifications are allowed:
- ECU (DME) may be reprogrammed or reflashed, but this cannot affect boost on turbocharged cars.
- Factory available power packages for 930, 3.3L 964 Turbo, 3.6L 964 Turbo, 996, 996 Turbo, and 997 and later (e.g., X33, X88, X51, X50).
- Substitution of carburetors for electronic fuel injection on 914’s.
- Modifications/changes/substitutions of carburetors/venturis on carbureted cars.
- Non-standard ignition system. The number of spark plugs must remain the same as stock.
- Flywheels are free. Clutch disk must be the stock diameter.
- Substitution of carburetors or mechanical fuel injection for CIS or Motronic systems on 911’s, engine unmodified from intake port to exhaust port, progresses up two stock classes. If carburetors are the only Prepared change, the car progresses up only one stock class.
- Substitution of mass flow system for stock air flow metering system progresses up two stock classes. EFI conversion for cars which did not come with it progresses the car up two stock classes.
- Underdrive pulleys except for power steering belt on Boxster/Cayman.
- Cold air intake devices that alter the path of intake air after the air filter box and before the throttle body on Boxsters, Caymans and 911s from 1999 to present.
- Caymans, Boxsters, and water cooled 911s may use any intake throttle body and plenum.
- Suspension
- Slotting of the shock tower is allowed.
- Spacers to adjust the height of the tie rod end at the steering arm are allowed.
- McPherson strut spindles may be raised.
- Aftermarket electro-hydraulic power steering pumps may be installed as a Prepared modification, as long as their hose end fittings will attach to an unaltered stock power rack and pinion assembly, and if this is done the power steering pump on the engine may be removed or disabled and idlers and belts may be changed accordingly.
- Tires and Wheels – Wheels two inches wider than originally supplied and any tire combination which fits under the fender is allowed. Tires and wheels must comply with Stock rules 3A-D.
- Brakes
- Calipers, non-adjustable pressure limiters, rotors, brake booster and master cylinder are free, except the number of master cylinders must be as supplied by the factory.
- Alternate ABS control units that do not provide traction control are permitted.
- Transmission
- Ratio of the ring and pinion may be changed. For 996/997/Boxster/Cayman where there is no alternate ring and pinion available, a gear set for all forward gears not on the main shaft may be substituted if the resulting gear ratios for the substituted gears are equivalent to a ring and pinion change.
- All E-gas models may use an aftermarket downshift blipper.
- Body/Chassis/Interior
- Ducting of exterior body panels for additional cooling is allowed provided it does not change size and shape of factory panels. This does not allow scoops or louvers.
- Slope nose conversions are allowed; however, tire/wheel requirements must remain as per above.
- Fender flaring is allowed using factory material
- Rear wings may be added. For 911/914/Cayman/Boxster models, the wing may not be any higher, relative to a line parallel to the ground at the maximum height of the roof, than a factory (non-extended) 3.8 RSR wing (10” below roofline). For 924/928/944/968 models, the wing may not be any higher, relative to the roofline, than a factory (non-extended) 968 Turbo S/RS wing (9” below roofline). Wings may not exceed maximum factory body width by any amount, or maximum factory body length by more than 1 inch.
- Weight: Prepared cars may run at 100 pounds less than their base stock class weight.
944 (SP1, SP2 and SP3),
911 (911 CUP, SPEC 911, SP996, SP997), and
Mid-Engine (SPB), ME1, and SPC
The Spec Classes are more limited in the number of models in a class, and differ on the modifications allowed, than the Stock/Prepared letter classes. There are ten different classes; 3 classes are for front-engine 4-cylinder Porsches and are designated SP1, SP2, and SP3. 911 Cup and SP911 are for air-cooled 911s with engine displacements of 3.0L and 3.2L. SPB is for Boxsters with engine displacements of 2.5L. SP996 is for 996 C2 coupes with engine displacements of 3.4 and 3.6L. SP997 is for 997.2 C2 S Coupes (3.8 liters) and C2 Coupes (3.6 liters) from model years 2009-2012. ME1 is for 2.7 liter Boxsters and Caymans. SPC is for the 06-08 Cayman S.
All ten classes have the following GENERAL RULES:
- Parts: All parts must be factory stock from one of the eligible year models, except where otherwise noted. Stock parts may be updated or backdated, except where otherwise noted.
- Allowed Modifications: Only those modifications specified for each Spec Class are allowed.
- Class Markings and Numbers: Shall comply with the PCA Club Racing General Rules and shall be designated as “SP”
- SP1, 2, and 3 cars are eligible to compete in the PCA 944 Series as well as the PCA Club Racing National Championship series. Details of the PCA 944 Series are found on the Club Race website.
- Other venues have rules similar to SP1and SPB. The PCA rules for allowed modifications are generally congruent with these other sets of rules, but racers who are considering racing with those venues should examine both sets of rules to avoid anything not allowed in one or the other sets of rules.
SP1 Class Rules and SP1 Eligible Models
SP1 1983-1988 Porsche 944, Normally Aspirated, 2479 cc, 8-valve engine
1987-1988 Porsche 924S, 2479 cc, 8-valve engine
An SP1 car may be built from any year chassis in the eligible models as well as 1987-1988 944S and 1989 944. All components must conform to the list of eligible models and the allowed modifications. Aftermarket parts designed and sold as direct replacements for stock Porsche original equipment (OE) parts with no change in performance or weight may be used, except where genuine Porsche OE parts are specified in the rules.
- Ballast: Any ballast to meet weight must be bolted through the floor pan on the passenger side of the cockpit, no further rearward than the front holes of the front seat mounting seat bolts. Ballast must be adequately secured; the floor pan may be reinforced to ensure secure mounting. Parts of significant weight which are allowed to be removed but are not will be considered ballast, as will substitute parts which are significantly heavier than stock.
- Engine
- All engines, components, and parts must have been offered for sale in the U.S. in a Porsche 944 from model years 1983-1988 with 2.5 liter normally aspirated eight-valve engines only. All engines and their internal components must remain stock, except as provided by these rules, and within factory specified tolerances. Engine blocks, crankshafts, pistons, connecting rods, camshaft, head casting and cam tower casting must be genuine Porsche OE parts, or parts approved for SP1 in Appendix F. Cars may be updated and backdated with parts from the Porsche 944 and 924S from model years 1983-1988 with 2.5-liter normally aspirated eight-valve engines only. Engines with the 9.5:1 compression ratio pistons may use a two-degree offset camshaft timing key.
- Balancing and lightening of engine parts and engine components is not allowed.
- Any radiator that mounts in the factory OEM stock location may be used. The upper mount rail and both left and right-side rails must remain in their original position and be used as radiator supports. Heater core bypass or block off systems is allowed. No additional water cooling devices are allowed. Radiator fans may be directly wired with switches, and fans/fan shrouds may be removed or replaced with any fan or fans. Any thermostat is allowed. The upper radiator ducting is free.
- Cylinder heads may be shaved to limits listed to achieve the maximum compression ratio of 10.5:1 for all eligible model years. This is intended to provide sufficient allowance to true the head more than once.
- Minimum thickness for installed heads is 0.929in (23.59mm) for 9.5:1 pistons and 0.965in (24.51mm) for 10.2:1 pistons as measured to the surface of the block from the factory reference location as show on factory manual page 15-16a dimension A. This installed measurement includes the head gasket thickness and allowance for some variation of head gasket crush and measurement. The surfaces can be accessed by removing only the intake boot. Tampering with the measurement surfaces in a way that distorts the actual head thickness measurement will be subject to penalties.
- Uninstalled minimum head thickness measurements are as follows 0.891in (22.62mm) for 9.5:1 pistons and 0.927in (23.54mm) for 10.2:1 pistons as measured in factory specified location and assume use of a stock 1.1 mm (.043in) head gasket. Factory repair 1.4mm (0.055in) head gaskets may also be used and their extra thickness must be taken into account if a head is inspected after being removed from the engine. For reference the factory specified head thickness is 24.0mm +/- 0.1 (.945 in +/- .004).
- The following engine modifications are allowed to improve reliability:
- Crankshafts may have one additional hole drilled in each rod journal. Internal crank galleys may be enlarged up to 0.395”.
- A “trap door” baffle in the bottom of the oil pan may be added. Non-stock windage trays and non-stock crank scrapers are not allowed.
- A ring may be added around the oil pickup screen, and the oil pickup and drain tube may be reinforced or supported.
- A steam vent may be added, consisting of a hole drilled into the rear vertical surface of the cylinder head. A thread fitting shall be installed with a hose routed to the coolant expansion tank.
- 944 turbo valve springs are allowed.
- Brackets to keep the oil pan gasket in place are allowed.
- The crankcase breather may terminate in a catch can.
- The block may be sleeved to the original 2.5-liter specification.
- The fuel lines may be replaced with lines of the same inner diameter as stock, in the same routing location and of the same length.
- Any external oil cooler may be added or used to replace the factory oil cooler.
- The throttle body and intake manifold must remain stock genuine Porsche OE with no modifications. The air flow meter must be genuine Porsche OE but can be adjusted (tuned). Any air filter or filtration system may be used. Air may be ducted to the air flow meter from the stock location, or from either the turn signal or fog light buckets, which must retain the stock opening dimensions. The throttle cam may be modified or replaced.
- Any spark plug and spark plug wires may be used.
- The stock genuine Porsche OE computer engine management system (DME) or the Focus 9 Technology 944-Spec DME is allowed. The DME relay may be deleted or replaced by the Focus 9 Technology DME.
- Genuine Porsche OE exhaust manifold (headers) must be retained. Headers may be welded to repair cracks and may be wrapped so long as the wrap is removable. Headers may not be coated or painted. Exhaust system after header is free.
- The engine wire harness may be repaired or simplified. Additional sensors may be added for monitoring only and may not alter engine operation.
- All emissions controls as well as the idle stabilization valve and the auxiliary air valve may be removed or modified. Unused vacuum ports shall be plugged. The vacuum reservoir tank may be removed.
- Alternators may be relocated or repositioned; the alternator may be mounted no lower than the position defined by the factory AC delete bracket.
- The Lindsey Racing Billet fuel rail system with stock style 10 regulators (p.n LRK-944-FRAIL-Bosch) is allowed.
- Turbo and approved aftermarket substitute rods are allowed.
- Transmission/Differential
- Any clutch disc may be used. Pressure plate and flywheel must be OEM or an exact equivalent for the model.
- Transmission must retain 3.889 final drive ratio.
- First through fourth gear must remain stock for the Porsche 1983-1988 944 naturally aspirated and 924S models. Updating to the stock shorter fifth gear from the 924S and the 1988 944 is allowed. The 1989 ASG/ASH (2.7) transmission is allowed (same ratios as all the other allowed transmissions).
- Transmission shift linkage may be modified to repair worn components. The length of the shift lever and distance of throw of the shifter may not be modified.
- 944 turbo half shafts and CV joints may be used.
- Single mounts found on later cars may have gaps filled with urethane.
- A transmission oil cooler and oil pump is allowed, and they may be external to the transmission.
- Only the following limited modifications from OEM are allowed to the shift linkage:
- The shift lever may be the Only944.com 944 Shifter.
- The shift linkage locating arms may be Only944.com 944SLA
- The shift lever may be modified to accept any shift knob so long as its overall length does not change.
- All shift linkage components may be modified to remove play as long as there is no change in the geometry.
- Suspension/Wheels/Tires
- Except as specified, all suspension components must be stock parts and mounted in unmodified original factory mounting locations. Updating or backdating of suspension components (e.g., control arms, trailing arms, hubs, spindles, or factory spacers) from eligible model years is allowed provided the maximum track width is not exceeded. The Lindsey Racing three-piece front cross member (p/n LRA-951-XMEM) with stock suspension pickup points is allowed.
- The maximum track width for all cars shall not exceed the stock 944 width (front and rear). The 924S models may increase stock width by updating suspension components or adding spacers provided tires do not touch the fenders or springs at any point in the suspension travel.
- Shocks must be either the original factory installed shocks or the following models and part numbers. Custom valving is not allowed.
Koni | Front: 8641-1038 Sport, 8641-1414 Sport Rear: 26-1209 Sport, 8040-1035 Sport |
Bilstein | Front P30-0104 Rear: B36-0161, B36-2052 |
- Shock tower braces are allowed but must attach to the stock shock tower using factory stock bolt holes. Camber plates are allowed but must be available at retail to the racing public, bolt to the chassis using existing shock mounting holes and standard hardware, do not involve any modification to the shock tower or the shock, and consist of no more than two plates, one of which bolts to the shock, and one to the chassis. The top of the shock rod must not exceed 1.5″ above the adjacent strut tower lip, and for purposes of limiting caster, must be at least 1-3/8″ forward of the back side of the rear top plate mounting studs.
- Any rate spring is permissible in the factory original location only. Rear coil-over systems are prohibited. Solid rear torsion bar size up to 30mm O.D. is allowed. Hollow rear torsion bar up to a maximum of 31 mm O.D. is allowed. Torsion bar support end caps and torsion bar ends may be modified to simplify rear ride height adjustments. Holes may be drilled into the body to allow removal of the torsion bar while the bar carrier is still mounted.
- Any sway bars are permissible as long as they are not cockpit adjustable.
- Any ride height is allowed, providing that no metal part of the vehicle touches the ground while in operation on track. Non-metallic bumpstops may be replaced, removed or modified; their chassis mounting points may not be modified. Cars may not rest on the bumpstops or mounting points when stationary.
- Rubber suspension bushings may be replaced with any non-metallic bushing. Stock bushings that are rubber and metal may be replaced with bushings that have more than 50% non-metallic composition. Bushings may not alter suspension geometry.
- OEM manual or OEM power steering may be used. The power steering rack may be converted to manual. The steering lock may be removed.
- Only 15 x 7-inch ATS (Cookie Cutter) or Phone Dial stock wheels with offsets of 23.3 or 52.3 mm are allowed. Wheel spacers are allowed as long as the maximum track width is not exceeded.
- The required spec tire is: Toyo Proxes RA-1 or R, size 225/50/15. The discontinued Toyo RR in a racer’s possession may continue to be used for 2025. Tires may be shaved.
- Stock steel A-arms may be box welded. Aluminum A-arm ball joints may be rebuilt with any material in the ball joint cups. Aftermarket ball joints may be used; pin diameter must remain stock. Longer than stock pins are not allowed, but ball joint holes may be drilled out to accept wider hardware.
- Brake System
- The brake system must remain stock including calipers and cylinders except as noted. ABS must be disabled, even if installed by the factory.
- Any brake pads are allowed.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed. Brake and clutch bleeders may be relocated, modified, or replaced. Excessively long lines that may aid cooling or modifications that allow bleeding in motion are not allowed.
- Disc brake backing plates may be removed.
- The parking brake system, including the brake lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- Any brake fluid is allowed. Brake and clutch bleeders are free as long as they do not change their function.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed provided they use only air for cooling. Air may be vented through the fog light area in the front air dam for brake cooling.
- Only one-piece steel rotors of stock dimensions are permitted. Cross drilling and/or gas slotting of the rotors is allowed. Cryogenic treatments are allowed.
- Bodywork
- No air dams, wings or spoilers are allowed other than stock components.
- Modification of the front air dam consisting of removing the element between the fog light buckets to enhance cooling is permitted. The backing of fog light buckets and the horn bracket may be removed for cooling purposes including, but not limited, to oil cooling and brake cooling, and for engine air intake. Ducting air to the intake system or for cooling through openings created in external body panels is not allowed. Holes in the unibody for these purposes must be the minimum needed for the purpose, may not weaken the unibody, and may serve no other function.
- The 944 front valance may be replaced with a fiberglass or urethane unit provided it is an exact replica. Debris screens may be added. The 924S models may make fog light cut-outs in the front valance.
- Fenders and wheel openings shall remain unmodified. The front fender liners may be removed or modified. Front and rear wheel fender openings may be rolled inward to maximize wheel clearance.
- Stock exterior mirrors mounted in the stock locations are required. Any interior mirror may be used.
- Body molding, antennas, license plates, license plate frames, license plate lights, turn signals, fog lights, insignias and emblems may be removed.
- Hood pins are permitted. Stock hood latches may be disabled or removed.
- No part of the bumper system may be removed or modified except for the rubber bumper molding. Tow hooks may be added.
- Body work may be updated/backdated between the 924S and 944 only as a complete package including, but not limited to: front fenders, front spoiler and rear quarter panels. Stock 924S and 944 rear spoilers may be interchanged from the 924S and 944.
- Exterior door handles in the stock locations are required.
- Floor pans may be reinforced to strengthen the driver’s seat mount.
- Interior
- Dashboards may be modified or replaced with panels that conceal the instrument cluster and remaining dashboard wiring. Additional gauges may be added. Stock gauges may be removed or replaced. Dash areas must be neat and have a “finished” appearance.
- Turn signals and wiper stalks may be removed.
- Steering wheels may be replaced. Steering wheel spacers are allowed.
- The air conditioning system may be removed. The heater core and blower fan assembly may be modified or removed. Any defroster and blower system may be added, including windshield-applied defroster strips, with ducting from the interior or window openings, as long as its sole effect is to demist the windshield.
- All interior trim, insulation, and seats may be removed except where otherwise noted.
- Ducting may be added to provide fresh air to the driver compartment providing that no modifications are made to the body structure.
- Spare tire and emergency jack may be removed.
- Doors may be gutted on driver and passenger sides, including removal of the window glass, and glass operating mechanism. Both doors must be capable of opening and closing and the stock latch must remain intact. Interior door handles may be replaced or relocated.
- Body Structure
- Headlights and headlight motors may be removed; stock covers must be retained and secured.
- Metallic support structure of the hood must remain intact; insulation may be removed.
- Windshield wipers, motors and associated hardware may be removed or modified.
- Heat shielding and undercoating may be removed.
- Stock undertray extending under radiator to engine support cross member may be removed. Modifications to the undertray are allowed but may not increase size or be used to add weight.
- Sunroofs must be securely mounted; sunroof components (motors, cables, etc.) may be removed. Replacement of the sunroof with a metal panel and filling gaps to create a non-sunroof appearance are allowed.
- Lexan may be substituted for window glass in the windshield and doors. Lexan may replace the quarter windows, ducts for cooling only may be molded into or penetrate these windows, but the factory window gasket must be used to retain these windows. The rear hatch must remain stock glass.
- Unused wiring, brackets, nuts, bolts, studs, and the fuse box may be removed.
- Additional trailer tie down points may be added.
- The spare tire well may be modified to allow for its removal or replacement, but must retain its stock shape and location, unless a fuel cell is installed in that area.
- Factory jack points located on each rocker may have a steel or aluminum plate of 6” x 6” max per side and 1/8” thick added to limit deformation of these points.
SP2 Class Rules and SP2 Eligible Models
This Class is open to the following models: Porsche 924S, 931 and all normally aspirated 8 valve Porsche 944 models. Eligible cars are allowed the modifications specified in these class rules. Interchange of parts from one eligible model to another is allowed, but for cars not using their original engine model, the minimum weight is based on the engine used, which must be indicated in the Log Book. Stock replacement parts may be obtained from sources other than the manufacturer provided they are the exact equivalent of the original parts (OEM equivalent). Any modifications not specifically allowed elsewhere in these class rules or the PCA general safety rules are not permitted.
Stock and Prepared Modifications
SP2 cars are allowed additional modifications above and beyond the factory original parts and design per one of the two preparation levels (Stock or Prep) below, which are intended to equalize the performance potential of many differently prepared cars. Prepared allows for different modifications beyond the general allowed modifications which are listed below. Modifications cannot be mixed between the two preparation levels. Car minimum weights given in the Class Weight Tables vary depending on the model, year, and engine displacement.
SP2 Stock
- Engine
- No modifications after the air filter box or before the exhaust headers unless listed below. Mass flow sensor may not be relocated. Modifications before the engine side of the air filter box (e.g., aftermarket air filters, modification of the stock air filter cover, omitting the air filter element entirely, ducting air without making openings in tub or bodywork) are allowed.
- Stock, for the year, fuel injection must be retained.
- Exhaust system is free providing the engine meets any local noise limit requirements.
- Radiators are free. Radiators must be installed in the stock location.
- Oil coolers are free.
- Any ignition trigger which uses a standard distributor with stock style cap and rotor to deliver the charge to the appropriate cylinder is permitted.
- Valve springs, retainers and clips are free.
- Any spark coil and CD unit is allowed, so long as it is not capable of changing ignition timing or offer any other performance advantage.
- Aftermarket rings may be used. Aftermarket valves of the factory dimensions and at least equivalent weight may be used. Aftermarket valve guides may be used as long as the part which protrudes into the port is at least the same size as factory.
- Damaged or worn engine blocks/cylinders may be re-sleeved, and modifications may be made to the block to improve the block-to-cylinder head seal.
- Adjustable cam gears are not permitted.
- Camshafts must be the stock Porsche camshaft, unmodified in any way.
- Balance shafts may be removed, or the balance shaft belt omitted.
- Aftermarket fuel rails are allowed as long as the stock fuel pressure regulator and damper are used, and fuel pressures are stock.
- Non-OEM chips in the stock ECU are allowed. The ECU must be located in one of the two factory stock locations or be fitted with a permanent cover to prevent adjustment of the fuel quality switch. The stock wiring harness must be used, and wiring, sensors or piggyback computers outside of the ECU housing are not permitted. The Focus 9 F9t 944-Spec DME is allowed.
- Oil pans, pan baffles, scrapers, windage trays, oil pickups, lines, and filters are unrestricted. Oil and power steering hoses may be replaced with metal braided hose. A pressure accumulator (Accusump) is permitted. Dry sump systems are prohibited.
- Cylinder head and upper end of block may be milled and head gasket used that will bring compression ratio to achieve the maximum compression ratio of 10.6:1 for all 2.5L motors and 10.9:1 for the 2.7L motor. An offset key may not be used to adjust cam timing.
- 944 turbo connecting rods and cylinder heads are allowed for all models. Racer’s Edge approved 840-gram replacement turbo connecting rods may be substituted.
- Pulley belts and related parts may be removed.
- Balancing and “blueprinting” of the engine assembly is permitted. Lightening of parts beyond the minimum material removal necessary to balance is prohibited. Engines may be bored to a maximum of .040 inch over standard bore size. Aftermarket pistons are allowed as long as they are identical in design and specification. Factory oversize replacement pistons or their exact equivalent can be used. Cast or forged equivalent pistons shall provide the same dome/dish/valve relief configuration, and spacing, pin height relationship, weight, and compression ratio as factory replacement oversize pistons. Piston rings are unrestricted. The application or use of any painting, coating, plating, or impregnating substance (i.e., anti-friction, thermal barrier, oil shedding coatings, chrome, anodizing, etc.) to any internal engine surface, including intake manifold internal surface, is permitted.
- Truing of cylinder heads with compensating head gasket is allowed, as long as the compression limit is not exceeded.
- Suspension:
- Shock absorbers are free providing they are in the same location and use the same pick‐up points as supplied by the factory but are limited to double-adjustable settings and may have remote canisters.
- Bolt‐in devices (e.g., camber plates) that allow for camber adjustment at the top of the shock are allowed. Machining of the shock tower is not permitted. Shock dust covers may be removed.
- Spring type and rates are free, and torsion bars may be removed.
- Sway bar sizes and configuration are free but may not be cockpit adjustable by the driver.
- Suspension and drive train mounting bushing and vibration-absorbing materials are free.
- Braces between the front shock towers are allowed as long as they bolt into existing suspension or other fasteners.
- Front control arms (A‐arms) may be replaced with a part approved by PCA Club Racing or reinforced early factory steel control arms. The mounting locations must remain the same as OEM. An extended ball joint pin may be used in stock steel and approved aftermarket front control arms. End links cannot be adjustable. Bump steer kits are not permitted.
- Billet aluminum wheel hubs made by Racer’s Edge and Stuttgart Motorsports are permitted.
- The Lindsey Racing three-piece front cross member with stock suspension pickup points is allowed.
- Tires and Wheels:
- Wheel type, style, and diameter are free, providing the wheel meets or exceeds factory safety specifications, but rims may be no wider than 9”.
- Any DOT tire is allowed, but the manufacturer tire section width cannot exceed 245mm as indicated on the sidewall by the manufacturer.
- Brakes:
- The brake system must remain stock including calipers and cylinders except as noted.
- Any brake pads are allowed.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed. Brake and clutch bleeders may be relocated, modified or replaced.
- Disc brake backing plates may be removed.
- The parking brake system, including the brake lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- Any brake fluid is allowed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed provided they use only air for cooling.
- Only one‐piece steel rotors of stock dimensions are permitted. Cross drilling and/or gas slotting of the rotors is allowed. Cryogenic treatments are allowed.
- Brake bias valves are free but cannot be relocated or adjustable.
- Transmission:
- Ratios of ring and pinion and individual gears must be as supplied by the factory. Transmissions from any SP2 model 924S or 944 may be interchanged regardless of year.
- Transmission coolers are free.
- Any limited slip differentials derived from a mechanical type that was delivered in a street legal 944 is allowed. Locked differentials are not permitted.
- Modification to, or substitution of, the shifter mechanism which reduces the range of motion is allowed. The shifter console may be raised.
- Aftermarket transmission gears, main shafts, ring gears, pinion gears, operating sleeves, and engagement teeth identical to stock factory parts may be used. Synchronizers may be of any material.
- Body/Chassis/Interior:
- Chassis/body, with the exception of bumpers and spoilers, must be the same material and configuration as supplied by the factory.
- Steering wheels and shift knobs are free.
- Spoilers and bumpers/air dams are free providing they do not exceed maximum factory body width by any amount, and maximum factory body length by more than 1 inch. Fog lights may be removed.
- Spare tires must be removed.
- Inner fender liners can be removed.
- Ducting may be added to provide fresh air to the driver/passenger compartment providing that no modifications to body panels are made. This does not allow scoops or louvers.
- Non-stock mirrors are allowed and passenger side mirrors may be removed.
- Aftermarket rocker panels not extending more than 1” beyond OEM panels are allowed.
- Lexan windshield, quarter windows and hatch are permitted.
- Removal of the car interior, A/C and heating system, head lamps and related parts is allowed.
- Door window openings may be modified to improve exiting to include leveling the surfaces around the window frame, but this may not extend beyond the exterior of the door.
- 944 turbo fenders, nose panel, and headlamp covers may be used on all models. Gaps around the headlight covers may be taped over or permanently filled in with body putty or similar materials.
- For 924S and 931 models only, flared fenders or 944 fenders may be used but can’t exceed the factory fender width for a stock 944. The specification for the maximum width as measured at any point of the wheel opening is 68 inches (1727mm) for the front and 68 3/4 inches (1746mm) for the rear.
- Stock rear spoiler must be in place with no modification. Stock 924, 924S and 944 rear spoilers are interchangeable.
- Sheet metal modifications in the rear deck, trunk and spare tire compartment are allowed for installation of a fuel cell or to the spare tire compartment to facilitate removal and installation of transmission. The welding of flat metal for repair of chassis cracks is permitted. Impact absorbing material may be added between the fuel tank and the rear of the car for the purpose of protecting the fuel tank in a rear end collision. Added material may not connect with roll cage components or otherwise provide chassis stiffening beyond the repair of worn or weakened areas. Welded metal cannot be used for ballast.
- Modifications to the underside of the car for the purpose of improving aero effects are not allowed. The factory splash guard located under the engine may be used or deleted. Alternatively, a replica in an alternate material may be used that extends from the front of the car back to the front edge of the front wheel opening. Inner fender liners may be removed.
- Any ballast to make the minimum weight must be bolted inside the car, and the spare tire mounting bracket may not be used as a mount.
Cars for this preparation level must meet the requirements of SP2/Stock and may make the following additional modifications:
- Engine
- Any ignition system is permitted; however, the number of spark plugs must remain the same.
- Underdrive pulleys are permitted.
- Lightweight flywheel and pressure plate are permitted.
- Tires and rims:
- Rims may be no wider than 10″, and any DOT approved tire that does not exceed the section width of 275mm as indicated on the sidewall by the manufacturer is allowed.
- The combination of tire and rim must fit under the fender.
- Brakes:
- Calipers, rotors, brake booster and master cylinders are unrestricted, except the number of master cylinders must be the same as originally equipped.
- Brake proportioning valves may be used, relocated, and cockpit adjustable, provided that they are of the in-line, pressure limiting type.
- Transmission: Any ring and pinion and gear ratio are permitted
- Body/Chassis/Interior:
- Ducting of exterior body panels and Lexan windows for additional cooling is allowed, provided it does not change size and shape of factory panels. Louvers and scoops are not ducts.
- A fiberglass nose panel with open or filled headlight panels is permitted.
- Fender flaring is allowed. Maximum width as measured at any point of the wheel opening is 70 inches for the front and 70 3/4 inches for the rear.
- The existing factory spoiler can be extended up 6 inches from the highest point of the factory spoiler and no wider than the stock spoiler. Rearward brackets or braces can be used to support the spoiler extension. The spoiler extension can be made of any material. -The factory spoiler is only comprised of the rear section of the spoiler and does not include the rubber trim pieces that extend up the side of the glass hatch. The rubber trim pieces cannot be modified. A stock 968 spoiler or aftermarket replica can be used. End plates are not permitted.
- Door handles can be deleted and handle pockets in door filled.
SP3 Class Rules and SP3 Eligible Models
This Class is open to the following models: 944S, 944S2, 951, 951S, and 968’s. 2.7 liter 944s eligible for SP2 or SP2 Prep may choose to run in SP3. Eligible cars are allowed the modifications specified in these class rules and only those modifications. Updating and backdating for a specific model type in part or entirety is allowed, with no adjustment for weight. A legal engine from any SP3 model can be installed in any legal SP3 chassis. For cars not using their original engine type, the minimum weight is based on the engine used, which must be indicated in the Log Book. Stock replacement parts may be obtained from sources other than the manufacturer provided they are the exact equivalent of the original parts (OEM equivalent). Any modifications not specifically allowed elsewhere in these class rules are not permitted.
- Engine: The engine must be as delivered from the factory, with no modifications after the air filter box or before the exhaust headers except as listed below:
- Aftermarket fuel rails and throttle cams are allowed.
- Oil pans, pan baffles, scrapers, windage trays, pickups, coolers, lines, and filters are unrestricted. Oil and power steering hoses may be replaced with metal braided hose. A pressure accumulator (Accusump) is permitted.
- Any spark coil and CD unit is allowed, so long as it is not capable of changing ignition timing or offer any other performance advantage. Any ignition trigger which uses a standard distributor with stock style cap and rotor to deliver the charge to the appropriate cylinder is permitted. Spark plug wires are free.
- Pistons are free given that they do not exceed 1mm (0.040”) oversize of the stock nominal bore size (either 100.0mm or 104.0mm, as appropriate for the vehicle) and the related piston compression ratio remains unchanged (S2 is 10.9:1, 944Turbo 8.0:1, and 968 is 11.0:1) and the weight of the piston assembly (piston, pins, and clips) is no more than 4 grams lighter than the stock piston assembly: 710 grams for 944S2, 730 grams for 944 Turbo, and 704 grams for 968. Piston rings are unrestricted.
- Manifold and cylinder head port-matching is permitted; no material may be removed further than one inch in from the manifold to cylinder head mounting face. Truing of cylinder heads with compensating head gasket is allowed, as long as the compression limit listed here is not exceeded. Valve springs, retainers, and keepers are free.
- Exhaust systems are free after the exhaust port. On turbocharged engines, the manifold and other exhaust piping between the exit of the port on the head and the entrance to the stock turbocharger is part of the free exhaust system.
- The air filter and air filter housing are free.
- Adjustable fuel pressure regulators are allowed.
- Aftermarket radiators are allowed but must be installed in the stock locations.
- Engine pulley belts may be removed, and underdrive pulleys are allowed.
- Any ECU chip may be used.
- Turbo boost may not exceed 12.5 psi for all turbo models. Lindsey Racing blue Clubgate allowed as a substitute for the stock wastegate. Turbo models must retain the stock KLR chip.
- Any flywheel, clutch disk, and pressure plate of stock diameter may be used.
- The 944S model may change the camshafts to an aftermarket part which is open to any lobe profile but must retain the hydraulic followers, which can be aftermarket. Also, the 944S model may use the 944 S2 intake manifold.
- 944 turbo connecting rods and cylinder heads are allowed for all models. Racer’s Edge approved 840-gram replacement turbo connecting rods may be substituted.
- Suspension
- Adjustable camber plates are allowed.
- Torsion bars may be removed.
- Shocks, springs, bushing materials are free. Sway bar sizes and configuration are free but may not be driver-adjustable from the cockpit.
- Any bolt-in shock tower brace may be used.
- Front control arms may be modified or replaced with updated or aftermarket control arms providing that the mounting locations remain the same as OEM and the end links are not adjustable.
- Bump steer kits are allowed.
- Billet aluminum wheel hubs made by Racer’s Edge and Stuttgart Motorsports are permitted.
- Tires and Wheels
- Any DOT approved tire is allowed, provided the section width indicated on the sidewall by the manufacturer does not exceed 305mm.Tires must not extend beyond the fenders.
- Wheels are free but must not exceed 12 inches in width.
- Wheel spacers are allowed but may not exceed 1.5 inches.
- Brakes
- Parking brake lever, cables and associated parts may be removed.
- All brake components are free, but rotors must be metal.
- Ducting of air to rotors is allowed. Blower motors may be installed to pump air to rotors. Water may not be used to cool brakes. Removal of dust shields (backing plates) is allowed.
- Transmission
- Gears are free. The 944S, 944S2, 951, and 951S transmissions may be used in any model in SP3. The 968 six speed transmission may only be used with a 968 motor at 968 weight.
- Any limited slip differential (LSD) is allowed.
- Locked differentials are prohibited.
- Transmission fluid coolers are allowed, providing that they serve no other function than to cool the transmission fluid.
- Modification to, or substitution of, the shifter mechanism which reduces the range of motion is allowed.
- Body – Chassis – Interior
- Non-stock mirrors are allowed and passenger side mirrors may be removed.
- Aftermarket rocker panels not extending more than 1” beyond OEM panels are allowed.
- Lexan windshield, quarter windows and hatch are allowed.
- Front fenders, doors, engine hood, headlamp covers can be replaced with identical parts of size and shape made of non-stock materials. Fenders can be flared or widened using any material, but the overall width of the car cannot exceed 74.5 inches.
- Spoilers and air dams are free.
- Stock bumpers may be modified or replaced with non-OEM material, providing that they are not relocated and do not diminish the safety of the car. Impact absorbing material may be positioned between the fuel tank and rear of the car.
- Removal of the car interior, A/C and heating system, head lamps and related parts is allowed.
- Ducting of exterior body panels for additional cooling is allowed, provided it does not change size and shape of factory panels.
- A rear wing with a single plane may be added. The maximum wing height can be no greater than level with the top of the roof, no wider than 68 and 3/4 inches, or extend beyond the taillights by more than 6 inches. End plates and uprights are inherent parts of the wing, and as such are included in measuring the wing for compliance. The stock spoiler and the hatch rubber side trim can be removed.
- Aftermarket rocker panels are allowed.
- Door handles can be deleted and handle pockets in door filled.
- Roll cages must be entirely within the passenger compartment, with no extensions through firewall.
- Sheet metal modifications in the rear deck, trunk and spare tire compartment are allowed for installation of a fuel cell or to the spare tire compartment to facilitate removal and installation of transmission. The welding of flat metal for repair of chassis cracks is permitted. Added material may not connect with roll cage components or otherwise provide chassis stiffening beyond the repair of worn or weakened areas. Welded metal cannot be used for ballast.
- Ballast: Any ballast to meet weight must be safely bolted inside of the car. Spare tire mounting bracket may not be used.
911CUP is a nationwide class, contested at every race. The intent is to unite all the air-cooled cars that are currently eligible for D, E or F Stock, or for SP911 in a common class with a minimum of ballast. The 911 models eligible for 911 Cup, other than those built to SP911 specifications, are 1978-1983 US and ROW standard SCs, and 1984-1989 US Carrera 3.2s, along with the 1973 Carrera RS and 1990-1994 964 C2s and RSAs. Other existing track-prepared 911 models listed in classes D through F Stock, including cars moved up to one of those classes due to Prepared modifications other than those allowed in 911 Cup, may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Rules Committee, with weight adjustment appropriate to the modifications.
Cars competing in 911CUP must display the official Class sponsor’s windshield banner on the windshield, as well as the usual class designation on the car front and rear.
SP911 prepared cars may run as 911 Cup, or as SP911, depending on how they register for an event, but in either case must follow the SP911 rules.
Cars running under the Stock based subset of 911CUP must meet Stock class rules for their base stock (or prepared) class, with the following additional allowances:
- Weight: The weights for eligible cars are listed in the weight table. For eligible cars without a listed 911CUP weight, contact rules@pcaclubracing.org. Provisionally for 2025 SP911 SP911-based cars racing in 911CUP must add 75 pounds to their minimum weight when racing east of the Mississippi River. Similarly, stock-based cars racing in 911CUP west of the Mississippi river may subtract 75 pounds from their minimum weight.
- SCs (3.0 liter) may substitute carburetors, subject to the following limitations:
- The maximum carburetor size is 46mm and can only be Weber or PMO.
- The maximum venturi size is 38mm.
- Chassis reinforcement is free without limitation on bars through firewalls as long as firewall integrity is not compromised. Note that this does not allow removal of chassis parts (tube framing).
- The cabin air system under the cowl in the front trunk may be removed.
- Horsepower is limited to an average horsepower of 220 RWHP, measured (as in SP911) at 500 RPM above HPMax and 500 RPM and 1,000 RPM below HPMax, on a standard DynoJet machine. For West Coast BOP testing only, the maximum average horsepower figure is raised to 225 RWHP. The maximum average horsepower may be exceeded by no more than 3 horsepower to account for dynamometer variations.
A dyno sheet conforming to Appendix N is required for carbureted cars. The dyno sheet must include the numerical data table from which the curves are generated in order to calculate the average horsepower. (The dyno sheet is also available on pcaclubracing.org.)
Note: Until further notice, the horsepower limits in 5 apply to the stock-based 3.2-liter model, but dyno sheets are not required for stock-based 3.2s and CIS 3.0s running in 911CUP.
- Stock bodywork parts which are bolted on may be replaced with aftermarket replica parts, which may be of alternate materials. Rear fenders may be replaced with such parts so long as a steel perimeter remains. External mirrors of any manufacture are allowed.
- Any caliper and any non-floating metal rotor may be used. Cars running the stock 930 Turbo brake calipers may run the stock Turbo floating rotors. Single master cylinders are free and need not be boosted. Brake balance adjusters are free as long as they are not cockpit adjustable. Balance bars and ABS systems are not allowed.
- Tub sheet metal interior to the body skin in the trunk forward of the firewall may be cut out, altered, and ducted for oil and brake cooling air flow, but may not exit out the bumper cover, hood, cowl, or fender or through the fire wall (i.e., may only exit downward or into the front wheel wells).
- Removal of front headlights and metal headlight buckets is allowed, but the opening must be covered with a solid material.
- SP911 glazing and rear spoiler and wing rules (SP911 1.C. and 1.D) apply, but only the windshield needs to be polycarbonate (Lexan).
- Serpentine fan/alternator belts, alternate pulley diameters, and crank/fan ratios are free.
SP911 Class Rules and SP911 Eligible Models
This class is for 911s with air-cooled 3.0L and 3.2L engines. Modifications not specifically listed below are prohibited. Where “stock” is specified, it means the components must remain stock. No material can be added or removed; no re-allocation of weight or material can be performed. No material can be substituted for another material of similar geometry. PCA will honor approvals of modifications of items not in compliance with the rules if the approval has been noted in a vehicle Log Book. PCA Club Racing will honor prior written approvals of modifications not listed here by the sanctioning body from which these rules originated.
SP911 cars may elect register and race in 911 Cup, under the SP911 rules and configuration. Such cars may change their registered class from race run group to race run group using the normal Change Request Form at the event. National championship points will apply only in the class applied in each particular race run group.
- Chassis, Body and Interior
- Any Porsche 911 chassis up to 1989 is allowed except for turbo or turbo-look body shell.
- Bolt on fiberglass and composite replacements of front and rear bumpers, rear deck lids/tails, front fenders, and front hood are allowed. Bonded or glued fiberglass or composite sunroof “plugs” and fender flares are allowed. Fiberglass or composite rear fender flares may include most of the rear fender as long as steel remains around the perimeter of the fender. Substitution of other parts is not allowed. Fender flare configuration is free.
- Cars must have a windshield, a rear window and rear quarter windows. Cabriolet bodies must have a stock size windscreen and no other windows are required. Materials may be original equipment or equivalent glass, polycarbonate, or other break-resistant plastic.
- Rear wing choices include: ducktail, 911 whale tail, 930, IROC, large IROC, 911 3.6 RS wing, 3.8 RSR short wing. Wicker bills up to 1” can be added to the ducktail, 911 whale tail, 930, IROC and large IROC tails.
- Any front air dam may be used as long as it does not extend forward of the stock front bumper (excluding bumperettes).
- Interior modifications are free.
- Electrical system and instrumentation is free.
- External lights, including brake lights, are free, but at least two brake lights must be in the stock fender locations and at least as visible as stock lights.
- Roll cages may extend through firewalls and tubing may connect shock towers and extend to the front of the trunk. Shock mounts may be altered to accept camber plates. Tub sheet metal interior to the body skin in the trunk forward of the firewall may be cut out, altered, and ducted for oil or brake cooling air flow. Openings in the front air dam (below the bumper) for oil and brake cooling are free.
- Removal of front headlights and metal headlight buckets is allowed, as are plastic headlight covers. Headlight and windshield washer system components may be removed.
- Engine
- All engines must run on standard pump gas with octane rating not to exceed 93.
- Exhaust system may have any header system with a maximum primary tube size of 1.5” outside diameter. The 3.2-liter motors may increase the primary tube size up to 1.625” OD.
- Crankcase can be any 911 crankcase and machining of any kind is allowed.
- Rods must be stock. Aftermarket rod bolts are allowed.
- Valve springs & retainers are free.
- Ignition system is free as long as it is single plug per cylinder.
- Engine oil system and cooling is free.
- 3.0-liter engine specs.
- Allowable intake systems are: 40 or 46mm Weber or PMO carbs, , 3.2 intake manifold with any throttle body and airflow meter, “straight-through” fuel injection systems with individual throttle bodies no larger than 46mm (e.g., TWM, Jenvey, etc.), 3.6 intake manifold from 1989-1995 911 with any throttle body(s). Slide valve intakes are prohibited.
- Crankshaft: stock 70.4mm stroke with 9 bolt flywheel configuration.
- Pistons and cylinders: any stock CIS 911 SC 95 mm bore. Replica pistons from Rothsport Racing are allowed. Maximum compression ratio is 9.8:1.
- Cylinder Heads: maximum port sizes of 39 mm intake, 35 mm exhaust and valve sizes of 49 mm intake and 41.5 mm exhaust. Small intake port 3.0-liter heads may have cylinder head material removed to match the port shape and dimensions of the large, stock 3.0 intake port.
- Camshafts: stock 911SC.
- 3.2-liter engine specs
- Intake system must be stock from the air filter housing face of the air flow meter to the cylinder head. All induction air must pass through this stock intake tract. The stock air flow meter is not required to provide control sensing – only an induction airflow pathway. Air filter assembly and fuel management system are free. Forced induction is not permitted.
- Crankshaft: stock 74.4 mm stroke.
- Pistons and cylinders: any stock Motronic 911 3.2-liter, 95 mm bore. Replica pistons from Rothsport Racing are allowed. Due to required use of 91 or 92 octane fuel, the actual measured compression ratio may not exceed 9.8 to 1.
- Cylinder Heads: stock, maximum port sizes of 40 mm intake, 38 mm exhaust and valve sizes of 49 mm intake and 41.5 mm exhaust.
- Camshafts: stock 911 3.2L Carrera.
- Grandfathered 3.0 liter intakes: Cars with PCA or Porsche Racing Club Log Books from 2019 or 2020 may continue to race with these intakes in SP911 at the following weights and within the 2020 PRC horsepower limitations. Weights are 2,310 pounds for CIS, 2,340 pounds for MFI, and 2,475 pounds for AT power stacks.
- Chassis dyno horsepower limits are:
Engine Displacement | Intake | Max Avg HP |
3.0 Liters | Carbs | 235 hp |
3.0 Liters | Porsche 3.6 Plenum based | 240 hp |
3.0 Liters | ITB's | 240 hp |
3.2 Liters | Stock intake | 235 hp |
SP911 cars must have a current dyno sheet from a standard Dynojet machine and the form found in in Appendix N. Current means subsequent to the last time any engine internal component, or intake or exhaust component was changed. This does not include reinstalling the same component. All cars built to SP911 specifications will be subject to dyno testing at the track without regard to whether running as SP911 or 911 Cup.
- SP911 Special Minimum Weight Allowance for Low Horsepower Cars: There is a special minimum weight allowance for cars with a maximum average RWHP of 220 or below:
- The car must complete a dynamometer test in compliance with the procedures outlined in these rules.
- The driver must complete and sign the Annual Dynamometer Certification Form and attach the form to the car’s Log Book.
- The car and driver must repeat steps (i) and (ii) above after any major engine rebuild, or change to induction system, exhaust, or ignition.
- The minimum weight for these cars is 2310 lbs.
- Transmission and Clutch
- Models up through 1986 must have a Porsche 915. 1987-89 cars may use a Porsche G-50 transmission. The transmission must use Porsche synchronizers.
- Differential is free. CV joints are free.
- Clutch package is free. An unmodified stock flywheel must be used on all transmissions.
- Transmission coolers, lubrication, and shift linkage are free.
- 915 transmissions must use an 8:31 final drive ratio. G-50 transmissions must use the 9:31 final drive ratio.
- The following gear ratios are acceptable in any combination:
915 Transmission | G-50 Transmission | |
1st Gear | 11:35 | 12:42 |
2nd Gear | 18:33 or 18:32 | 17:35 |
3rd Gear | 23:29 | 22:31 |
4th Gear | 26:25 or 26:26 | 32:36 |
5th Gear | Any ration hiiger than 4th |
- Suspension
- Stock suspension pivot axis must be maintained by all suspension components.
- Front spindle height is free; struts must be O.E. components manufactured by Boge, Bilstein or Koni with the location of the spindle as standard or relocated. The retaining system for the O.E. shock absorber insert must be used. Custom fabricated strut housings are not permitted.
- Front and rear shock absorbers must be the same configuration as stock, maximum 2-way adjustment.
- Torsion bar suspension required, front and rear. Torsion bar length and receiver locations must be stock.
- Suspension bushings are free. Front camber plate/caster plate design is free.
- Stock 911 rear control arms only, 930 rear control arms are not allowed.
- Adjustable rear spring plates are free.
- Anti-roll bar (sway bar) systems are free.
- Alignment settings are free, except track width can only be increased from stock by .25 inches per side. Track width must not exceed 65 inches in front and 67 inches in the rear. Measurement is from the farthest outside lip of the tire on the axle centerline.
- The rear minimum ride height is 215mm from ground to center of rear torsion bar, with driver in car.
- Tires, Wheels, and Brakes
- Wheels must be 7×16 front and 8×16 rear.
- Tires must be Hoosier R7 205/45 or 225/50-16 front, and 245/45-16 rear. Hoosier rain tires in these sizes are allowed.
- Any brake caliper, pad and rotor combination is allowed as long as they fit inside the required wheel size and the rotors are steel.
- Brake lines, air ducting, master cylinder, brake balance control and fluid are free. Dust shields may be removed.
- E-brake, parking brake or hand brake system may be removed.
SP996 Rules and SP996 Eligible Models
This class is open to all 1999-2001 996 C2 Coupes (3.4 liters) and 2002-2004 996 C2 Coupes (3.6 liters).
- Engine
- General. All engines, their mechanical and electrical components must remain stock. Engine and transmission must remain in their stock locations. Semi-solid engine and transmission mounts are allowed. X-51 power kits are not allowed. Swapping of engines between models (3.4l & 3.6l) is not permitted.
- Cooling System. With the exception of the addition of a third radiator, cooling system is to remain stock. Radiator fans may be direct wired with a switch. Porsche GT3 Third Radiator Kit may be added.
- Oil Cooling. The factory oil cooling system must remain stock, except for the following allowed modifications: An external oil cooler is allowed. An X-51 Oil pan is allowed. An oil accumulator (Accusump) is allowed.
- Air Filter and Intake. No modifications to the factory engine air inlet or intake system. Drop in factory size/style replacement air filters only. Non-stock cold air intake enhancements are not allowed.
- Pulley/Belt System. An under drive crank pulley is allowed, with a minimum 4″ diameter. No modification is allowed to: water pump, power steering pump alternator, idler pulleys etc. All must be operable and belt driven.
- Computer Engine Management System. The computer engine management system must remain stock. No other engine management system may be added. No aftermarket chips are allowed. No re-mapping or flashing of factory chips is allowed.
- Exhaust System. Exhaust manifolds must remain stock. All other components are free. Catalytic converters may be removed.
- The battery must be in the stock location and weigh a minimum of 10lbs.
- Suspension
- All suspension components not otherwise listed must be stock factory parts. All suspension components must be mounted in the unmodified factory original mounting locations. Except where specifically noted, no solid bushings are allowed.
- Shock Tower Braces. The welded-in cage may be connected to the top of the rear shock tower. However, no other modification of any shock tower is allowed nor are strut braces permitted.
- Mounts. Tarett Engineering front and rear monoball camber plates are allowed: Front – 996FSMT, Rear – 996RSMT.
- Front Control Arms. Stock or the Porsche Factory adjustable front control arms for the GT3 “Street“ model are required.
- Springs and Shocks. The JRZ 996 Spec Packages RS (NLA) or RS Two are allowed. The Motion Control 2WNR (2-way non-remote) is allowed as an alternative shock. The Bilstein PSS9 is allowed. All spring and shock systems must mount in the factory original locations. The upper shock mount sheet metal may be cut to allow full use of the factory adjustment slots if shock adjusters protrude enough to hit the metal, but only enough as is needed for the adjustment purpose.
- Sway Bars and drop links.
- Front: Porsche GT3 part no. 996.343.701.90 or Tarett Engineering 996FSBA sway bar, with droplinks being modified stock or Tarett Engineering 996FDLNK, or Tarett EXTFDLNK. Modified stock means shortening the stock piece 2” for use with a GT3 front sway bar.
- Rear: GT3 part no. 996.333.701.90 or Tarett Engineering 996RSBA bar and drop link kits with droplinks stock or Tarett Engineering 996RDLNK. No modification is allowed to the mounting points.
- Toe Links must be stock or Tarett Engineering part 996TLNK or GT3. A Tarett Engineering LKPLT01 locking plate kit is allowed.
- Any ride height is allowed, as long as no metal part of the vehicle touches the pavement.
- Tires and Wheels
- The spec tire is the Hankook C51 medium compound Z214, 245/35ZR18 front, and 275/35ZR18 rear. Hoosier Sports Car D.O.T. Radial Wet (H2O) P245/40R18 front, P275/35R18 rear or Hankook Wet Tire Z207 18″ 240/640R18 front, 18″ 260/660R18 rear are allowed as rain tires.
- 18” rims are required (8” front/10” rear) but may be of any make as long as the track, measured from the outside edge to outside edge of the rims, does not exceed 68.5 “ front and 70” inches rear. Spacers are allowed so long as the track width maximum is not exceeded.
- Wheel /tire combined weight must be equal to or greater than 40 lbs. for fronts, and 46 lbs. for rears.
- Steel bolts or lug nuts are required. Hubs may be converted to studs in place of wheel bolts.
- Brakes
- Brake pads are unrestricted.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed.
- Brake dust guards may be removed.
- The emergency brake, lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed, provided they use only air. Air may be vented through the front air dam for brake cooling.
- Only one-piece stock or stock replacement steel rotors may be used. Solid, drilled, and slotted rotors are allowed.
- Brake calipers must remain completely stock and mount in the factory location.
- Transmission
- Transmission must be stock with no modifications. All gear ratios must remain stock. Ring and pinion ratio must remain stock.
- Transmission coolers allowed.
- Clutch assembly and fly wheel may be stock or be replaced with the Factory replacement or Sachs 88-3082-736clutch kits and Aasco: 106411-11 lightened flywheel.
- A limited slip differential is allowed.
- Short shift kits are allowed but not recommended. The GT3 shifter and cables are allowed.
- Body/Chassis/Interior
- Body
- Air dams and bumpers must be either stock or approved replica units. No carbon fiber is allowed.
- Approved front bumpers: Stock, Getty, or model year-appropriate factory GT3 front bumper.
- Front hood must remain stock.
- Splitters may not extend forward of the front bumper, nor lower than 3” from the bottom of the front bumper.
- The front bumper must be located in the factory position and cannot be moved in any way.
- Model year appropriate factory or factory replacement “Aero Kit” side skirts are allowed.
- A sunroof delete panel or factory steel “non sunroof” skin may be used.
- Rear window and rear quarter windows must be stock in appearance with no venting, but polycarbonate may be substituted for glass in these windows.
- License plates, license plate frames, license plate lights, and insignias and emblems may be removed.
- Hood pins are recommended. Stock hood latches may be disabled or removed.
- All headlights and taillights must remain stock. Headlights may be covered.
- Rear wings may be stock, year appropriate factory Aero wing, or Getty Design 996 Spec Wing and decklid assembly. The approved Getty Design 996 Spec Wing may be raised four inches to gain better rear vision but may not otherwise be altered or repositioned. No carbon fiber is allowed. A Gurney flap on the Getty Design 996 Spec wing with a height not to exceed 1″ is allowed. The “optional top scoop” on the Getty design 996 Spec wing is no longer allowed.
- The rear bumper license plate area may be cut out to 27″ wide by 7″ tall maximum. There may be a tow hook hole of a max size of 6″ x 3″. No other modifications are permitted.
- The front bumper may be top vented ala GT3 Cup to allow for additional or rerouted heat venting of the radiator.
- No exterior modification of the body is allowed other than venting of the bumper cover.
- Chassis: Seam welding of the chassis is not allowed.
- Interior
- A passenger seat is allowed but not required. The driver seat must be replaced with any seat meeting seat requirements found in the Safety section.
- The factory dashboard instrument pod must remain intact. Additional gauges may be added. Factory navigation systems and airbags may be removed. The lower portion of the dashboard may be removed.
- Steering wheels are free. Quick release steering hubs are allowed.
- The steering wheel lock must be disabled or removed.
- The air conditioning/heating system may be removed.
- All interior items may be removed except where otherwise noted. Both doors may be “gutted,” but must retain perimeter frame, hinges, and door latch mechanism. The interior latch may be modified but must work. Factory door beams must remain intact or NASCAR style side intrusion door bars must be added.
- All insulating material may be removed from the interior.
- Data Acquisition and in-car timing equipment is allowed.
- Ballast: Ballast to meet minimum weight must not exceed 100lbs. All ballast must be bolted to the floor of the front passenger foot-well.
SP997 Rules and SP997 Eligible Models
This class is open to all 997.2 C2 S Coupes (3.8 liters) and C2 Coupes (3.6 liters) from model years 2009-2012 with PDK or six speed manual transmissions.
- Engine
- General. All engines, their mechanical and electrical components must remain stock. Engine and transmission must remain in their stock locations. Swapping of engines between models (3.6l & 3.8l) is not permitted. Semi‐solid engine and transmission mounts are allowed.
- Cooling System. With the exception of the addition of a third radiator, cooling system is to remain stock. Radiator fans may be direct wired with a switch. Center Radiator may be added.
- Oil Cooling. The factory oil cooling system must remain stock, except for the following allowed modifications: An external oil cooler is allowed.
- Air Filter and Intake. No modifications to the factory engine air inlet or intake system. Drop in factory size/style replacement air filters only. Non‐stock cold air intake enhancements are not allowed.
- Power Steering Cooling. Power steering fluid cooling is free, and a larger cooler is highly recommended.
- Pulley/Belt System. An under drive crank pulley is allowed, with a minimum 4″ diameter. No modification is allowed to: water pump, power steering pump alternator, etc. The air conditioning pump may be disabled or removed and replaced with an idler pulley. All must be operable and belt driven, but belt length is free.
- Computer Engine Management System. The ECU and the flash of the computer engine management system must remain stock, with two exceptions: it may be dealer reflashed and the appropriate switch and factory Sport Plus software program may be installed to include sport plus mode in cars without the Sport Chrono (sport plus) option (software must be 2009-2012 997.2 factory settings). And the Topp Racing SP997 ECU Flash v1.0 is allowed. No aftermarket chips are allowed.
- Exhaust System. Exhausts manifolds may be OEM or commercially available aftermarket exhaust headers. All other components are free. Catalytic converters may be removed. Modifications can be made to exhaust sensors to prevent a check engine light from coming on as a result of exhaust changes. Muffled exhaust is recommended.
- The battery must be in the stock location and weigh a minimum of 10lbs.
- Suspension
- All suspension components not otherwise listed must be stock factory parts. All suspension components must be mounted in the unmodified factory original mounting locations. Except where specifically noted, no solid bushings are allowed.
- Shock Tower Braces. The welded‐in cage may be connected to the top of the rear shock tower. However, no other modification of any shock tower is allowed, nor are strut braces permitted. The cage may be mounted to the front firewall but cannot extend through the front fire wall.
- Mounts. Tarett Engineering front and rear monoball camber plates are allowed: Front ‐ part # 996FSMT, Rear ‐ part #996RSMT.
- Front Control Arms. Stock or Porsche Factory adjustable front control arms for the GT3 “Street “model or the Tarett kit #LCA997FL is allowed.
- Springs and Shocks. The Motion Control 2WNR (2‐way non remote) with 2.25” ID spring hardware, and with SP997 valve revision. Front spring 500-600, rear spring 600-700. All spring and shock systems must mount in the factory original locations. Stock shock and spring is allowed. The upper shock mount sheet metal may be cut to allow full use of the factory adjustment slots if shock adjusters protrude enough to hit the metal, but only enough as is needed for the adjustment purpose.
- Sway Bars and drop links.
- Front: Porsche 997 GT3 part or Tarett Engineering 997FSBK-GTS-28.6 sway bar, drop links are free.
- Rear: 997 GT3 part or Tarett Engineering 997.2 RSBK-OEM bar. No modification is allowed to the mounting points other than Tarett spacers RSBAADP997.2 if needed. Drop links are free.
- Front and rear tie rods are free, with bump steer correction on the outboard side. Aftermarket locking plates may be used.
- Any ride height is allowed, as long as no metal part of the vehicle touches the pavement.
- The stability management system may be disabled.
- Tires and Wheels
- The Hankook Z214 C51 compound is the primary spec tire. The required sizes are front: 245 or 275x35ZR/18 and rear: 315x30ZR/18. Hoosier Sports Car D.O.T. Radial Wet (H2O) 245×35/18 front, 305×30/18 rears are allowed as rain tires.
- 18” wheels are required (8-9” front, 10-12” rear) but may be any commercially available aluminum wheel. Spacers are allowed so long as the top of the tire does not stick out beyond the wheelwell fender.
- Wheel /tire combined weight must be equal to or greater than 40 lbs. for fronts, and 46 lbs. for rears.
- Steel bolts or lug nuts are required. Hubs may be converted to studs in place of wheel bolts.
- Brakes
- Brake pads are unrestricted.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed.
- Brake dust guards may be removed.
- The emergency brake, lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- Brake dust guards may be removed. Ducts, scoops, deflectors, vanes, block‐off plates, and other systems within the bodywork to direct cooling air to the brake rotors are allowed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed provided they use only air. The front turn lights may be removed and the openings used for brake cooling, or the molded openings in the approved aftermarket front air dam may be used but additional exterior bodywork openings are not allowed. Modifications to existing air channels inside the bodywork to duct air for brake cooling are allowed.
- One‐piece or two-piece steel rotors may be used if dimensionally the same as stock, but the front rotor diameter may be increased to 350mm. Drilled, and slotted rotors are allowed.
- Brake calipers must remain completely stock and mount in the factory location.
- Transmission
- Transmission must be stock with no modifications. PDK software must remain at factory OEM settings. All gear ratios must remain stock. Ring and pinion ratio must remain stock.
- A separate pump, cooler, and fittings for transmission gear oil cooling is allowed. The PDK clutch hydraulic fluid circuit must remain stock.
- The manual clutch assembly and fly wheel may be stock or be replaced with the Factory replacement or Sachs clutch kits and Aasco lightened flywheel.
- A limited slip differential is allowed.
- Short shift kits are allowed but not recommended. Shifter cables are free as long as they are of stock length. If the bushings are worn out in the shifter console, bushings of any material may be fabricated to replace the original bushings, or the Function First Shift Right 996 retrofit kit may be installed.
- Body/Chassis/Interior
- Body
- Air dams and bumpers covers must be either stock or model year appropriate OEM like replica units. No carbon fiber is allowed. The bottom surface of the bumper cover may be cut to allow radiator airflow to escape from center radiator duct. The front bumper may be top vented ala GT3 Cup to allow for additional or rerouted heat venting of the radiator.
- Front hood must remain stock.
- Splitters panels may be added but not extend forward of the front bumper or air dam further than 3”, nor lower than 3” from the bottom of the front bumper. Splitter panels may not extend rearward beyond the bottom corner of the front bumper cover.
- The front bumper must be located in the factory position and cannot be moved in any way.
- Grills to prevent entry of debris are allowed over all exterior openings.
- A sunroof delete panel or steel “non sunroof” skin may be used.
- The windshield may be replaced with polycarbonate (Lexan) of suitable thickness. The door windows may be removed. Quarter windows may be replaced and vented to direct air in or out of the cockpit but not into the engine compartment. Front and rear windshields may be secured with clips and straps.
- License plates, license plate frames, license plate lights, and insignias and emblems may be removed.
- Hood pins are recommended. Stock hood latches may be disabled or removed.
- All headlights and taillights must remain stock. Headlights may be covered.
- Rear wings may be stock, year appropriate factory aero wing, or Getty Design 997 58” Wing. Getty Design rear deck lid is optional. Wing may not be positioned rearward of the center of the rear bumper cover, nor higher than 23” from top surface of rear bumper cover where it meets the deck lid (excluding Gurney flap). No carbon fiber is allowed. A Gurney flap on the wing with a height not to exceed 1″ is allowed.
- The rear bumper license plate area may be cut out to 27″ wide by 7″ tall maximum. There may be a tow hook hole of a max size of 6″ x 3″. No other modifications are permitted.
- No exterior modification of the body is allowed other than venting of the bumper cover.
- There must be a stock exterior mirror on each side.
- One single element dive plane, no larger than three inches by sixteen inches, may be added to each side of the front bumper cover.
- Rear bumper cover side vent cut outs are allowed.
- Chassis
- Seam welding of the chassis is not allowed.
- Air jacks are allowed.
- Interior
- A passenger seat is allowed but not required.
- The factory dashboard instrument pod must remain intact. Additional gauges may be added. Factory navigation systems, and airbags may be removed. The lower portion of the dashboard may be removed.
- Steering wheels are free. Quick release steering hubs are allowed.
- The steering wheel lock must be disabled or removed.
- The air conditioning/heating system may be removed. Retaining all or part of the AC/Heating system for defrosting is recommended.
- All interior items may be removed except where otherwise noted. Both doors may be “gutted,” but must retain perimeter frame, hinges, and door latch mechanism. The interior latch may be modified but must work. Factory door beams must remain intact or NASCAR style side intrusion door bars must be added. The door perimeter frame may be modified, but only as much as is needed to fit the NASCAR style door bars.
- All insulating material may be removed from the interior.
- There must be an interior mirror. The interior mirror is free.
- Data Acquisition and in‐car timing equipment is allowed.
- Ballast: Ballast to meet minimum weight must not exceed 100lbs. All ballast must be bolted to the floor of the front passenger foot‐well.
SPB Class Rules and SPB Eligible Models
Eligible models for SPB are 1997-1999 Porsche Boxster 2.5L with a tub with VIN from those years and the motor #M96.20. All parts must be factory stock from one of the eligible years, except where modifications are specifically allowed below. Modifications not specifically listed are prohibited.
- Safety, Chassis and Ballast
- Roll cages must comply with Appendix A and there must be a minimum of 6 connection points to the chassis. Attaching to the windshield frame or B pillar is allowed. Roll cages may not pass through walls or sills but may pass through the front bulkhead and be tied to the shock tower. The factory rollover protective bars behind the seats may be removed to facilitate roll cage installation.
- Arm restraints are required for drivers of cars with aftermarket hardtops.
- Ballast may not exceed 75 lbs., with a maximum of 25 lbs. bolted to the floor of the passenger foot well and the remainder secured behind the driver’s seat.
- Battery minimum weight is 10 lbs., must be in stock location.
- Seam welding of the chassis is not allowed.
- A fuel cell is allowed.
- A dry break port which complies with the Safety Recommendations and Allowances at the front of this rule book is allowed.
- The horn may be removed.
- Engine
- Engines and components must remain stock; engine and transmission must remain in their stock locations.
- Replacement air filters cannot be larger than factory and must be drop-in factory size and style. No modifications to engine air inlet and intake.
- ECU and programming must remain stock; no other engine management can be added. Any Porsche 1997-1999 Boxster flash, including European or other country flashes, may be used.
- Underdrive crank pulley is allowed, minimum 4” diameter. No modifications to any other pumps or pulleys; belts must be retained and operating.
- Allowed flywheel substitutions are Aasco 106412-11 or Fidanza 914572
- Exhaust manifolds must be stock; catalytic converters may be removed and all other exhaust components are free. The exhaust system may be wrapped.
- An additional radiator in the center of the grill area is allowed; stock radiators must be retained.
- The following modifications to the oil cooling system are allowed: addition of external oil cooler, upgrade to Boxster S oil cooler, addition of deep sump oil pan.
- The use of an Accusump oil accumulator is allowed.
- Air conditioning and heating systems may be removed.
- Data acquisition systems are allowed.
- The engine air injection system may be removed.
- Power steering coolers are allowed.
- Engine and transmission mounts may be replaced with WEVO semi-solid mounts. This does not allow relocation of the mounts, or use of solid mounts
- Transmission
- Transmission must be G86/00 and must remain stock with no coatings and stock gear ratios. Aftermarket gears of stock ratios and design (e.g., no straight cut gears) are allowed.
- Clutch disk and pressure plate must be factory or Sachs Performance Clutch #88 1861 000 017 and Sachs Performance Sport Pressure Plate #88 3082 999 754
- Short shift kits are allowed. The shifter console may be raised, and aftermarket shift cables may be used, but shift cables must remain stock length.
- Transmission oil coolers are allowed.
- Suspension/Wheels/Tires
- Shock tower modification and strut braces are not allowed.
- Camber plates are not allowed.
- Except as otherwise allowed, all bushings must remain stock (e.g., no replacing the rubber in a bush with urethane or a spherical bearing). Porsche GT3 (street) adjustable A-arms are allowed. Front inner lower control arms may have longer camber adjustment studs installed.
- Springs must be stock or can be changed to 450 lb. front and 500 lb. rear, or 500 lb. front and 450 lb. rear, but must be one of these three allowed configurations (i.e., you cannot run a square spring setup). The aluminum upper rear spring seat and the tender springs and separators may be aftermarket parts so long as they are substantially similar to the PSS9 part.
- Only the following shocks are allowed: Stock Porsche shocks for the model. Bilstein PSS9 shocks, part #F4-GM5-8847-H0or #48-181440 with stock valving. Motion Control Suspension SPB, P/N SET-1WNR-SPB-01, or the superseding parts STR-1NWR-00067 (front) and STR-1WNR-00068 (rear). Minor trimming of rain gutter sheet metal in the rear trunk above the shock adjuster to improve access is allowed. Shocks cannot be cockpit adjustable.
- Sway bars, drop links and toe links may be stock or changed to the following:
- Front sway bar: Porsche street GT3, H&R 70779, or Engineering Tarett #996FSBK.
- Rear sway bar: H&R 71779 or Tarett Engineering #986RSBA
- Front drop links: modified stock (shortened for use with GT3 sway bar), Tarett Engineering #996FDLNK, or Tarett Engineering GT3 “long” links #EXTFDLNK
- Rear drop links: stock or Tarett Engineering #996RDLNK
- Rear toe links: stock or Tarett Engineering #996TLNKR, or any similar rear toe link as long as it does not alter suspension geometry beyond being longer and does not function differently than either of the other allowed toe links.
- Sway bars may be disconnected or removed.
- Any ride height is allowed, as long as no part of the vehicle other than the tire patch touches the pavement.
- Any factory cast aluminum rims intended for a Boxster and matching the original offset are allowed; front wheels must be at least 18.5 lbs. and rear wheels at least 20 lbs. Rear wheels must be 17 x 8.5-inch, 48-50 mm offset. Front wheels may be either 17 x 7-inch, 55 mm offset, or the same size and offset as the rear wheels (17 x 8.5-inch, 48-50 mm offset). The Jongbloed Racing Wheels stamped SPB 17 x 8.5 rim (p/n JRWPCA17x8.5/48SPB) is also allowed.
- Wheel spacers are allowed only for 17 x 8.5-inch front wheels for fender and fenderwell clearance. A 1/4-inch spacer for the rear wheels is allowed.
- Tires: Toyo R front 235/40-17 or 255/40-17; rear 255/40-17. Toyo RA-1s may be used as rain tires. Discontinued Toyo RRs in a racer’s possession may continue to be used.
- Aftermarket locking plates may be used on all suspension adjustment eccentrics.
- A bolt-on cross tie bar connecting the rear suspension sub-frame sides is allowed.
- Brake System
- Brake pads are free.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed.
- Emergency brake, lever, cables and associated parts may be removed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed if they use only air. Air may be vented through the front air dam. Dust shield may be removed.
- One-piece stock size steel rotors are required. Rotors may be cross-drilled or slotted.
- Bodywork
- Soft convertible tops and motors/assemblies may be removed. The clamshell piece over removed components may be attached to the body in any secure manner.
- Hard tops are mandatory and may be factory or aftermarket fiberglass replicas. Rear window must appear stock with no venting, can be Lexan.
- Approved air dams and bumper covers are limited to the following, including replicas:
- 986 stock or stock with cutout for additional radiator
- 986 Boxster S
- 996 Carrera 2 (U.S. delivered 1999 C2 model)
- GT3 style factory part #996-505-986-91 or clone only. Splitters may not extend forward of the front bumper cover and may be no more than 3” lower than the bottom of the front bumper cover. Factory or factory replacement side skirts are allowed.
- Headlights, tail lights and brake lights must remain stock; license plates, frames, and license plate frames may be removed. Rear bumper cover, license plate area may be cut out to 27” wide by 7” tall maximum. Tow hook hole maximum 6” x 3”. The rear metal bumper may be removed, and an optional steel reinforcement added in its place.
- Rear spoiler must be left in the upright position; lift motor may be removed. Deck lid must be stock.
- Radiator inlet screens, right rear fender side inlet scoops and screens, and ventilation inlet ducts are allowed. One or both side radiator fans may be removed.
- Polycarbonate (Lexan) windshields are allowed.
- If hood pins are installed, stock hood latches may be removed or disabled.
- The windshield wiper arms and blades and the windshield washer tank and washer mechanisms may be removed.
- All cars must display four approved TOYO decals, one on the front, one on the rear, and one on each side.
- Electrical wiring for parts which may be removed may be removed.
- Seam sealer, undercoating, weather stripping, and tubing for water drainage may be removed.
- The plastic fender liners may be removed, or holes cut in them.
- Thermal insulation and shielding may be removed.
- Interior
- Factory dashboard instrument pod must remain intact; 996 instrument cluster is allowed. Additional gauges may be added.
- All interior items and insulating material may be removed except where otherwise noted. Doors may be gutted, except factory door beams must be intact or protruding intrusion door bars must be added to the cage.
- Steering wheel lock must be removed.
- Steering wheels are free.
- Shift knobs are free.
- Any inside rear-view mirror is allowed.
- The immobilizer box may be relocated inside the driver’s compartment.
- The driver’s footwell fuse panel may be relocated inside the driver’s compartment.
- Factory engine cover must remain in the stock position and latched.
ME1 Class Rules and Eligible Models
This is a multiple-model BOP class for mid-engined cars that consists of second-generation 986 base 2.7L Boxsters (00-04) and first-generation 987.1 base 2.7L Boxsters (05-08) and Caymans (07-08). Updating base 986 2.5L Boxsters into this class is possible but seems impractical, and anyone seriously contemplating this needs to contact the Rules Committee for discussion and access to a list of modifications beyond what is published here which are allowed.
As of the end of 2024 this class is still a work in progress for optimizing the suspension. Please consult with the Rules Committee if not already in contact.
- Engine
Base 2.7L 986 Boxsters must use the M96.22 engine (00-02) or M96.23 engine (03-04).
Base 2.7L 987.1 Boxsters must use the M96.25 engine (05-06) or M97.20 engine (07-08).
Base 2.7L 987.1 Caymans must use the M97.20 engine.
- General. The mechanical and electrical components of the engine and transmission must remain stock and in their stock locations.
- Cooling System-must remain stock with the following exceptions: The left and right stock radiators may be replaced with high efficiency front radiators provided they fit into the stock mounting points. Shrouding around the left and right radiators may be modified to allow for more efficient air flow to the radiators. A center radiator may be added and can be either a Tiptronic , GT3 or high efficiency type. The center radiator may only be vented out the bottom. Radiator fans may be direct wired with a switch, and one or both of them may be removed.
- Oiling System. The factory oil and oil cooling system must remain stock, except an external oil cooler, an X-51 oil plate, an aftermarket sump extension or sump pan, a Porsche Motorsport or aftermarket Motorsport oil/air separator (AOS), and an oil accumulator (e.g., Accusump) may be added.
- Power Steering Cooling. Power steering fluid cooling is free.
- The engine driven power steering may be switched to an electro-hydraulic power steering system as long as the hoses mate up to an otherwise unaltered stock rack.
- Air Filter and Intake. No modifications to the factory engine air inlet or intake system. Drop in factory size/style replacement air filter elements are allowed. Non-stock cold air intake enhancements are not allowed.
- Pulley/Belt System. An under-drive crank pulley is allowed, with a minimum 4″ diameter. No modification is allowed to: water pump or alternator. The air conditioning pump may be disabled or removed. All must be operable, and belt driven, but belt length is free. For electro-hydraulic power steering systems, a dead pulley may replace the power steering pump pulley.
- Fuel and exhaust emissions control systems may be removed, blocked, or modified so long as no performance advantage (other than less weight) may be achieved in so doing.
- Semi-solid engine mounts are allowed.
- The engine air injection system may be removed.
- All cars can use aftermarket headers from any manufacturer. Exhaust behind the header collectors is free. The exhaust system may be externally wrapped or coated.
- 986 base Boxsters can Flash their ECU. The Flash tune for 00-04 Boxsters is Softronics Software Part No. SFT-ME1-0004. No other ECU Flash tunes are allowed. All other models must use a factory stock ECU Flash. The stock base ROW Flash is allowed for all models.
- Rules applicable to 986 and 987.1 Boxsters
- Soft convertible tops and motors/assemblies may be removed. The clamshell piece over removed components may be attached to the body in any secure manner.
- Hard tops are mandatory and may be factory or aftermarket fiberglass replicas. Rear window must appear stock with no venting, can be Lexan.
- Approved air dams and bumper covers are limited to the following, including replicas:
- 986 stock or stock with cutout for additional radiator
- 986 Boxster S
- 996 Carrera 2 (U.S. delivered 1999 C2 model)
- Arm restraints are required for drivers of cars with aftermarket hardtops, except as specified in CR Section 5 – Driver Requirements of the PCA CLUB RACING SAFETY section of this document.
- Rules applicable to all cars
- Air dams and bumper covers must be stock unless otherwise specified above. The front bumper must be located in the factory position and cannot be moved in any way. The fog lights and their support structures may be removed.
- Splitters – GT3 style factory PN 996-505-986-91, GT-Racing PN 661S or exact replica only. Splitters may not extend forward of the front bumper cover and may be no more than 3” lower than the bottom of the front bumper cover. Factory or factory replacement side skirts are allowed.
- Headlights, tail lights and brake lights must remain stock; license plates, frames, and license plate frames may be removed. Rear bumper cover, license plate area may be cut out to 27” wide by 7” tall maximum. Tow hook hole maximum 6” x 3”. The rear metal bumper may be removed, and a steel reinforcement added in its place.
- Rear spoiler may be stock, 987 Cayman R or exact equivalent (such as the GT Racing Porsche Cayman Aero Style Wing/Cayman R -Wing) for all Boxsters and Caymans. The stock spoiler can be permanently affixed for Boxsters. The 987 Cayman R wing should be permanently affixed on either Boxsters or Caymans.
- Radiator inlet screens, right rear fender side inlet scoops and screens, and ventilation inlet ducts are allowed. One or both side radiator fans may be removed.
- The windshield may be replaced with polycarbonate (Lexan) of suitable thickness. The door windows may be removed. Quarter windows may be replaced with polycarbonate and vented to direct air in or out of the cockpit but not into the engine compartment. If hood pins are installed, stock hood latches may be removed or disabled.
- The windshield wiper arms and blades and the windshield washer tank and washer mechanisms may be removed.
- All cars must display four approved TOYO decals, one on the front, one on the rear, and one on each side.
- Electrical wiring for parts which may be removed may be removed.
- Seam sealer, undercoating, weather stripping, and tubing for water drainage may be removed.
- The plastic fender liners may be removed, or holes cut in them.
- Thermal insulation and shielding may be removed.
- Grills to prevent entry of debris are allowed over all exterior openings.
- There must be a stock exterior mirror on each side, and an interior mirror. The interior mirror is free.
- A dry break port which complies with the Safety Recommendations and Allowances at the front of this rule book is allowed.
- The horn may be removed.
- Seam welding of the chassis is not allowed.
- Roll cage members may not extend through a firewall,
- Bolt-on tiedowns may be added.
- Air jacks are allowed.
- A fuel cell is allowed.
- Battery minimum weight is 10lbs; must be in stock location.
- All roll cages must comply with Appendix A. All Boxsters must have a minimum of 6 connection points to the chassis. Attaching to the windshield frame or B pillar is allowed. Boxsters may remove factory rollover protection bars behind the drivers seat. Boxsters (but not Caymans) are allowed, but not required, to pass roll cages through the bulkhead and attach them to the front shock tower.
- Ballast may not exceed 100 lbs.
- 2000-2004 986 Boxster “S” chassis are allowed as long as components such as front brakes (299mm rotors and base calipers) are converted (backdated) to 986 base parts and a motor and transmission compliant with these rules are installed.
- Interior
- A passenger seat is allowed but not required.
- The factory dashboard instrument pod must remain intact. Additional gauges may be added. Factory navigation systems, radios, entertainment systems, and airbags may be removed. The lower portion of the dashboard may be removed.
- Steering wheels are free. Quick release steering hubs are allowed.
- The steering wheel lock must be disabled or removed.
- The air conditioning/heating system (including, without limitation, the heater core and its containing sheet metal) may be removed or disabled.
- All interior items may be removed except where otherwise noted. All carpeting, trim, insulating or sound deadening material, and non-metal panels may be removed from the interior.
- Doors may have window, lock, and interior latch mechanisms, and any other pieces held on with fasteners removed, but must retain all of the metal perimeter frame, hinges, and door latch mechanism. The interior latch may be modified but must work. Factory door beams must remain intact unless two cage door bars are installed for that door. If NASCAR style door bars are installed, the door perimeter frame may be modified, but only as much as is needed to fit the door bars.
- Shift knobs are free.
- The immobilizer box may be relocated inside the driver’s compartment.
- The driver’s footwell fuse panel may be relocated inside the driver’s compartment.
- Factory engine cover must remain in the stock position and latched.
- Data Acquisition and in-car timing equipment is allowed.
- For 986 Boxsters, 996 instrument clusters are allowed.
- Brake pads are free. Insulating and heat dissipating backing plates are allowed.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed.
- 996 or 997 GT3 master cylinders are allowed.
- Brake dust guards may be removed. Ducts, scoops, deflectors, vanes, block-off plates, and other systems within the bodywork to direct cooling air to the brake rotors are allowed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed, provided they use only air. The fog lights may be removed, and the openings used for brake cooling, but additional exterior bodywork openings are not allowed. Modifications to existing air channels inside the bodywork to duct air for brake cooling are allowed.
- One-piece rotors must be used and must be dimensionally the same as stock. Drilled and slotted rotors are allowed. No component of the ceramic brake option which is different than the base model brake system may be used.
- Brake calipers must remain completely stock and mount in the factory location. Stock-sized stainless steel pistons may replace the stock aluminum pistons.
- The emergency brake, lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- The ABS may be re-Flashed (as noted in the overall safety provisions) for 987.1 cars to run in PCCB mode to prevent ice pedal.
- 986 Boxsters may use Boxster “S” 299mm stock calipers in the rear.
- Suspension
- All suspension components not otherwise listed must be stock factory parts. Stock suspension parts may be used in lieu of permitted other parts for all cars. All suspension components must be mounted in the unmodified factory original mounting locations. Except where specifically noted or a part is listed as free, no solid bushings are allowed.
- Shock Tower Braces. The welded-in cage may be connected longitudinally to the tops of the rear shock towers. No other modification of any shock tower is allowed nor are strut braces permitted.
- Rear Subframe. A bolt-on cross tie bar connecting the rear suspension subframe sides is allowed.
- Front and rear two-piece lower control arms are allowed. The must be Porsche Factory shim adjustable front outer control arms for the 996 GT3 or 997 GT3, or a replica aftermarket replacement under the CR Suspension Section 2.S for Stock Cars. The inner control arm bushing and the caster adjustment inserts, which secure the radius arm, for the front lower control arms, must remain stock (rubber). Radius rod (thrust arm) rubber mounts for the rear suspension must remain stock.
- Front radius rods (thrust arms) must be stock 986, 987, or street 996 parts. Spacers may be used to adapt stock radius rods for use with the specified 996 control arms.
- The rear toe (track bar) links are free and may include bump steer adjustment.
- Aftermarket locking plates may be used on all suspension adjustment eccentrics.
- Springs, shocks and monoball topmounts.
- All cars must use the Tarett ME1COP coilover assembly. Any combination of 600 or 650 lb/in springs are allowed either front or rear.
- All spring and shock systems must mount in the factory original locations.
- The upper shock mount sheet metal may be cut to allow full use of the factory adjustment slots if shock adjusters protrude enough to hit the metal, but only enough as is needed for the adjustment purpose.
- Front sway bars must be 29mm or less in diameter and mount in the stock front sway bar position but are otherwise free. Rear sway bars must be 20mm or less in diameter and mount in the stock rear sway bar position but are otherwise free. Cars are allowed, but not required to run rear sway bars.
- Sway bar drop links are free.
- Any ride height is allowed, as long as no part of the vehicle other than the tire patch touches the pavement.
- The stability management system may be altered by disconnecting or switching sensors.
- 986 Boxsters may use the “S” rear hubs/carriers and “S” axels as all three are needed to use the G86.20-6 spd transmission. 987.1 Boxsters/Caymans may use the “S” axels required to use the G87.20 6spd transmission.
- Allowable transmissions are as follows: 986 2.7L Boxsters must use either the G86.01 5 speed or G86.20 6 speed transmission. The 987.1 Caymans and Boxsters must use either the 5 speed G87.01 or G87.20 6 speed transmission.
- Transmissions must be stock with no modifications. All gear ratios must remain stock. Ring and pinion ratio must remain stock. Aftermarket gears that are the same as stock ratios are allowed for the G86.01 or G87.01 transmissions. No straight cut gears are allowed as replacements.
- A separate pump, cooler, and fittings for transmission cooling is allowed.
- Clutch assembly and fly wheel may be factory stock, or be replaced with the Factory replacement or Sachs 88-3082-999-754 clutch, Sachs clutch disc 88-1861-000-017 kits and lightened flywheel Aasco PN 106412-11, Fidanza 914572 or Clutch Masters FW-005-AL.
- A mechanical limited slip differential (LSD) is allowed.
- Factory compatible short shift kits, shift risers, and alternate cables are allowed, but other modifications to the shifting action (e.g., sequential, paddle, blippers) are not allowed.
- Semi-solid transmission mounts are allowed.
- Any single piece aluminum rims intended for the 986 Boxster or for the 987.1 Boxster or Cayman are allowed that match the original offset; front wheels must be at least 18.5 lbs. and rear wheels at least 20 lbs. Rear wheels must be 17 x 8.5-inch , 48-50 mm offset. Front wheels may be either 17 x 7-inch, 55 mm offset, or the same size and offset as the rear wheels.
- Wheel spacers are allowed only for 17×8.5-inch front wheels for fender and fenderwell clearance. A 1/4-inch spacer for the rear wheels is allowed.
- Tires: Toyo R front 235/40-17 or 255/40-17; rear 255/40-17. The discontinued Toyo RR may continue to be used if in a racer’s possession. Any DOT tire with a tread wear rating (UTQG) of 100 or greater can be used as a rain tire.
- Hubs may use studs in place of wheel bolts.
SPC Class Rules and SPC Eligible Models
This class is open to 2006 through 2008 Cayman S (3.4 liter) cars. As long as the proper S engine and transmission are installed, the non-S (2.9-liter model) chassis from 2007 and 2008 may be used. Modifications to the street version, as delivered in the United States or Canada for initial sale, are allowed only where specified below. The inclusion of prohibitions on certain modifications is to avoid self-serving interpretations and may not be used to infer that what is not prohibited is allowed.
- Engine
- General. The mechanical and electrical components of the engine and transmission must remain stock and in their stock locations.
- If the aftermarket pistons or rods approved in Appendix F are used, the manufacturer’s card or sheet for the specific set, and invoices from the approved supplier must be stapled into the car’s Log Book for verification purposes. The invoice must have the engine serial number written on it.
- Cooling System-must remain stock with the following exceptions: Addition of a Tiptronic third radiator kit or a similarly vented and located third radiator. The left and right stock radiators may be replaced with high efficiency front radiators provided they fit into the stock mounting points. Shrouding around the left and right radiators may be modified to allow for more efficient air flow to the radiators. A center radiator may be added and can be either a Tiptronic or GT3 type. The center radiator may be vented out either from the bottom, or through the top between the bumper and front deck lid equivalent to a 997 GT3. The 997 GT3 center radiator support bracket (P/N 997.504.487.90) and the lower support bracket (P/N 997.504.485.81) may be used to allow radiator air flow through the allowed top venting. Radiator fans may be direct wired with a switch, and one of them may be removed.
- Oiling System. The factory oil and oil cooling system may be modified by the addition of an external oil cooler, an X-51 oil plate, an aftermarket sump extension or sump pan, any air/oil separator including substitute valve cover pumps and additional external plumbing as well as an aftermarket separator unit, and an oil accumulator (e.g., Accusump). In addition, the engine may be converted to a dry sump system with an external sump tank and associated plumbing as long as the system does not create a crankcase vacuum.
- Power Steering Cooling. Power steering fluid cooling is free, and a larger cooler is highly recommended.
- Air Filter and Intake. No modifications to the factory engine air inlet or intake system, except “de-snorkeling” by removing the baffle restrictor plate in front of the air intake before the air filter is allowed. Drop in factory size/style replacement air filter elements are allowed. Non-stock cold air intake enhancements are not allowed.
- Pulley/Belt System. An under drive crank pulley is allowed, with a minimum 4″ diameter. No modification is allowed to: water pump or alternator. The air conditioning pump may be disabled or removed. All must be operable, and belt driven, but belt length is free. The engine driven power steering may be switched to an electro-hydraulic power steering system as long as the hoses mate up to an otherwise unaltered stock rack.
- Computer Engine Management System. The ECU and the flash of the computer engine management system must remain stock but may be dealer reflashed and the appropriate switch installed to include sport mode in cars without it.
- Exhaust System. Exhaust manifolds must remain stock or may be the Soul header (P/N POR.9871.COH) may be substituted. The tailpipe beyond the manifold assembly flange is free as long as the twin exhausts emerge in the stock location at the rear. Modifications can be made to exhaust sensors to prevent a check engine light from coming on as a result of exhaust changes. The required stock exhaust manifold (headers) may be externally wrapped.
- Fuel and exhaust emissions control systems may be removed, blocked, or modified so long as no performance advantage (other than less weight) may be achieved in so doing.
- The battery must be in the stock location and weigh a minimum of 10lbs.
- Semi-solid engine mounts are allowed.
- The engine air injection system may be removed.
- All suspension components not otherwise listed must be stock factory parts. Stock Cayman 2006-8 suspension parts may be used in lieu of permitted other parts. All suspension components must be mounted in the unmodified factory original mounting locations. Except where specifically noted or a part is listed as free, no solid bushings are allowed.
- Shock Tower Braces. The welded-in cage may be connected longitudinally to the tops of the rear shock towers. No other modification of any shock tower is allowed nor are strut braces permitted.
- Rear Subframe. A bolt-on cross tie bar connecting the rear suspension subframe sides is allowed.
- Lower Control Arms. Porsche Factory shim adjustable front outer control arms for the 996 GT3 [PNs 996 341 121 90 and 996 341 122 90] are allowed front and rear. The inner control arm piece is free. The caster adjustment inserts, which secure the radius arm, for the front lower control arms, are free. Radius rod (thrust arm) rubber mounts for the rear suspension may be replaced with non-adjustable solid mounts with the attachment bolt centered.
- Front radius rods (thrust arms) must be stock 986, 987, or street 996 parts. Spacers may be used to adapt stock 987 radius rods for use with the specified 996 control arms.
- The rear toe (track bar) links are free and may include bump steer adjustment.
- Aftermarket locking plates may be used on all suspension adjustment eccentrics.
- Springs and Shocks.
- Shocks must be the original JRZ100S 00 987 SP 1500 with topmounts made for SPC, or the JRZ 100 5 001 987 SP 10 00 replacement.
- Any compatible 700 or 800 lb/in spring may be used, in any combination.
- All spring and shock systems must mount in the factory original locations.
- The upper shock mount sheet metal may be cut to allow full use of the factory adjustment slots if shock adjusters protrude enough to hit the metal, but only enough as is needed for the adjustment purpose.
- Front sway bars may be stock, or 997 GT3 five way 27mm bars, or Tarett PN 997FSBK-GTS, or TPC 986/987 stage one. Rear sway bars may be stock, or Tarett PN 986RSBK-GTS, or TPC 986/987 stage one. The Club Racing Rules Committee may approve sway bars of other manufacture as long as they mount in the stock locations and have spring rates which fall within the rates represented by the parts listed here.
- Sway bar drop links are free.
- Any ride height is allowed, as long as no part of the vehicle other than the tire patch touches the pavement.
- The stability management system may be altered by disconnecting or switching sensors.
- Tires and Wheels
- The spec tire for SPC is the Hankook C51 medium compound Z214, 245/35ZR18 front, and 275/35ZR18 rear. Rain tires are free as long as they fit legal rims. The dry tires must be purchased from Hankook (not from on-line providers). Hankook provided sponsor decals are required above all four tire positions. Cars may not display any other tire company decals or logos.
- The required rims are 18×9 front and 18×10 rear or narrower. Wheel /tire combined weight must be equal or exceed 40 lbs. for fronts, and 46 lbs. for rears.
- Hubs may be converted to studs in place of wheel bolts.
- The tread at the top of the tire may not extend out beyond the fender arch above it. This rule does not apply to the rear for rain tires as long as the spacers used are no wider than necessary to prevent rubbing.
- Brakes
- Brake pads are unrestricted. Insulating and heat dissipating backing plates are allowed.
- Steel braided brake lines are allowed.
- Brake dust guards may be removed. Ducts, scoops, deflectors, vanes, block-off plates, and other systems within the bodywork to direct cooling air to the brake rotors are allowed.
- Brake cooling systems are allowed, provided they use only air. The fog lights may be removed, and the openings used for brake cooling, but additional exterior bodywork openings are not allowed. Modifications to existing air channels inside the bodywork to duct air for brake cooling are allowed.
- One-piece or two-piece steel rotors may be used if dimensionally the same as stock. Drilled and slotted rotors are allowed. No component of the ceramic brake option which is different than the base model brake system may be used.
- Brake calipers must remain completely stock and mount in the factory location.
- The emergency brake, lever, cables, and all associated parts may be removed.
- The stock Cayman ABS may be modified by installing the RHT Motorsports MK60E1.SPC TEVES based ABS system.
(Note that overall safety provisions of these rules allow certain modifications to the braking system to reduce issues caused by the ABS in a racing environment.)
- Transmission must be stock with no modifications. All gear ratios must remain stock. Ring and pinion ratio must remain stock. The 2007-08 2.7 liter Caman six speed transmission is allowed as an alternative transmission.
- A separate pump, cooler, and fittings for transmission cooling is allowed.
- Clutch assembly and fly wheel may be stock, or be replaced with the Factory replacement or Sachs 88-3082-999-754 clutch, Sachs clutch disc 88-1861-000-017 kits and lightened flywheel Aasco PN 106412-11or Clutch Masters FW-005-AL.
- A mechanical limited slip differential is allowed.
- Factory compatible short shift kits, shift risers, and alternate cables are allowed, but other modifications to the shifting action (e.g., sequential, paddle, blippers) are not.
- Semi-solid transmission mounts are allowed.
- Body
- Air dams and bumper covers must be stock. The fog lights and their support structures may be removed.
- The rear bumper cover license plate area may be cut out to 27″ wide by 7″ tall maximum to deal with heat. There may be a tow hook hole of a maximum size of 6″ x 3″. The metal bumper behind the rear bumper cover may be removed, but if so must be replaced with a steel piece for chassis protection and tow hook attachment of approximately at least equal weight (i.e., this allowance may not be used to change the weight distribution of the car).
- The factory Aerokit 987.1 splitter or a replica may be installed.
- The front bumper must be located in the factory position and cannot be moved in any way.
- The windshield may be replaced with polycarbonate (Lexan) of suitable thickness. The door windows may be removed. Quarter windows may be replaced with polycarbonate and vented to direct air in or out of the cockpit but not into the engine compartment.
- License plates, license plate frames, license plate lights, and insignias and emblems may be removed.
- Hood pins are recommended. Stock hood latches may be disabled or removed. Front and rear windshields may be secured with clips and straps.
- All headlights and taillights must remain stock.
- The factory 987.1 Aerokit or Cayman R rear wing, or a replica, may be installed. Uprights for replica wings need not copy the factory parts as long as they mount on the decklid in the stock location and position the wing element in the same location and angle as the factory wing.
- Grills to prevent entry of debris are allowed over all exterior openings.
- There must be a stock exterior mirror on each side, and an interior mirror. The interior mirror is free.
- Chassis
- Seam welding of the chassis is not allowed.
- Roll cage members may not extend through a firewall,
- Bolt-on tiedowns may be added.
- Air jacks are allowed.
- Interior
- A passenger seat is allowed but not required.
- The factory dashboard instrument pod must remain intact. Additional gauges may be added. Factory navigation systems, radios, entertainment systems, and airbags may be removed. The lower portion of the dashboard may be removed.
- Steering wheels are free. Quick release steering hubs are allowed.
- The steering wheel lock must be disabled or removed.
- The air conditioning/heating system (including, without limitation, the heater core and its containing sheet metal) may be removed or disabled.
- All interior items may be removed except where otherwise noted. All carpeting, trim, insulating or sound deadening material, and non-metal panels may be removed from the interior.
- Doors may have window, lock, and interior latch mechanisms, and any other pieces held on with fasteners removed, but must retain all of the metal perimeter frame, hinges, and door latch mechanism. The interior latch may be modified but must work. Factory door beams must remain intact unless two cage door bars are installed for that door. If NASCAR style door bars are installed, the door perimeter frame may be modified, but only as much as is needed to fit the door bars.
- Data Acquisition and in-car timing equipment is allowed.
Class GTB
The GTB classes consist of normally aspirated 996 or 997 (excluding GT3), the 2003-2006 GT3 (with limitations), 987 Cayman S and equivalent special models, 981 Cayman S, and the 2016 Cayman GT4 production street cars modified according to these rules. The basic concept is a stock powertrain, and a body of basically stock appearance, subject to allowed modifications. See table in weights section for minimum weights by model and engine, to which must be added an additional 100 pounds for PDK transmissions, or 125 pounds for the Cayman GT4.
GTB1: Listed models with a maximum displacement of 3.4L (CaymanS) or 3.6L (911) and chassis no later than 2016. The allowed GT3 models must conform to all Stock J class rules, except that they may run non-DOT tires (slicks). Competition adjustments to weight on these GT3 models may be made at any time.
GTB3: Listed models with 3.8L engines, including those progressed to the 3.8L engine as permitted below.
The following restrictions and allowed modifications apply:
- Engine: Cars must have an unmodified production engine and ECU as found in their base model except as allowed below:
- While the ECUs must remain stock, the flash (programming) is free.
- Flywheels may be replaced with a single mass, ferrous (magnetic) material flywheel; clutch disk must remain the stock diameter.
- For these classes, the engine begins at the input to the MAF or throttle body, whichever comes first, and ends where the exhaust manifold is attached.
- Underdrive pulleys, no less than 4″ in diameter, may be used in place of the stock crankshaft pulley.
- Power steering pulleys, if the engine driven pump system is retained, may be underdrive style (larger diameter) of any size. Electro-hydraulic power steering pumps may be installed, as long as their hose end fittings will attach to an unaltered stock power rack and pinion assembly, and if this is done the power steering pump on the engine may be removed or disabled and idlers and belts may be changed accordingly.
- The modifications allowed under Stock 1.
- Components for additional cooling of engine, transmission, and power steering fluids are free.
- 996s and 987.1 (2006-08) Caymans in GTB1 may use the 82mm GT3 throttle body and plenum, or aftermarket versions of the same.
- GTB1 Caymans may progress to GTB3 by installing a 997 3.8 liter factory production engine, with or without the X51 upgrade. Minimum car weight depends on the engine type (see weight chart). GTB3 models with the X51 intake will be deemed to have the X51 3.8-liter motor. GTB3 models with a 3.8 liter motor but the standard 3.8 liter intake will be deemed to be standard 3.8 motors.
- The GTB2 Cayman may progress to GTB3 with the GT4 3.8-liter motor.
- GTB cars with the 981 chassis may run the Porsche 718 style Cayman GT4 Clubsport Manthey Racing SRO intake air modification that exists before the air reaches the throttle body and MAP sensor. Similar systems such as the one from BGB Motorsports may also be used involving a single airbox with one or two air filters teed into the intake via a sealed hole in the vertical rear engine compartment firewall. If not using the Manthey Racing intake configuration, tubing going through the firewall needs to be metal. The air box needs to be made of either metal, carbon fiber or high grade, high temperature plastic. Any suitable watercooled six cylinder Porsche OEM airbox is also acceptable. Such systems may receive the air either from the quarter windows or from ducts or scoops in the rear window or rear hatch, and electronic parts within the rear trunk may be relocated there as needed.
- Transmission
- Cars must have an unmodified production transmission and gears as found in their base model except for cooling components.
- Shifter components are free.
- Limited slip differentials are free.
- Cars with the PDK transmission must add 100 pounds to the minimum weight in all GTB classes, but a 981 or GT4 with PDK must add125 pounds.
- Suspension
- Lower control arms must be stock, GT3, or GT3 Cup parts, although bushing materials for these parts are free.
- Aftermarket suspension links are allowed as long as they perform the same functions as stock parts. Engine and transmission mount bushings are free. This includes blippers.
- Progressed 981s in GTB3 may use GT4 suspension parts.
- Suspension pick-up points must remain in their stock locations but may be reinforced.
- Springs, shocks, sway bars, and camber plates are free.
- Brakes, including traction control, are governed by the GT rules, but only Porsche street car systems (e.g., PSM) native to the car’s model are allowed.
- Tires and wheels are governed by the GT rules, but bodywork may not be extended farther than the GTB bodywork rules allow.
- Bodywork
- Except as specified, an unmodified production chassis is required. Bodywork changes are limited to those found on an equivalent GT3 Cup, as follows: The 996 911 may use 996 GT3 Cup parts, the 997.1 and 987.1 Cayman may use 997.1 GT3 Cup parts, the 987.2 Cayman and 997.2 911 may use 997.2 GT3 Cup parts. The 981 Cayman may only use stock or GT4 parts, including Club Sport parts. The GT4 may not make any bodywork changes other than allowed replica parts.
- Replica aftermarket bodywork parts of alternate materials are allowed as long as they are bolt-on parts (that is, that they are parts like bumpers, hoods, hatches, front fenders, and doors). Replica doors for Caymans may delete the Cup window and may include a window frame if desired (the full integrated plastic window is not allowed). The allowance of these alternate material parts applies only if ballast is limited to 50 pounds. Head light assemblies may be removed and replaced with covers. Air jacks are allowed.
- Front bumper covers may have an opening cut into their upper surface to allow air from fluid coolers to vent upward, but this modification does not allow protrusions (e.g., Gurney lips). Ducting for such venting is free as long as there is no modification to the tub. This allowance does not apply to models which came with upward venting, which must be used in its stock exterior configuration.
- Ducting of cooling air is free as long as it complies with firewall integrity and does not involve making additional openings in the car’s exterior other than those allowed here.
- The 987.1 and 987.2 Cayman may add front fender flares. Front fenders with flares may not exceed the width of the corresponding installed 997 Cup Car parts as allowed in Section A above. Flares must be a Porsche or high-quality aftermarket part and have an installed professional appearance.
- Caymans may cut out an opening in the rear bumper cover, removing the area where the license plate and bumperettes are.
- Metal bumpers (behind the bumper cover) may be removed.
- Windows are governed by the GT rules, but openings or ducts may only be made or placed in the quarter windows. Door windows, plastic or otherwise, are not allowed.
- Progressed 981 Caymans may use GT4 parts.
- See GT for interior modifications allowed. Roll cage and chassis stiffening elements are not restricted to the passenger compartment.
- External door mounted mirrors are free.
- Aerodynamics
- Splitters must conform to the GT limitations on splitters.
- The GT limitation on aerodynamic devices which are driver or self adjustable on track apply.
- Wings are free with the following limitations:
- The maximum cord is limited to 12 inches measured at the widest point of the wing, not including endplates.
- The maximum total wingspan is limited to 64 inches, including endplates.
- The wing may extend no more than 1.5 inches beyond the rear bumper cover, measured at the center of the car.
- No part of the wing, excluding endplates but including any Gurney lip, may be higher than 4’8” above the ground with the car sitting on the ground in its racing configuration.
- Multi-element wings are not allowed.
- Canards, dive planes, diffusers and modifications to the underside of the vehicle for improving aerodynamics are not allowed.
Any car which exceeds the modifications for the STOCK, PREPARED, SPEC, or other listed classes will compete in the modified classes. The cars in these classes do not have to be street registerable, however, they must meet accepted safety requirements and the decision to be allowed to run rests entirely with the PCA Club Racing Program personnel.
There is no class distinction by tire type for these classes, but GT2 thru GT6 cars not using DOT or its European equivalent public road approved tires, or bias ply slicks, must add 50 pounds to their minimum weight and must continue to include an “R” in their front and rear class lettering so that the Scrutineers will be able to know what a car’s minimum weight is – (for example, “2R”).
- General Requirements
- GTA and GTB cars must have an intact Porsche chassis and meet minimum weight established for each class.
- GT cars, with the exception of those covered in GTP, must have a Porsche chassis consisting of a stock tub that includes the original floor pan, rocker panel longitudinal frame members, front metal firewall, and front shock towers or area surrounding the shock towers. Additionally, 914/924/944/968/Boxster/Cayman chassis cars must have the original rear shock towers or stock tub surrounding the rear shock towers. 911, 914/Boxster/Cayman chassis cars must have a rear metal firewall. Firewalls may contain metal access panels for transmission or clutch/flywheel area. Bodywork must be consistent with the underlying chassis.
- Engine
- Must retain a Porsche OEM engine block or case. Other changes or modifications are free in GTA, GT and GTP. See section on classes for restrictions on GTB.
- Engine must run on gasoline. Nitrous oxide is not allowed.
- Suspension
Free for GTP. For GTA and GT, parts are free, but the suspension must be derived from a type found on some stock version of the bodywork type of the car. Chassis suspension attachments may be moved (as long as the original type of suspension is retained), and links may be modified for static adjustment. Additional suspension pickup points, links, or additional suspension dynamic articulations are prohibited. See section on classes for restrictions on GTB.
- Tires and Wheels
- Any tire and wheel combination meeting the safety requirements of the PCA Club Racing Program technical inspectors is allowed.
- Tire and wheel package must be completely covered by the bodywork and have sufficient clearance to prevent rubbing which could be considered dangerous.
- Brakes
Free. Brake lights must be as bright and as easily seen as stock brake lights. But traction control, defined as any system which uses artificial sensors and computation both to control brakes and to decrease the throttle from the position determined by the driver’s foot, is not allowed unless it is an unmodified factory system from a Porsche street or race car.
- Transmission
Must use Porsche OEM transmission case: All other modifications are free in GTA, GT and GTP. See section on classes for restrictions on GTB.
- Body/Chassis/Interior
See section on classes for restrictions on GTB.
- Fenders must be flared to cover wheels and tires.
- Doors, fenders, hood, bumpers, and decklids may be replaced with fiberglass or carbon fiber components. However, adequate steel impact protection for both driver and fuel tank are required.
- Windows other than the windshield may be replaced with break-resistant plastic.
- Lexan windshields of appropriate thickness and quality of construction are allowed.
- Removal of interior is allowed provided the car “conforms to the spirit” of the PCA Club Racing Program, i.e., it is aesthetically pleasing.
- No spoilers, wings, or air dams may be wider than the basic bodywork of the car. No front spoiler or air dam may have components extending forward of the bodywork with the exception of splitters which may extend no more than 4″ beyond the rest of the front bodywork. No rear spoiler or wing may be higher than 4’10″ from the ground or extend more than 6″ beyond the rear bumper.
- No aerodynamic devices which are driver adjustable or which adjust themselves while on the track will be allowed with the exception of factory fixed speed deploying devices operating within factory specifications.
Classes GT-1 through GT-6
GT cars will be classified by calculating a “performance index.” The performance index applies the same principle of classification as used for the stock classes, which is weight/horsepower. The formula is:
Performance Index [PI] = (Weight x 100)/(Displacement [D] x Horsepower/Liter for engine type] [T]), or PI=(Wx100)/(DxT)
Transposing terms when you know your engine and the class you want to run in gives this:
Minimum weight for your car in your class = (minimum class PI x D x T) /100.
There are 18 engine types. Displacement in the formula is the exact displacement of the engine to the nearest thousandth of a liter(mL). The weight (in whole pounds) in the formula includes car, driver and driver gear. Standard rounding applies to weight calculations. The table below provides the HP/L for your engine type to calculate the Performance Index or minimum class weight for your car:
Engine Type (T) | HP/L |
4 cyl air cooled | 90 |
4 cyl air cooled turbo | 150 |
6 cyl air cooled | 110 |
6 cyl air cooled turbo | 210 |
4 cyl 2 valve water cooled | 100 |
4 cyl 2 valve water cooled turbo | 185 |
4 cyl 4 valve water cooled | 115 |
4 cyl 4 valve water cooled turbo | 230 |
6 cyl 986-based (M96 engine, any chassis) | 135 |
6 cyl 987-based (M97 engine, any chassis) | 140 |
6 cyl GT3 with single throttle | 165 |
6 cyl GT3 with six throttle bodies | 175 |
6 cyl water cooled turbo (any chassis) | 240 |
8 cyl 2 valve | 90 |
8 cyl 2 valve turbo | 145 |
8 cyl 4 valve | 100 |
Classification is as follows:
Performance Index (PI) | Class |
425 and below | GT-1 |
426 to 550 | GT-2 |
551 to 675 | GT-3 |
676 to 825 | GT-4 |
826 to 975 | GT-5 |
976 and above | GT-6 |
- It is permissible to add ballast to change one class only. Ballast is defined as removable weight bolted into the car solely to achieve a target weight. Ballast may be placed anywhere in the car so long as it is appropriately and adequately secured.
- Cars on non-DOT or equivalent approved radial tires (radial slicks) must add an additional 50 pounds to their formula-based minimum class weight.
- GT class, engine displacement, engine type and minimum weight must be written in the car’s Log Book on the inside cover.
996 or later factory race cars with normally aspirated engines and other cars based on 996, 997, 991, or 992 GT3 engines that do not meet the requirements of the Stock, Prepared, or GTC Classes. Tires are free.
GTA1: 996 factory race cars or cars with 996 GT3or factory race engines. Maximum displacement is 3.8L.
GTA2: 997 factory race cars or cars with 997 GT3 or factory race engines. Maximum displacement is 4.0L.
GTA3: 991 factory race cars or cars with 991 GT3or factory race engines. Maximum displacement is 4.2.
GTA4: 992 factory race cars or cars with 992 GT3 or factory race engines. Maximum displacement is 4.2L.
GTC Carrera Cup
All non-street legal factory Cup Cars as delivered from the Porsche factory to meet Supercup or Carrera Cup specifications without modification except as provided below. GTC4 and above must comply with Carrera Cup Germany specifications except as allowed. They must comply with the PCA Club Racing Program and Racing Safety sections of these Rules.
GTC1 – Euro C2 Carrera Cup Cars and all US Carrera Cup cars meeting race series specifications.
GTC2 – 993 Cup Cars
GTC3 – 996 Cup Cars
GTC4 – 2006 – 2009 997 Cup Cars
GTC5 – 2010 – 2014 997 Cup Cars
GTC6 – 2013 – 2016 991 Cup Cars but not including Supercup
GTC7 – 2017 -2021 991 Cup Cars
GTC8 – 2022 992 Cup Cars
- General Requirements
- Tires are free in GTC1, GTC2, and GTC3. All later classes must use Pirelli Competition tires and display specified sponsor decals. Two Pirelli decals are required at a minimum: one each side, or one front and one rear. No other tire company decals or logos may be displayed. GTC4 shall run 245/645-18 DHF slick or WH rain front and DHF 305/680-18 slick or WH rain rear. GTC5 shall run DHF 265/645-18 slick or WH rain front and DHF 315/680-18 slick or WH rain rear. GTC6 and GTC7 shall run 285/645-18 DHF Slick or WH Rain front and 325/705-18 DHF Slick or WH Rain rear. GTC8 shall run DHF 325/660-18 front and DHF 325/705-18 rear for both slicks and the same sizes for rains.
- All PCA Club Racing Safety requirements must be met.
- Updating and backdating within model type is allowed.
- GTC4, and later cars are limited to the single gear-set specific to the model as specified in the Carrera Cup Germany Rules. The allowance for other gears for races over one hour in those rules does not apply to these classes.
- The Supercup ceramic brake rotors (PCCB) are not allowed, but the Carrera Cup steel rotors may be used with the yellow calipers, and the Supercup smaller rear master cylinder may be used with the steel rotors if the racer does not wish to replace it on his Supercup car.
- Parts may be replaced by factory parts from a street legal version of the same model, e.g., GTC1 cars may use 964 parts, GTC2 cars may use 993 parts, etc.
- Lexan front windshields are allowed.
- Parts substitution on GTC cars will be allowed when original parts are no longer available, subject to case by case approval by the Technical & Rules Chair. The racer making the request must provide documentation of the search for the correct part and the specifications of the proposed substitute. Approved substitutions will be added to the rules in the following year.
- Consumables, as specified in the second paragraph of the Stock Cars rules, are free as long as they cannot serve to increase the car’s performance.
- For tracks where the noise restriction is 103 dBA or below, additional sound muffling systems may be used in order to comply with the restrictions.
- Aftermarket drive axles and CV joints are allowed for all GTC models.
- The quarter windows may have a duct added to supply air for driver cooling. If the manufacturer of such a system supplies an external scoop for a quarter window, that may be used with the system.
- Any type of non-floating brake rotor of equivalent thickness and diameter and iron-based friction surfaces is allowed in GTC1, GTC2, and GTC3. GTC4 and GTC5 may use any aftermarket rotors of equivalent thickness and diameter.
- For GTC1 and GTC2, factory aluminum hood may be replaced with factory steel or aftermarket foam core fiberglass or carbon fiber hoods. Hoods must have provision for hinges, with only two hood pins allowed. The hood should be indistinguishable from the factory hood in form and function.
- Wheels in GTC1, GTC2, GTC3, GTC6, and GTC7 may be of any type or manufacturer, but must have the same width, diameter, offsets, and be of the same metal as the original factory wheels. GTC4, and GTC5 wheels must be 3-piece wheels of the same width, diameter, offsets, and be of the same metal as the original factory wheels. GTC2 and GTC3 cars are allowed to replace the pressure-cast aluminum control arms with steel control arms of identical dimensions.
- GTC3 and GTC4 may relocate the battery to the passenger footwell in a sealed container. Relocated batteries must be sealed dry cell.
- GTC3 and GTC4 may replace carbon-fiber doors and decklids with aftermarket parts. Replacements must be identical in every respect except weight and material; parts can be no lighter than stock parts.
- GTC6, GTC7, and GTC8 may use the Bosch Club Sport M4 or M5 ABS.
- Aftermarket intake valves for the Porsche GT3 based motors are approved as long as they have the same dimensions and are in all material respects functionally identical to the Porsche part and weigh at least as much. Ferrea is one supplier of these approved valves.
- The rear wing of GTC3 and GTC4 cars may be raised four inches to gain better rear vision but may not otherwise be altered or repositioned. Aftermarket uprights identical to the factory race part, other than being up to four inches taller, may be used.
- GTC4, GTC5, GTC6, and GTC7 may use any adjustable shock. Remote reservoirs, if used, must be mounted without modification of any stock component.
- GTC4, GTC5, GTC6, and GTC7 cars may change the brake master cylinders.
- GTC 5, 6, 7, and 8 may run the full (no muffling) or partial (no side pre-mufflers) Supercup exhausts.
- Single Class
- For GTC1, exhaust is free.
- GTC1 cars may update to the 993 solid shift rod part #964.424.020.35.
- GTC1 cars may replace the magnesium engine mounts with solid aluminum mounts of the same height.
- GTC1 cars may have aftermarket camber plates.
- GTC1 cars may replace front control arm bushings, rear control arm bushings and rear spring plates with aftermarket parts, including monoballs. The original suspension geometry must be maintained.
- GTC1 shocks and springs are free as long as they are in the stock location using the stock pickup points and are not cockpit (driver on track accessible) or electronically adjustable.
- The catalytic converters in GTC2 may be replaced with a cat bypass pipe.
- GTC2 motors may use any Porsche rocker arms.
- GTC3 cars may replace the Cup clutch with the GT3 RS or metallic GT3 RSR clutch.
- GTC3 may use any 2-way adjustable shock.
- GTC3 mufflers and associated parts, from the header back, may be replaced with a fabricated or aftermarket exhaust system which results in a car which meets a 103 dBA limit, and meets these additional criteria: the secondary piping may be no larger than 2.5″ in outer diameter), must incorporate a muffler or mufflers, must not be longer than stock, and must exit as two pipes in the stock center location or, for early cars not updated, may exit on each side where the factory system exited.
- GTC3 cars may use any of the gears listed in the factory manual for the Carrera Cup race cars of their era.
- GTC3 cars may use the following 997 parts for an engine rebuild, however, the existing 996 intake runners may not be modified to match the 997 larger intake port: 997-104-016-92 cylinder heads, 997-105-039-91 camshaft housing 1-3, 997-105-040-91 camshaft housing 4-6, 996-105-236-97 Intake camshaft
- The GTC3 track rod assembly 996.331.045.9A has been superseded by part number 997.331.045.9A.
- GTC3 cars may replace the factory ABS with the DeMan Motorsport 996 Cup ABS Replacement Kit, which is based on parts used by Porsche. A copy of the sale invoice should be placed in the car’s Log Book.
- The cabin air system under the front cowl in the front trunk in GTC3 cars may be removed.
This class is for GT4 Club Sport Cayman factory race cars, which must conform to the Porsche specifications under which they were sold. Street Caymans may not be adapted to run in this class. Allowed modifications are only those listed in these rules. 981 based cars are GTD1, and 718 based cars are GTD2, with adjustments depending on the models within these classes, or GTD3 for the four liter 718 GT4 RS Club Sport.
- All GTD cars must display the specified sponsor decals and use the following Pirelli competition tires: 265/645-18 DHF front and 305/680-18 DHF rear. Pirelli rains are DHF rains of the same size as drys.
- Repositioning of the cool suit box within the passenger compartment to allow simpler installation and removal of a passenger seat (for coaching when not under PCA Club Racing rules) is allowed.
- GTD cars may avail themselves of modifications approved for their model to race in IMSA, SHO, or any other PMNA sponsored or supported series. Racers with these post-factory modifications should have a copy of the series rules approving these modifications to show to the Scrutineers and Stewards should the need arise. This does not include minimum weights of the car and driver. This includes the Manthey/SHO and other intake air modifications allowed in the GTB rules.
- GTD1 cars may run aftermarket headers, with or without catalytic converters, from where they bolt onto the exhaust ports to the connection with the rest of the factory exhaust system at the end of the stock catalytic converter’s location.
- GTD cars not eligible for GTD solely because of not running the specific tire for the class may run in GT at 3100 pounds in the following classes:
GTD1 and GTD2: GT3;
GTD cars with other disqualifying modifications will run in GT in the class dictated by the GT weight rules..
The detailed Porsche specifications governing these cars can be found at https://pcaclubracing.org.
Classes GTP-1 through GTP-6, GTP-A
Porsche factory-approved race cars and Porsches with Log Books issued prior to 1999 that do not strictly adhere to the provisions of this rule book may be allowed to participate in GTP-1 thru GTP-6 on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Rules Committee and with the approval of the National Chairman.
All Porsche factory approved prototype race cars, and GT cars with Log Books issued prior to 1999 that do not strictly adhere to the GT provisions of this rule book, race in GTP. GTP Porsches will be classed according to engine displacement as listed in the table below. “Porsche factory approved” means either manufactured by Porsche as a race car or raced professionally with a Porsche engine and non-Porsche chassis and recognized by Porsche or a professional racing organization with a manufacturer’s championship as a Porsche. Example: 2008 LMP2 Penske Porsche RS Spyder. It is the responsibility of the owner to supply documentation of such recognition. Eligibility of the car for points in the annual Porsche Driver’s Cup is one method of proof of such recognition.
Class | Displacement, Normally Aspirated | Displacement, Turbo/Supercharged |
GTP-1 | Not Applicable | Over 2.62 L |
GTP-2 | Over 3.4 L | Not Applicable |
GTP-3 | Over 2.808 L to 3.4 L | Over 2.16 L to 2.62 L |
GTP-4 | Over 2.2 L to 2.808 L | Over 1.69 L to 2.16 L |
GTP-5 | Over 1.75 L to 2.2 L | Over 1.35 L to 1.69 L |
GTP-6 | Up to 1.75 L | Up to 1.35 L |
GTP-A | ALMS LMP and Grand AM Daytona Prototype cars raced with a Porsche engine and treated as Porsches for manufacturer's championship purposes, and Porsche engined prototypes raced in subsequent similar series, in the engine configuration as raced. |
All Weights Include Driver and Driver’s Gear
- Prepared changes move cars down the alphabet either one or two classes from their base class. A prepared car’s minimum weight is 100 pounds less than its base class weight.
- All Euro-spec cars with any performance advantage (compression, Motronics, etc.) over their U.S. counterparts and not listed in these Tables will be classed one class down the alphabet from the U.S. models.
- Targas and cabriolets other than Boxsters are not separately listed and race at the coupe weight. Due to the proliferation of model and transmission choices of the water cooled mid and rear engine era, as well as various special or limited edition models, not all models of Porsche sports cars are listed here. Anyone wishing to race a Porsche sports car, including the Panamera, may apply to the Technical and Rules Committee for assignment of a class and minimum weight. If applying under this provision for a street model not listed, Porsche documentation for the horsepower and curb weight must be provided to the Committee. If the application is for a Carrera GT, 918, or other model with a carbon fiber tub the application should indicate how a roll cage will be fitted, together with engineering data showing the proposed method will meet recognized custom cage specifications.
- The Club Racing Technical and Rules Committee reserves the right, on one month’s electronic or other notice, to alter the weights of any model in any class as best suits the competition needs of Club Racing.
Expand the table below by selecting a larger value for “Show ## entries” or enter text in the “Search:” box.
Class | Year | Model | Weight | HP | Displacement | Ratio (lb./hp) |
A | All | 356 | 2012 | 70 | 1.6 | 28.74 |
A | All | 356 Speedster | 1822 | 70 | 1.6 | 26.03 |
A | All | 356A | 2020 | 75 | 1.6 | 26.93 |
A | All | 356A Carrera | 2196 | 75 | 1.6 | 29.28 |
A | All | 356A Carrera GT | 2064 | 75 | 1.6 | 27.52 |
A | All | 356B | 2130 | 75 | 1.6 | 28.40 |
A | All | 356B S-90 | 2130 | 90 | 1.6 | 23.67 |
A | All | 356B/C Carrera GT | 2009 | 75 | 1.6 | 26.79 |
A | All | 356C | 2185 | 75 | 1.6 | 29.13 |
A | All | 356SC | 2185 | 95 | 1.6 | 23.00 |
A | 68 | 911T | 2421 | 110 | 2.2 | 22.01 |
A | 69 | 911T | 2344 | 110 | 2.2 | 21.31 |
A | All | 912 | 2284 | 90 | 1.6,2.0 | 25.38 |
A | 76 | 912E | 2408 | 86 | 2.0 | 28.00 |
A | All | 914 | 2289 | 73 | 1.7,1.8 | 31.57 |
A | All | 914 | 2289 | 91 | 2.0 | 25.15 |
A | 75-77 | 924 | 2773 | 95 | 2.0 | 29.07 |
A | 77.5-82 | 924 | 2773 | 110 | 2.0 | 25.21 |
B | 65-68 | 911 | 2333 | 130 | 2.0 | 17.95 |
B | 68 | 911L | 2421 | 130 | 2.0 | 18.62 |
B | 69 | 911E | 2344 | 140 | 2.2 | 16.74 |
B | 70-71 | 911T | 2399 | 125 | 2.2 | 19.19 |
B | 72-73 | 911T | 2460 | 130 | 2.4 | 18.92 |
B | 74-75 | 911 | 2575 | 143 | 2.7 | 18.01 |
B | All | 914-6 | 2225 | 110 | 2.0 | 20.23 |
B | 77.5-82 | 924 Turbo | 2972 | 143 | 2.0 | 20.78 |
B | 83-85 | 944 | 2929 | 143 | 2.5 | 20.48 |
B | 85.5-87 | 944 | 2929 | 147 | 2.5 | 19.93 |
B | 86-88 | 944 Rothman | 2929 | 147 | 2.5 | 19.93 |
B | 87 | 924S | 2884 | 147 | 2.5 | 19.62 |
B | 88 | 924S | 2884 | 158 | 2.5 | 18.25 |
B | 88 | 944 | 2994 | 158 | 2.5 | 18.95 |
B | 89 | 944 (2-valve, 100 lb. weight penalty) | 3116 | 162 | 2.7 | 19.23 |
C | 70-71 | 911E | 2399 | 155 | 2.2 | 15.48 |
C | 72-73 | 911E | 2515 | 165 | 2.4 | 15.24 |
C | 74-75 | 911 Carrera (CIS) Max wheel width 7” front, 8” rear | 2575 | 167 | 2.7 | 15.42 |
C | 74-77 | 911S | 2575 | 167 | 2.7 | 15.42 |
C | 78-79 | 928 | 3435 | 219 | 4.5 | 15.68 |
C | 80-82 | 928 | 3401 | 220 | 4.5 | 15.46 |
C | 83-84 | 928S | 3401 | 234 | 4.7 | 14.53 |
C | 87-88 | 944S | 2972 | 188 | 2.5 | 15.81 |
D | 67 | 911S | 2333 | 160 | 2.0 | 14.58 |
D | 69 | 911S | 2344 | 170 | 2.0 | 13.79 |
D | 68 | 911S | 2421 | 160 | 2.0 | 15.13 |
D | 70-71 | 911S | 2399 | 180 | 2.2 | 13.33 |
D | 72-73 | 911S | 2515 | 190 | 2.4 | 13.24 |
D | 75-77 | 911 Carrera | 2702 | 180 | 3.0 | 15.01 |
D | 78-80 | 911SC (Euro) | 2702 | 180 | 3.0 | 15.01 |
D | 78-83 | 911SC | 2702 | 180 | 3.0 | 15.01 |
D | 97-99 | 986 Boxster | 2905 | 201 | 2.5 | 14.79 |
E | 81-83 | 911SC (Euro) | 2702 | 204 | 3.0 | 13.25 |
E | 84-86 | 911 Carrera | 2779 | 207 | 3.2 | 13.43 |
E | 84-86 | 911 Carrera (Turbo-look) | 2799 | 207 | 3.2 | 14.12 |
E | 87-89 | 911 Carrera | 2779 | 217 | 3.2 | 12.80 |
E | 89-94 | 911 C4 | 3347 | 247 | 3.6 | 13.55 |
E | 90-94 | 911 C2/C4 (Turbo body) | 3402 | 247 | 3.6 | 13.77 |
E | 85-86 | 928S (5-speed) | 3501 | 288 | 5.0 | 12.16 |
E | 85-86 | 928S (Automatic) | 3589 | 288 | 5.0 | 12.46 |
E | 87-88 | 944S (Club Sport/Firehawk) | 2872 | 200 | 3.0 | 14.36 |
E | 89-91 | 944S2 | 2982 | 208 | 3.0 | 14.34 |
E | 86-88 | 944 Turbo | 2949 | 217 | 2.5 | 13.59 |
E | All | 968 | 3086 | 236 | 3.0 | 13.07 |
E | 00-04 | 986 Boxster | 2929 | 217 | 2.7 | 13.50 |
F | 72-73 | 911 Carrera-Touring | 2415 | 210 | 2.7 | 11.5 |
F | 74-75 | 911 Carrera (MI) | 2415 | 210 | 2.7 | 11.5 |
F | 75-77 | 930 | 2685 | 234 | 3.0 | 11.47 |
F | 84-86 | 911 Carrera (Euro) | 2712 | 231 | 3.2 | 12.22 |
F | 84-86 | 911 Carrera (Euro Turbo-look) | 2822 | 231 | 3.2 | 12.22 |
F | 87-89 | 911 Carrera (Euro) | 2806 | 231 | 3.2 | 12.15 |
F | 87-89 | 911 Carrera (Club Sport) | 2706 | 217 | 3.2 | 12.47 |
F | 90-94 | 911 C2 & RSA | 3081 | 247 | 3.6 | 12.47 |
F | 70-71 | 916 | 2250 | 190 | 2.4 | 12.84 |
F | 90-91 | 928 GT | 3555 | 326 | 5.0 | 10.9 |
F | 92-94 | 928 GTS | 3643 | 345 | 5.4 | 10.6 |
F | 87-91 | 928 S4 | 3555 | 316 | 5.0 | 11.25 |
F | 88-89 | 944 Turbo S | 3048 | 247 | 2.5 | 12.34 |
F | 89-91 | 944 S2 Club Sport or Firehawk | 2800 | 225 | 3.0 | 12.44 |
F | All | 968 Firehawk | 2950 | 242 | 3.0 | 12.19 |
F | 00-02 | 986 Boxster S | 2904 | 250 | 3.2 | 11.61 |
F | 03-04 | 986 Boxster S | 2960 | 260 | 3.2 | 11.38 |
F | 5 | 986 Boxster | 2861 | 240 | 2.7 | 11.92 |
F | 06-07 | 987.1 Boxster | 2905 | 240 | 2.7 | 12.1 |
F | 8 | 987.1 Boxster | 2916 | 245 | 2.7 | 11.9 |
F | 07-08 | 987.1 Cayman | 2916 | 245 | 2.7 | 11.9 |
G | 72-73 | 911 Carrera-Lt. Wgt | 2166 | 210 | 2.7 | 10.31 |
G | All | 911 RS America | 2810 | 247 | 3.6 | 11.38 |
G | All | 944 Turbo Playboy-Escort Canadian Cup (limited to 1 bar boost) | 2820 | 250 | 2.5 | 11.28 |
G | 95 | 993 | 2950 | 270 | 3.6 | 10.93 |
G | 96-98 | 993 | 2994 | 282 | 3.6 | 10.62 |
G | 96-98 | 993 (Turbo body) | 3104 | 282 | 3.6 | 11,00 |
G | 05-07 | 987.1 Boxster S | 2960 | 280 | 3.2 | 10.57 |
G | 09-10 | 987.2 Boxster | 2982 | 255 | 2.9 | 11.69 |
G | 11-12 | 987.2 Boxster | 2993 | 255 | 2.9 | 11.74 |
G | 11-12 | 987.2 Boxster PDK | 3092 | 255 | 2.9 | 12.13 |
G | 09-13 | 987.2 Cayman | 2982 | 265 | 2.9 | 11.25 |
G | 09-13 | 987.2 Cayman PDK | 3048 | 265 | 2.9 | 11.50 |
G | 13 | 981 Boxster | 2913 | 265 | 2.7 | 10.99 |
G | 13-15 | 981 Boxster PDK | 3004 | 265 | 2.7 | 11.34 |
G | 14-15 | 981 Boxster | 2938 | 265 | 2.7 | 11.09 |
G | 14-15 | 981 Cayman | 2939 | 275 | 2.7 | 10.69 |
G | 14-15 | 981 Cayman PDK | 3004 | 275 | 2.7 | 10.92 |
H | 74-75 | 911 Carrera RS 3.0 | 2211 | 230 | 3.0 | 9.61 |
H | 91-92 | 911 Turbo | 3050 | 315 | 3.3 | 9.68 |
H | 78-89 | 930 | 2905 | 300 | 3.3 | 9.68 |
H | All | US Carrera Cup, street version | 2734 | 265 | 3.6 | 10.32 |
H | All | 964 RS | 2934 | 260 | 3.6 | 11.28 |
H | 99 | 996 | 2960 | 296 | 3.4 | 10.00 |
H | 00-01 | 996 | 2960 | 300 | 3.4 | 9.87 |
H | 05-08 | 997.1 Carrera | 3215 | 325 | 3.6 | 9.89 |
H | 05-08 | 997.1 Carrera 4 | 3207 | 325 | 3.6 | 9.87 |
H | 06-08 | 987.1 Cayman S | 3004 | 295 | 3.4 | 10.18 |
H | 8 | 987.1 Boxster S | 3004 | 295 | 3.4 | 10.18 |
H | 17-19 | 718 Boxster PDK | 3060 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.20 |
H | 17-19 | 718 Boxster | 2994 | 300 | 2.0 | 9.98 |
H | 17-19 | 718 Cayman PDK | 3056 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.19 |
H | 17-19 | 7I8 Cayman | 2994 | 300 | 2.0 | 9.98 |
H | 20-24 | 718 Boxster | 3070 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.23 |
H | 21 | 718 Boxster PDK | 3132 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.44 |
H | 20 | 718 Boxster T | 3108 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.36 |
H | 21 | 718 Boxster T PDK | 3170 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.57 |
H | 20-24 | 718 Cayman | 3084 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.28 |
H | 21 | 718 Cayman PDK | 3132 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.44 |
H | 20 | 718 Cayman T | 3114 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.38 |
H | 21 | 718 Cayman T PDK | 3176 | 300 | 2.0 | 10.59 |
I | 83-84 | 911 SCRS | 2206 | 250 | 3.0 | 8.82 |
I | 90-94 | 911 RS | 2718 | 300 | 3.8 | 9.06 |
I | All | 930 Turbo | 3324 | 360 | 3.6 | 9.23 |
I | 95-97 | 993 RS and 993 RSCS | 2844 | 300 | 3.8 | 9.48 |
I | 02-05 | 996 | 2960 | 320 | 3.6 | 9.25 |
I | 05-08 | 997.1 Carrera S | 3181 | 355 | 3.8 | 8.96 |
I | 06-08 | 997.1 Carrera 4S | 3302 | 355 | 3.8 | 9.30 |
I | 09-12 | 997.2 Carrera | 3125 | 345 | 3.6 | 9.06 |
I | 09-12 | 997.2 Carrera PDK | 3136 | 350 | 3.6 | 8.96 |
I | 09-12 | 997.2 Carrera 4 | 3291 | 345 | 3.6 | 9.54 |
I | 09-12 | 997.2 Carrera 4 PDK | 3207 | 345 | 3.6 | 9.30 |
I | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera | 3092 | 350 | 3.4 | 8.83 |
I | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera 4 | 3203 | 350 | 3.4 | 9.15 |
I | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera PDK | 3136 | 350 | 3.4 | 8.96 |
I | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera 4 PDK | 3247 | 350 | 3.4 | 9.28 |
I | 16 | 991.2 Carrera | 3203 | 370 | 3.4 | 8.66 |
I | 16 | 991.2 Carrera PDK | 3247 | 370 | 3.4 | 8.78 |
I | 16 | 991.2 Carrera 4 | 3314 | 370 | 3.4 | 8.96 |
I | 16 | 991.2 Carrera 4 PDK | 3357 | 370 | 3.4 | 9.07 |
I | 09-12 | 987.2 Boxster S | 3026 | 310 | 3.4 | 9.76 |
I | 11-12 | 987.2 Boxster S PDK | 3092 | 310 | 3.4 | 9.97 |
I | 10 on | 987.2 Boxster Spyder | 2861 | 320 | 3.4 | 8.94 |
I | 10 on | 987.2 Boxster Spyder PDK | 2916 | 330 | 3.4 | 8.84 |
I | 09-13 | 987.2 Cayman S | 3026 | 320 | 3.4 | 9.46 |
I | 09-13 | 987.2 Cayman S PDK | 3081 | 320 | 3.4 | 9.63 |
I | 11 on | 987.2 Cayman R | 2905 | 330 | 3.4 | 8.80 |
I | 11 on | 987.2 Cayman R PDK | 2960 | 330 | 3.4 | 8.97 |
I | 13-15 | 981 Boxster S | 2960 | 315 | 3.4 | 9.40 |
I | 13-15 | 981 Boxster S PDK | 3026 | 315 | 3.4 | 9.61 |
I | 15 | 981 Boxster GTS | 3015 | 330 | 3.4 | 9.14 |
I | 15 | 981 Boxster GTS PDK | 3081 | 330 | 3.4 | 9.34 |
I | 14-15 | 981 Cayman S | 2960 | 325 | 3.4 | 9.11 |
I | 14-15 | 981 Cayman S PDK | 3026 | 325 | 3.4 | 9.31 |
I | 16 | 981 Cayman GTS | 3015 | 340 | 3.4 | 8.87 |
I | 16 | 981 Cayman GTS PDK | 3081 | 340 | 3.4 | 9.06 |
I | 20-24 | 718 Boxster S | 3121 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.92 |
I | 21-24 | 718 Boxster S PDK | 3183 | 350 | 2.5 | 9.09 |
I | 20-24 | 718 Cayman S | 3136 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.96 |
I | 21-24 | 718 Cayman S PDK | 3200 | 350 | 2.5 | 9.14 |
I | 20 | 991.2 Carrera | 3404 | 379 | 3.0 | 8.98 |
I | 21-24 | 992 Carrera | 3404 | 379 | 3.0 | 8.98 |
I | 21-24 | 992 Carrera 4 | 3510 | 379 | 3.0 | 9.26 |
J | 99-01 | 911 GT3 | 2983 | 360 | 3.6 | 8.29 |
J | 03-06 | 911 GT3 | 3092 | 381 | 3.6 | 8.12 |
J | 81 | 924 GTS (Club Sport) | 2382 | 275 | 2.0 | 8.66 |
J | 96-98 | 993 Turbo | 3357 | 400 | 3.6 | 8.39 |
J | All | 996 Turbo | 3446 | 420 | 3.6 | 8.20 |
J | 09-13 | 997.2 Carrera S | 3181 | 385 | 3.8 | 8.26 |
J | 09-13 | 997.2 Carrera 4S (3.8) | 3313 | 385 | 3.8 | 8.61 |
J | 12-13 | 997.2 Carrera S | 3125 | 400 | 3.8 | 7.81 |
J | 12-13 | 997.2 Carrera S PDK | 3170 | 400 | 3.8 | 7.93 |
J | 12-13 | 997.2 Carrera 4S PDK | 3379 | 385 | 3.8 | 8.78 |
J | 12-13 | 997.2 GTS | 3181 | 408 | 3.8 | 7.80 |
J | 11-13 | 997.2 GTS 4 | 3313 | 408 | 3.8 | 8.12 |
J | 11-13 | 997.2 GTS 4 PDK | 3379 | 408 | 3.8 | 8.28 |
J | 12-13 | 997.2 GTS PDK | 3257 | 408 | 3.8 | 7.98 |
J | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera S | 3125 | 400 | 3.8 | 7.81 |
J | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera S PDK | 3170 | 400 | 3.8 | 7.93 |
J | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera 4S | 3236 | 400 | 3.8 | 8.09 |
J | 13-15 | 991.1 Carrera 4S PDK | 3280 | 400 | 3.8 | 8.20 |
J | 16 | 991.2 Carrera S | 3225 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.50 |
J | 16 | 991.2 Carrera S PDK | 3269 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.60 |
J | 16 | 991.2 Carrera 4S | 3236 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.53 |
J | 16 | 911 Carrera 4S PDK | 3280 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.63 |
J | 17-19 | 911 Carrera | 3203 | 370 | 3.0 | 8.66 |
J | 17-19 | 911 C4S PDK | 3379 | 420 | 3.0 | 8.05 |
J | 17-19 | 911 C4S | 3335 | 420 | 3.0 | 7.94 |
J | 17-19 | 911 Carrera S PDK | 3269 | 420 | 3.0 | 7.78 |
J | 17-19 | 911 Carrera S | 3225 | 420 | 3.0 | 7.68 |
J | 18-19 | 911 Carrera T | 3042 | 370 | 3.0 | 8.22 |
J | 18-19 | 911 Carrera T PDK | 3098 | 370 | 3.0 | 8.37 |
J | 16 | 981 Boxster Spyder 3.8 | 2949 | 375 | 3.8 | 7.86 |
J | 16 | 981 Boxster Spyder 3.8 PDK | 3015 | 375 | 3.8 | 8.04 |
J | 16 | 981 Cayman GT4 | 3005 | 385 | 3.8 | 7.81 |
J | 17-24 | 718 Boxster S (2.5) | 3038 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.68 |
J | 17-24 | 718 Boxster S PDK (2.5) | 3104 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.87 |
J | 17-24 | 718 Cayman S (2.5) | 3136 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.96 |
J | 17-24 | 718 Cayman S PDK (2.5) | 3104 | 350 | 2.5 | 8.87 |
J | 20-24 | 718 Boxster GTS | 3206 | 394 | 4.0 | 8.14 |
J | 21-24 | 718 Boxster GTS PDK | 3274 | 394 | 4.0 | 8.31 |
J | 20-24 | 718 Boxster Spyder | 3255 | 414 | 4.0 | 7.86 |
J | 21-24 | 718 Boxster Spyder PDK | 3323 | 414 | 4.0 | 8.03 |
J | 20-24 | 718 Cayman GTS | 3216 | 394 | 4.0 | 8.16 |
J | 21-24 | 718 Cayman GTS PDK | 3284 | 394 | 4.0 | 8.34 |
J | 20-24 | 718 Cayman GT4 | 3258 | 414 | 4.0 | 7.87 |
J | 21-24 | 718 Cayman GT4 PDK | 3326 | 414 | 4.0 | 8.03 |
J | 20 | 991.2 Carrera S | 3348 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.56 |
J | 21-24 | 992 Carrera S | 3348 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.56 |
J | 21-24 | 992 Carrera S PDK | 3432 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.75 |
J | 20 | 991.2 Carrera 4 S | 3452 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.79 |
J | 21-24 | 992 Carrera 4 S | 3452 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.79 |
J | 21-24 | 992 Carrera 4S PDK | 3537 | 443 | 3.0 | 7.98 |
K | All | 959 | 3240 | 450 | 2.8 | 7.20 |
K | 01-05 | 996 GT2 | 3225 | 456 | 3.6 | 7.07 |
K | 06-09 | 997.1 GT3 | 3081 | 415 | 3.8 | 7.42 |
K | 06-08 | 997.1 Turbo | 3395 | 480 | 3.6 | 7.07 |
K | 09-on | 997.2 Turbo DFI | 3511 | 500 | 3.8 | 7.02 |
K | 09-on | 997.2 Turbo DFI PDK | 3566 | 500 | 3.8 | 7.13 |
K | 09-13 | 997.2 GT3 | 3125 | 435 | 3.8 | 7.18 |
K | 07-13 | 997 Turbo S | 3544 | 530 | 3.8 | 6.69 |
K | 14-16 | 991.1 Turbo | 3566 | 520 | 3.8 | 6.86 |
K | 13-16 | 991.1 GT3 | 3203 | 475 | 3.8 | 6.74 |
K | 15-16 | 991.1 GT4S | 3291 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.65 |
K | 15-16 | 991.1 GT4S PDK | 3335 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.76 |
K | 15-16 | 991.1 GTS | 3192 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.42 |
K | 15-16 | 991.1 GTS PDK | 3236 | 430 | 3.8 | 7.53 |
K | 17-18 | 991.2 Turbo | 3566 | 540 | 3.8 | 6.60 |
L | 07-13 | 997 GT2 | 3225 | 530 | 3.6 | 6.08 |
L | 09-11 | 997.2 GT3RS | 3070 | 450 | 3.8 | 6.82 |
L | 07-11 | 997 GT2RS | 3125 | 620 | 3.8 | 5.04 |
L | 11 | GT3RS 4.0 | 3048 | 500 | 4.0 | 6.10 |
L | 16-17 | 991.1 GT3RS | 3203 | 500 | 4.0 | 6.41 |
L | 17-18 | 991.2 GT3RS | 3181 | 520 | 4.0 | 6.12 |
L | 14-15 | 991.1 Turbo S | 3588 | 560 | 3.8 | 6.41 |
L | 16-19 | 991.2 Turbo S | 3588 | 580 | 3.8 | 6.19 |
L | 19 | 991.2 GT3RS (4.0) | 3203 | 520 | 4.0 | 6.16 |
L | 21-24 | 992 Turbo | 3685 | 570 | 3.8 | 6.47 |
L | 20-24 | 992 Turbo S | 3686 | 640 | 3.8 | 5.76 |
L | 20 | 991.2 GT3 | 3165 | 503 | 4.0 | 6.29 |
L | 21-24 | 992 GT3 | 3165 | 520 | 4.0 | 6.09 |
L | 24 | 718 Boxster Spyder RS | 3264 | 493 | 4.0 | 6.62 |
L | 23-4 | 718 Cayman GT4 RS | 3277 | 493 | 4.0 | 6.65 |
L | 23-4 | 992 GT3 RS | 3318 | 518 | 4.0 | 6.44 |
M | 18-19 | 991.2 GT2RS | 3191 | 700 | 3.8 | 4.84 |
Expand the table below by selecting a larger value for “Show ## entries” or enter text in the “Search:” box.
Class | Year | Model | Weight | Displacement | HP |
SP1 | 83-88 | 944, normally aspirated | 2600 | 2.5 | |
SP1 | 87-88 | 924S | 2600 | 2.5 | |
SP2 Stock | 83-88 | 944/924S | 2600 | 2.5 | |
SP2 Stock | 89 | 944 | 2750 | 2.7 | |
SP2 Stock | 79-82 | 931 | 2600 | 2 | |
SP2 Prep | 83-88 | 944/924S | 2750 | 2.5 | |
SP2 Prep | 89 | 944 | 2900 | 2.7 | |
SP2 Prep | 79-82 | 931 | 2750 | 2 | |
SP3 | 944S | 2.5 | 2400 | 2.5 | |
SP3 | 944S2 | 3 | 2700 | 3 | |
SP3 | 951 | 2.5 | 2800 | 2.5 | |
SP3 | 951S | 2.5 liter | 3000 | 2.5 | |
SP3 | 968 | 3.0 liter | 2900 | 3 | |
SP3 | 944 | 2.7 | 2630 | 2.7 | |
911CUP | 911 | SC 3.0 | 2500 | 3 | 225 |
911CUP | 911 | Carrera 3.2 | 2500 | 3.2 | 225 |
911CUP | 964 | C2/RSA | 3025 | 3.6 | 247 |
911CUP | 911 | Carrera | 2400 | 2.7 | 210 |
SP911 | Porsche 3.6 plenum based 3.0 Liters | 2400 | 3.0 | ||
SP911 | Carburetors 3.0 Liters | 2340 | 3.0 | ||
SP911 | “Straight through” fuel injection (ITB) 3.0 Liters | 2400 | 3.0 | ||
SP911 | 3.2 Liters | 2340 | 3.2 | ||
SPB | 97-99 | Boxster, 2.5L, motor M96.20 | 2650 | 2.5 | |
ME1 | 00-04 | 986 Boxster | 2750 | 2.7 | |
ME1 | 05-06 | 986 Boxster | 2800 | 2.7 | |
ME1 | 06-08 | 987.1 Boxster | 2850 | 2.7 | |
ME1 | 07-08 | 987.1 Cayman | 2850 | 2.7 | |
SP996 | 99-01 | 3.4 liter | 2850 | 3.4 | |
SP996 | 02-04 | 3.6 liter | 3040 | 3.6 | |
SP997 | 09-13 | 3.6 liter | 2800 | 3.6 | |
SP997 | 09-13 | 3.6 w/PDK | 2900 | 3.6 | |
SP997 | 09-13 | S3.8 liter | 3100 | 3.8 | |
SP997 | 09-13 | S3.8 w/PDK | 3200 | 3.8 | |
SPC | 06-08 | Cayman S 3.4 liter | 2925 | 3.4 | |
GTC1 | All | US & Euro C2 Carrera Cup Cars | 2575 | 3.6 | 265 |
GTC2 | All | 993 Cup Cars | 2614 | 3.6 | 315 |
GTC3 | All | 996 Cup Cars | 2700 | 3.6 | 360 |
GTC4 | 06-09 | 997.1 Cup Cars, 3.6L | 2700 | 3.6 | 420 |
GTC5 | 10-13 | 997.2 Cup Cars, 3.8L | 2796 | 3.8 | 450 |
GTC6 | 14-16 | 991.1 Cup Cars, 3.8L | 2796 | 3.8 | 460 |
GTC7 | 17-20 | 991.2 Cup Cars, 4.0L | 2796 | 4 | 485 |
GTC8 | 21 on | 992 Cup Cars, 4.0L | 3042 | 4 | 510 |
GTD1 | 981 Cayman GT4 Club Sport | 3100 | |||
GTD2 | 718 Cayman GT4 Club Sport | 3100 | |||
GTD3 | 718 Cayman GT4RS Club Sport | 3100 |
Class | Year | Model | Weight | Displacement | HP |
GTA1 | All | 996 GT3-based GT, R, RS, RSR | 2700 | 3.6 | |
GTA2 | All | 997 GT3-based GT, R, RS, RSR | 2750 | 4.2 | |
GTA3 | All | 991 GT3 based GT, R, RS, RSR | 2750 | 4.2 | |
GTA4 | All | 992 GT3 based GT, R, RS, RSR | 2950 | 4.2 | |
GTB1 | 99-01 | 996, 3.4L | 2650 | 3.4 | |
GTB1 | 02-05 | 996, 3.6L | 2800 | 3.6 | |
GTB1 | All | 996, 3.6L X51 | 3000 | 3.6 | |
GTB1 | 06-08 | Cayman S 3.4L 987.1 | 2670 | 3.4 | |
GTB1 | 06-08 | Cayman S 3.4L 987.1 with GT3 intake | 2720 | 3.4 | |
GTB1 | 09-13 | Cayman S or R, 3.4L 987.2 | 2950 | 3.4 | |
GTB1 | 05-08 | 997, 3.6L | 3000 | 3.6 | |
GTB1 | 09 -13 | 997, 3.6L | 3100 | 3.6 | |
GTB1 | 03-06 | 996 GT3 | 3142 | 3.6 | |
Above GTB1 with PDK must add 100 pounds to minimum weight | 3.6 |
GTB1 | 14 -16 | Cayman S 3.4L 981. If PDK, add 125 pounds to minimum weight | 3100 | 3.4 | |
GTB3 | 05-08 | 997S, 3.8L | 2750 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 05-08 | 997S, 3.8L X51 | 2850 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 09 -13 | 997S, 3.8L | 2850 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 09-13 | 997S, 3.8L X51 | 2950 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 17 on | Cayman GT4 and progressed Cayman 981, 3.8L | 2950 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 987.1 | GTB1 3.8 Progressed Caymans with port injection | 2750 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 987.1 | GTB1 3.8 Progressed Caymans with port injection and X51 | 2950 | 3.8 | |
GTB3 | 987.2 | GTB1 3.8 Progressed Cayman with DFI and X51 | 3050 | 3.8 | |
All GTB3 with PDK must add 100 pounds to minimum weight, but a 981 with PDK must add 125 pounds. |
PCA Club Racing has established an annual process for considering changes to these rules. Changes in safety related rules, rules clarifications, changes necessitated by external forces (e.g., specific tire availability), and editorial improvements are at the discretion of the PCA Club Racing Committee (Rules Committee) and may or may not be part of this procedure. Additionally, such changes may be implemented at any time as the Rules Committee may see fit. Changes published for comment, and changes finally adopted, will be published on the PCA Club Racing website and by e-mail to all licensed racers. They will also be published in the Club Racing News in the first available edition, but the timelines for rules consideration are not dependent on CRN publication dates.
Proposals, comments, and other correspondence with the Rules Committee should be to rules@pcaclubracing.org.
The specific events and approximate annual dates for this process are as follows:
February 1 | Opening date for submission of proposed rules changes to the Rules Committee. |
June 1 | Final date for submission of proposed rules changes. |
July 15 | Accepted proposed rules changes are published for comment. The fact that a change is put out for comment does not mean the Rules Committee favors it, but feels it is worthy of further consideration. |
August 15 | Final date for submission of comments on proposed changes to the Rules Committee. |
October 15 | Changes recommended by the Rules Committee for adoption as informed by comments are published for further review. |
November 1 | Final date for comment on ambiguities in the announcement, typographical or other errors in specifications, and problems with changes which may have been overlooked to the Rules Committee. |
November 15 | Adopted rules changes are published to take effect January 1. |
From time to time, it is necessary to add or change a rule outside of this schedule. If this is done, racers will be notified in a general e-mailing. These interim changes will be posted with the full rules on the Club Racing website.
Racers contemplating building or purchasing a car with a Log Book should check for interim changes.
Roll Cages: The roll cage must be securely mounted with the mounting plates at the bottom of the hoops mounted directly to the floor and/or longitudinal members of the unibody and make metal to metal contact. Any padding, carpet, upholstery, etc. must be removed to satisfy this requirement. The mounting area of bolt-in roll cage must be backed by a plate of a size equal to that of the upper mounting plate with a minimum thickness of 3/16”. Bolts must be grade 5 or higher. The roll cage must be full cockpit width, except as originally supplied by the factory for open race cars and have two fore/aft tubing braces. The braces must be mounted as near to the top of the main hoop as possible at an included angle of at least 30 degrees. Also, the assembly must contain a diagonal (left to right side) tubing brace from one upper side of the main hoop to a floor or unibody lower frame mounting point of a bar member on the other side to obtain the strength benefits of triangulation. Roll cage bar tubing in the Stock/Prepared Classes must remain within the passenger compartment, except that air cooled 911s through the end of the Carrera 3.2 (G body) may extend two roll cage tubes through the rear firewall, and two through the front firewall, but such front bars may not attach farther forward than the center of the shock tower suspension adjustment opening. The removal of the door glass to facilitate side impact protection is allowed. Carbon fiber roll cages are not allowed.
The roll cage must have a full width main hoop and a full-width front hoop or two side halo hoops around the door opening connected by tubing across the top of the entire windshield. The tops of the hoops must be as close to the roof as possible in closed-top cars. In open-top cars, the top of the main hoop must be at least 2” above the driver’s helmet, and the plane formed by the top of the main hoop and the top of the front hoop must be above the driver’s head in both closed and open top cars. The front (or side halo) and main hoops must go to the floor pan and be connected with each other with tubing as close to the roof line as possible. The cage must have at least one additional bar across the door opening below the window level on each side connecting the front and main hoops for side impact protection. Additional side impact protection (two bars or “NASCAR” style bars protruding into the door) is strongly recommended.
An inspection hole 3/16″ in diameter must be provided in a non-critical area for verification of tube thickness. Any portion of the assembly which may come in contact with the driver’s helmet must be covered with high density foam at least 3/4″ thick held securely in place with zip ties, electrical tape or duct tape. Foam must be equivalent to SFI 45.1 or FIA 8857 standards for hardness.
Minimum Roll Cage Tubing Sizes
All required tubing must have the following minimum diameters and wall thicknesses:
Car Weight without Driver | |
Under 2500 lbs | Over 2500 lbs |
Mild Steel 1.50″ x .095″ | 1.75″ x .095” or 1.50″ x .120” |
Alloy Steel 1.375 x .095″ | 1.50″ x .095″ |
Factory Roll Cages as delivered in factory race cars are allowed. Roll cages sold or installed by Porsche in street cars are allowed in stock class cars if certified to meet FIA regulations.
Any FIA or SFI approved 5, 6, or 7 point competition harness is allowed, specifically those with 2” lap webbing or 2” sections of the shoulder webbing designed to fit over the yoke of a head and neck restraint device. Straps should be inspected regularly and replaced sooner than their expiration date if abraded, torn, frayed, melted, discolored, or otherwise show signs of excessive wear.

Belts shall be mounted according to these rules and the manufacturer’s specifications. The angle of the shoulder harness going back from the driver’s shoulders cannot be more than 30 degrees above nor more than 10 degrees below the horizontal plane of the shoulders. The anti-submarine straps must be mounted such that they will not allow upward vertical movement of the lap belt due to “crushing” of seat cushion material. Special attention must be given to the manufacturers and similar common racing requirements concerning the angles of the anti-submarine belt and the lap belts, their routing through the slots or openings in the racing seat, and avoidance of any bends in the angle of pull caused by adjusters, seat slots, or interference of adjusters with the seat or chassis. Shoulder webbing should attach as near to the rear of the seat as convenient in order to reduce belt length and stretch. The diagrams shows the proper routing of the straps around the mounting hardware. (Courtesy Simpson Racing Products)
A standard electrical disconnect (battery cut-off) switch must be provided on all cars competing in the PCA Club Racing Program. This switch must be wired such that electrical power to all circuits, except an electrically operated on-board fire system, is disconnected. In the interest of convenience, the switch may be mounted in the compartment near the battery, or in the interior where the driver may operate it, and operation effected by a pull wire or rod passing to the outside of the car or by means of an electrically operated toggle switch located on the exterior of the car. The preferred location of the pull device or switch is on the driver’s side. It must be clearly visible, and its position marked with the approved decal of “lightning bolt” and the word “OFF”. The decal can be placed on the window glass as opposed to the bodywork, as close as possible to the pull device or toggle switch. It is recommended that the pull device or switch be painted red for visibility. Those vehicles with a permanently mounted switch or pull device in another location will be allowed that alternate location providing the position is clearly marked with the approved decal and the switch or pull device is external to the vehicle and easily accessible from outside the vehicle.
This requirement does not have to be viewed as a difficult one with which to comply and can very easily be accomplished with the fabrication of a simple bracket to hold the switch near the battery. Braided wire can be used for the pull and it should pass through a small bracket mounted inside the compartment. A loop in the end of the cable completes the installation.
(Decal Available from Racer’s Supply Outlets)

All vehicles competing in the PCA Club Racing Program, other than factory race cars with factory-type non-glass sliding windows must be equipped with a window net covering the driver’s window opening of either the string or strap type. The net must be mounted securely to the roll cage with provision for easy removal by the driver and corner worker in the event of an accident. The removal mechanism must at the top, so that the net will fall down when released. The use of straps to attach the bottom of the net to the cage is allowed. Separate straps, plastic buckles, and other attachment means are allowed if supplied by the manufacturer of the net or specified in the manufacturer’s mounting instructions. However, the use of plastic tie wraps or elastic cords is not allowed.
A race specified on the schedule as an Enduro will require at least one mandatory pit stop. If more than one is required, that will be specified in the race information. Races of over one hour will allow refueling. Driver changes are allowed in Enduros.
The Enduro Race Timing will begin at the green flag or a wave off at the start.
- All required pit stops shall be for a minimum time of five minutes. Required pit stops cannot be made within the first fifteen minutes of the race and must start before the last ten minutes of the announced race length. The car must enter the hot pits past the check-in point after the fifteen minute mark. Drivers who do not stay in the pits for the minimum five minute stop will be Black Flagged and assessed a stop and go penalty with the stop time being equivalent to the time that the pit stop was short. A crewmember or driver shall notify a National Scrutineer when a pit stop is not to be considered a mandatory stop. If a stop and go penalty for a short stop cannot occur during the race a 1 lap penalty will be added to the results. Car must be running ON track when checkered is given to the leader and crosses the s/f loop on track or hot pits to avoid a DNF.
- All required pit stops shall be started under Green flag conditions. In the event of a restart, a driver may enter pit road to make the required pit stop on the ‘restart’ lap, provided that driver has crossed the Start/Finish line on the track under Green Flag conditions on the restart.
- Cars entering the hot pits for the mandatory five minute pit stop will drive past the designated Check In Point and timing of the pit stop will begin when the car passes the timing check point. The car must be at or below the designated pit lane speed limit of 35 MPH at the Check In point. When the driver has determined that his/her pit stop has been completed, the car will pull away from the pit wall, and proceed at or below the pit lane speed past the Check Out Point, at which point the car may start accelerating to re-enter the track. Cars which have pulled away from the pit wall may not stop or otherwise impede the exit of other cars from the pit lane in order to optimize their pit stop time. The elapsed time shall be from the time the car passes through Check In until the car passes through Check Out before entering the track.
- A maximum of three persons, including the driver(s), will be allowed over the pit wall to work on the car at any time. Any deviation from this standard for crewmembers will result in a stop and go penalty of the car involved.
- Minor repair work: tire changes, and driver changes are allowed during the pit stop. No equipment (e.g., jacks, tires) may be placed on the hot side of the pit wall until the car is within the pit stall. The car must run in the same configuration during the whole enduro; i.e., legal weight, equipment, etc. It is strongly recommended that the car be checked during the pit stop for excessive tire and brake wear, general safety, and leaks.
- The use of generators, battery operated tools, or electricity in the pits is not allowed during any refueling enduro of any duration, but this restriction does not apply to brushless battery operated tools, including refueling pumps. Compressed gas bottles taken to the pits must be secured and equipped with protection (e.g., metal cage) for the regulator.
- For enduros allowing refueling, fuel may be added to the car only by a driver or pit crewmember while wearing a fire-retardant suit, gloves, and a full-face helmet with visor down or balaclava with goggles standing at the point where fuel is added to the car. Long hair must be covered by a balaclava. These crew protection requirements also apply to anyone holding a funnel or cranking a fuel transfer pump wherever located. One person acting as fireman must be present in the hot side of the pit, with full fire safety gear, equipped with a minimum 10 lb., 60BC or 60ABC fire extinguisher with the pin removed during refueling, and positioned to discharge the extinguisher on any fire related to a fuel spill. The fireman may have no other duties until the cap is back on the gas tank. Drivers will be responsible for providing the fire extinguisher.
- During refueling, the car motor must be off, the driver out of the car, and no other work may be performed on the vehicle during refueling. Fuel jugs must remain capped and on the cold side of the pit wall, and the gas tank must remain capped, until the car is off and the driver is out of the car. Fuel jugs may not be set on top of the pit wall without being held by a crew member.
- Only plastic containers may be taken over the wall to be used in refueling. Reversible hand-crank refueling pumps screwed onto plastic fuel containers no larger than five gallons are allowed over the wall in the hot pits. If kept on the cold side of the wall they may be up to fifteen gallons capacity. Dry break systems with a “dump bottle” are allowed. Refueling towers and pressurized containers are not allowed. Hand operated pumps from metal barrels up to fifty gallons capacity are allowed on the cold side of the pit wall, but they must have an approved nozzle. Approved nozzles include filling station type nozzles with automatic shutoff, but with the ratchet system disabled, and manual nozzles with a dry break end.
- “Splash and go” refueling is not allowed. Any car refueled during an enduro must be in the pits for a minimum of five minutes during any refueling pit stop, even if the mandatory five minute pit stop requirement has been met or will be met by a different pit stop.
- Fuel may not be spilled during refueling. Fuel not contained in a jug, hose, funnel, or the car’s fuel intake system is a fuel spill. Any deviation from these refueling standards will result in the immediate disqualification of the car involved.
- No crew and no equipment may be over the hot pit wall in anticipation of a pit stop until the car has entered its pit and stopped.
- Each pit area will be thoroughly cleaned and swept, and all equipment removed, immediately after each pit stop. It is the responsibility of the entrant(s) to provide cleaning materials and equipment and to ensure that the pit area is clean. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
- Drivers who have multiple cars or cars in different races may request the same pit area assignment for those respective races.
- Starting grid position for an enduro held before the sprint races will be determined according to the fastest lap timed during the qualifying session, or third practice session if no session is designated as qualifying. If there are two drivers, either driver may start the race, however drivers may participate only in the car to which they are registered. If a car does not have a driver who participated in the session used for gridding, the car will be gridded in the back of the field and placed by class; a number draw will be used within classes. Starting grid position for an enduro held after the sprint races will be determined according to the fastest lap timed during the sprint races or, if time permits, by a separate qualifying session
- Anyone speeding in the pits will be black flagged after they have exited the pits and shall be assessed a stop, talk to the National Scrutineer, and go penalty.
- Pits will be closed during full course yellow flag conditions. If a car is in the pits and completes its mandatory pit stop during a full course yellow, it shall be held at Pit Exit until the pace car and the main field has passed and be released to join the pack at the back of the field.
- If a Black All or a Red All is declared, at the time that the Black All or Red is first shown at Start/Finish, the pit stop timing clock shall stop for cars then serving their mandatory pit stop. The Enduro Race Timing shall continue. The race order shall go back to the order of the cars as they pass Start/Finish behind the on track race leader’s last Green flag lap. No work shall be allowed on any cars during a Black All. The mandatory pit stop timing shall commence at such time as the green flag is dropped at Start/Finish for the field, once the Black All has been completed. Any cars that have entered the pits under the Black All may remain in the pits but their mandatory pit stop shall not start and no work may occur on those cars until the Green Flag has been dropped on the field. Since the race order shall be the race order for the leader’s last Green Flag lap, the field may be re-ordered in the pits during the Black All.
- Any driver involved in an incident: (see Rule Book / Driver Requirements 1.A.)
- If the car is not running or handling normally or appears to be unsafe the driver must immediately exit the track during the session and must immediately report to the Black Flag Station,
- If the car is running and handling normally and the driver determines the car to be safe the driver may complete the time on track but must immediately report to the Black Flag Station upon finishing the session.
- Drivers who ignore a Yellow Flag shall comply with the provisions of the PCA Club Racing Flags section of this Rule Book.
- If a driver is Black Flagged the driver shall immediately pull into pit lane after being shown the Black Flag and go directly to the Black Flag impound area and not to his pit area. Other than mechanicals, no work may be done to the car during the pit stop. Drivers who ignore the Black Flag shall be assessed a one minute penalty for each Black Flag passed. Other than mechanicals, Black Flag stops may not be used towards the five-minute mandatory time.
- Mechanical black flag stops may be used as the mandatory five minute stop provided that it is within the allowed pit stop window and is for the full five minutes.
- Drivers should remember that enduro races are much longer than normally experienced and that they should pace themselves. Drink plenty of liquids, take care of yourself and your equipment and if you find you are making mistakes while driving, pull into the pits.
- Only the drivers registered for the enduro may be in the car. If a driver who is registered does not drive, a change sheet must be completed immediately after the race and before the drivers leave the track.
Remember, this is for Fun
Approval here means only that the aftermarket parts described are accepted substitutes for stock parts in classes which require the part to be stock. It is not an endorsement of the parts or their suitability. GTC parts substitutions are contained within the GTC rules.
944 Front Control Arms:
- Fabcar arms
- Racer’s Edge arms
- Charlie arms (spindle may be drilled to accept larger ball stud)
- High Strung 44 by Custom Fabrication
- (note – there are aftermarket 944 control arms with adjustable end links and these are NOT approved)
944/968 Hubs (both billet aluminum):
- Racer’s Edge
- Stuttgart Motorsports
944 B Stock, SP1, and SP2 pistons:
- CP-Carillo part number NASA-944-3937 (for engines using original 100mm bore size) and CP-Carillo NASA-944-3957 (100.5mm) for bored blocks
944 SP1 and SP2
- The Paragon composite caster block is allowed.
944 SP2 pistons:
- Woessner 10.6:1 2.5 liter stock replacement pistons.
944 S2, 944 Turbo, 968 Pistons:
- J&E
- Woessner
- (These are forged pistons for 944 S2, 944 Turbo, or 968 rebuilds, either stock size or factory-type overbore for repair. They must maintain stock CR and displacement. There are no approved substitutions for the cast pistons in 944s)
944 Turbo Connecting Rods:
- Racer’s Edge approved 840 gram replacement turbo connecting rods.
944 Turbo Wastegate:
- Lindsey Racing “Clubgate” (blue top). There’s a red top “Dual Port” which isn’t legal.
964 RS and 964 Cup ECU Map:
- Racetek Engineering RS tables for 964 RS and 964 Cup (964 RS ECU no longer available, this reflashes the 964 ECU with the RS tables)
968 Flywheels:
- RS Barn 968 single-mass flywheel (in addition to the Porsche parts substitutions in the rules)
996 short blocks:
- The 3.4 liter 996 may use the X51 short block, part number 996.100.951.TX. The 3.6 liter 996 may use the X51 short block, part number 996 .100.996.XX.
SPC Pistons and Rods:
- LN Engineering Carillo pistons #106-996.2SPC and Carillo connecting rods #400-986.SPC.964 RS America and 964 Cup.
- The steering box, which is NLA, may be replaced by the stock C2 power steering box, and it may be powered by an electric/hydraulic system independent of the engine.
Aftermarket intake valves for the Porsche GT3 based motors are approved as long as they have the same dimensions and are in all material respects functionally identical to the Porsche part and weigh at least as much. Ferrea is one supplier of these approved valves
GT3 lower control arms:
- The stock rubber bushing on the inner lower control arm in GT3 type arms may be replaced with the Tarrett #LCARE lower control arm rubber in SPB, and in any other GT3 type LCA which must maintain a rubber bushing.
In all classes where the 996 GT3 lower control arm is allowed, aftermarket outer arms of the same length and configuration as the factory piece are permitted. Note that different classes have different rules for the thrust arm attachment, and those rules must be followed for that part.
GT3 ball joints
- Ball joints for the outer lower control arm with thicker (larger diameter) shanks which connect to the strut assembly are permitted.
Cars entered in a night race must comply with the following lighting requirements:
- Headlights and tail lights are required. Two primary headlights and two tail lights must be as bright as the original factory lights for the car model. The original headlights and tail lights for the car model may be used and no additional lights are required beyond these.
- Primary headlights must be located on the front of the car, above the bumper and below hood level, and outside of the inner edge of the front tire. Up to two additional driving lights may be located between the primary headlights. Additional lights may not be brighter than the primary headlights. Roof lights are not allowed.
- Tail lights must be located either as part of the light complex that includes the two primary brake lights or near those brake lights, outside of the inner edge of the rear tire.
- Excessive glare in the mirrors from overly bright and poorly aimed lights of cars approaching from behind is a significant problem, and all lighting must be adjusted to avoid this. However, adequate headlights are necessary to be able to see the track surface ahead, and tail lights are needed to be seen by cars behind.
- Purpose: The purpose of the PCA National Championship Points System is to determine a PCA National Champion and a subsequent finishing order in each class for each calendar year.
- Eligible Drivers: Drivers must be PCA Club Racing License holders in good standing.
- General Points: All races where points are available will have the same basic structure for earning points. Cars which do not finish will not be awarded points and will not be shown in a finishing position in race results. If they took a green flag, they will be shown at the bottom of the score sheet as DNF. To finish the race, a car must be running on track when the winner crosses the finish line and subsequently cross the finish line timing loop on track or in the hot pit. However, if with normal traffic flow, it is not possible to cross the finish line timing loop in the hot pits then the finish must be on track to avoid a DNF. Only races with standard starting and scoring will be points scoring races. For example, handicap races or inverted grids will not be points scoring races. Any points scoring races must be open to all PCA-licensed racers. That is, any race that has special qualifications will not award points. (Example ‐ night race with extra experience requirement).
- Position Points: Position points will only be awarded to cars that finish the race. Position points will only be awarded for finishing positions in class. The overall finishing position within the group does not earn points. Racers who finish 1st in class will earn 10 points, 2nd 7 points, 3rd 5 points, 4th 4 points, 5th 3 points, 6th 2 points and 7th 1 point. Points will be awarded in class for enduros in the same way as in sprint races. If two or more drivers share a car during an enduro, the total points earned by that car will be split equally among the drivers who drove it in that race.
Bonus Points: A racer will earn 1 bonus point for each car in class that the racer finishes ahead of, up to a limit of 10 points. Class bonus points will be earned by all cars finishing the race except the car that finishes last if all class starters finish. Cars that do not finish the race (DNF) or are disqualified (DQ) count as cars “finished ahead of” in class but receive no points for that race. There is a 10 point limit on bonus points available in any race. For example: The car that finishes 21st in a 22 car field where all 22 cars finish will earn one bonus point. In that same race the cars that finish first through 12th will each earn 10 bonus points. If there is one DNF or DQ, the 21st place finisher gets one point. If two cars DNF/DQ, the 20th place finisher gets two points. - Event Points: Each racer will earn 5 points for each event attended where the racer starts and finishes at least one scheduled race. The fun race does not count. For position, bonus, and event points, to qualify as starting the racer must have passed the starter stand on the track after the green flag has been displayed to start the race. A late start after the field has started will count as a start if the racer passes the starter stand on the track. And to qualify as finishing the racer must be running on track when the winner crosses the finish line and subsequently cross the finish line timing loop on track or in the hot pit if it is possible at that track. There will be a maximum of 25 points available for each year in this category.
- Championship Totals: The best 13 race point totals for each racer in all points scoring races for the year will count toward the National Championship. Ties for the first three positions will be broken by the highest total in the 14th race then 15th race etc. A racer must successfully complete a minimum of 7 race starts in point scoring races to be eligible for a National Podium Award. Starts for this requirement will be as described in #6 above. Races that are started correctly but not finished count as starts.
- Points Races: All races in a race weekend, up to a maximum of three, will have points available. The final two scheduled sprint races will have points awarded. If an enduro is offered, it will have points awarded. If an enduro is not offered, the third‐to‐last scheduled sprint race will have points awarded. . For purposes of determining which races are points races, the final schedule approved by the Steward prior to the beginning of the event will be used.
- Schedule Changes: If the event National Steward determines that the event schedule must be changed after it is posted as final for any reason (example – for weather or track issues), the Steward will announce which three races (if available) will be the points scoring races when the revised schedule is announced. The goal in that case will be for racers to stay for as much of the event as safely possible. The Stewards decision will be final.
- Review: Any driver who believes that points awarded in any race are inaccurate may request a review of the points awarded by written (or email) request to the PCA Club Racing Chairman within thirty days of the last day of the race in question. Said request shall provide all documentation and/or justification as to why the points awarded should be reviewed.
- At Fault Sanction: An at fault sanction (probation or suspension) during the calendar year will not cause the sanctioned driver to be ineligible for a National Championship. The driver will keep the National Championship points accumulated before the incident race and may accrue points from subsequent incident free races.
- Race Cars: All Race Cars scoring points must be properly classed and have a current Log Book. Disqualification of the car due to performance related compliance issues will cause at a minimum a loss of all points that have been earned by that car while in a non‐compliant condition. For example, disqualification of the car due to illegal engine modifications discovered after the last race will cause a loss of all points earned by that car from the weekend and possibly a 13‐13 sanction. Disqualification based on the car being underweight by less than thirty pounds will cause a loss of points for the session immediately prior to the weighing. Disqualification caused by the car being thirty pounds or more underweight will cause a loss of all points earned that weekend prior to the disqualification.
- Zone Championships: In addition to the National Championship Points System, a PCA Zone may have a Zone Championship. It is also possible for several Zones to join together in a Series Championship. All Zone and Series Championships and their Program details regarding driver and class eligibility must be pre-approved by the PCA Club Racing Committee. Zone or Series Championships will be determined in accordance with the above National Championship Rules used to determine a PCA National Champion and a subsequent finishing order in each class for each calendar year. Any exceptions must be approved by the Club Racing National committee. If Zones elect to have a Championship, points will be totaled by Zone or Series for each racer whose home region is in the participating Zone(s). Zone Championships will include points scored in races outside of the Zone. Zone totals will include all races the drivers have run in or out of the zone. For example, a racer whose home region is in Zone 2 will earn points for the Zone Championship in Zone 2 from a race in which he/she has competed in Zone 5 during that championship year if it is among his/her best 13 point totals for that year. Series Championships totals will include points scored in all races the drivers have run in the Series as determined by Series Championship Rules.
In order to race without a complying seat back brace or meeting the mid-engined car exception to the requirement of a seat back brace, all the following conditions must be met:
- An FIA 8855-1999 approved race seat, within six years of its manufacture, or an FIA 8862-2009 approved seat within eleven years of its manufacture and installed in accordance with the FIA’s and manufacturer’s specifications.
- A metal seat mount, with each separate side formed from a single sheet of steel 3mm thick minimum, or aluminum 5mm thick, commercially available as a race seat mount, and mounted in accordance with the FIA’s and manufacturer’s specifications.
- All required fasteners in the system connecting the seat to the chassis must be at least 8mm in diameter and 8.8 in grade. Four such fasteners are required for each component connection, two on each side.
- If seat sliders are used, they may be the Porsche 996 and later Cup, or the similar Cup style/manual adjustment sliders with the 10mm chassis attachments used on street Porsches without power fore and aft adjustment, and these are recommended. Or they may be double locking sliders which lock with at least two teeth or other locks on both sides, are formed from steel at least 1.75mm thick, and are designed, manufactured, and widely marketed for use in race cars.
- Models with the 10mm seat to chassis mounting bolt system may use adapters, attached with those bolts to the stock mounts, which are made, tested, advertised, and commercially available for securing approved seat mounts or seat sliders.
- Chassis seat mounts on tubs other than those used by Porsche as the base for their race cars must be reinforced. The concern for front mounts is particularly to increase their strength in tension (upward force), and for the rear in compression (downward force – cracks have occurred in the Cup and other cars here, and Porsche issued a service bulletin on reinforcement). If reinforcement includes plates under the floor pan, they shall be a minimum of 1/8″ steel, and at least 4″ x 4″ in size.
- If stock chassis mounts are cut out in order to lower the seat more than otherwise can be accomplished for tall drivers or to accommodate wide seats, fabricated mounts must be made of structural (1/8″ minimum) steel using good design practices and properly welded to the sill, floor and center tunnel. The Rules Committee may consider approvals for other designs of altered mounts if they bear the stamp of a professional engineer showing that each of the four required fasteners will withstand a force of 15,000 Newtons separately vertically and horizontally.
- It is the driver’s responsibility to inspect the car’s seat chassis mounts frequently for cracking or other weaknesses, and to fix them before further racing use of the car.
The widths in this appendix are based on those in the PCA Parade Competition Rules, and on Porsche’s sales literature for many recent models. Race car models from bygone years have the width specified in the rules for such cars back then. If no width is listed for such a race car, or for a special or uncommon model, the driver must have printed information to present when receiving a Log Book, or attached to the Log Book, showing what that width is. Stock means the widest width listed by Porsche for the model, whether as standard or as a factory option, and without regard for diameter. Where only one number is given, that applies to both front and rear rims. If two numbers, the first is the front and the second the rear. Racers who believe there are errors in this appendix should contact the Technical and Rules Committee with documentation supporting a correction.
Expand the table below by selecting a larger value for “Show ## entries” or enter text in the “Search:” box.
Classes A - D | ||
All | 356 | 6 |
68-69 | 911T | 6 |
All | 912 and E | 6 |
All | 914 | 6 |
75-82 | 924 | 6 |
65-68 | 911 and L | 6 |
69 | 911E | 6 |
70-73 | 911T | 6 |
74-75 | 911 | 6 |
All | 914-6 | 6 |
77.5-82 | 924 Turbo | 6 |
83-85 | 944 | 07/08/24 |
85.5-87 | 944 2.5 | 07/08/24 |
86-88 | 944 Rothman | 07/08/24 |
87 | 924S 2.5 | 7 |
70-73 | 911E | 6 |
74-75 | 2.7 Carrera (CIS) | 06/07/24 |
74-77 | 911S | 6 |
78-84 | 928 and S | 7 |
87-88 | 944S | 07/08/24 |
67-73 | 911S | 6 |
75-83 | 911 SC | 07/08/24 |
97-99 | Boxster | 7/8.5 |
Class E | ||
81-83 | 911SC (Euro) | 07/08/24 |
85-86 | 928S | 7 |
84-86 | 911 Carrera | 07/08/24 |
84-86 | 911 Carrera (Turbo-look) | 08/09/24 |
86-88 | 944 Turbo | 07/08/24 |
87-88 | 944S (Club Sport/Firehawk) | 07/08/24 |
87-89 | 911 Carrera | 07/08/24 |
89-94 | 911 C4 | 06/08/24 |
89-91 | 944S2 | 7.5/9 |
90-94 | 911 C2/C4 (Turbo body) | 07/09/24 |
00-04 | Boxster | 7.5/9 |
Class F | ||
72-73 | 2.7 Carrera-Touring | 07/08/24 |
74-75 | 2.7 Carrera (MI) | 07/08/24 |
75-77 | 930 | 07/08/24 |
84-86 | 911 Carrera (Euro) | 07/08/24 |
84-86 | 911 Carrera (Euro Turbo-look) | 08/09/24 |
87-89 | 911 Carrera (Euro) | 07/08/24 |
87-89 | 911 Carrera (Club Sport) | 07/08/24 |
87-91 | 928 S4 | 7.5/9 |
88-89 | 944 Turbo S | 7.5/9 |
89-91 | 944 S2 Club Sport or Firehawk | 7.5/9 |
90-94 | 911 C2 & RSA | 8.5/9.5 |
90-91 | 928 GT | 7.5/9 |
92-94 | 928 GTS | 7.5/9 |
All | 968 and Firehawk | 7.5/9 |
00-02 | Boxster S | 7.5/9 |
03-04 | Boxster S | 7.5/9 |
05-08 | Boxster | 8/9.5 |
Class G | ||
72-73 | 2.7 Carrera-Lt. Wgt | 07/08/24 |
All | Playboy-Escort Canadian Cup 944 Turbo (limited to 1 bar boost) | 08/09/24 |
95-98 | 993 all | 08/10/24 |
05-07 | Boxster S | 8/9.5 |
09-10 | Boxster | 8.5/10.5 |
11-12 | Boxster | 8/9.5 |
13-on | 981 Boxster | 8/9.5 |
09-on | Cayman | 8.5/10 |
Class H | ||
74-75 | Carrera RS 3.0 | 08/09/24 |
76-80 | 930 (3.3 Turbo) | 07/08/24 |
86-89 | 930 (3.3 Turbo) | 08/09/24 |
91-92 | 911 3.3 Turbo | 07/09/24 |
92-93 | US Carrera Cup, street version | 07/08/24 |
92 | US Carrera Cup | 8/9.5 |
All | 964 RS | 7.5/9 |
All | 968 | 7.5/9 |
05-08 | 997 Carrera and C4 (3.6) | 8.5/11.5 |
06-08 | Cayman S | 8.5/10 |
8 | Boxster S | 8/9.5 |
20-22 | 718 Cayman and T | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | 718 Boxster and T | 8.5/10 |
Class I | ||
83-84 | 911 SCRS | 07/09/24 |
90-94 | 911 RS 3.8 | 8.5/9 |
94 | 930 (3.6 Turbo) | 08/10/24 |
95-97 | 993 RS and 993 RSCS | 8.5/10 |
02-05 | 996 | 08/10/24 |
05-08 | 997 Carrera S and 4S (3.8) | 8.5/11 |
09-12 | 997 Carrera and C4 | 8.5/11 |
09-on | Boxster S | 8.5/10 |
10 on | Boxster Spyder | 8.5/10 |
09-14 | Cayman S | 8.5/10 |
11 on | Cayman R | 8.5/10 |
13-on | 991 Carrera | 8.5/11 |
20-22 | 718 Cayman S | 8.5/19 |
20-22 | 718 Boxster S | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | 991.2 and 992 Carrera & C4 | 8.5/11.5 |
Class J | ||
81 | 924 GTS (Club Sport) | TBD |
96-98 | 993 Turbo | 08/10/24 |
All | 996 Turbo | 08/10/24 |
99-01 | 996 | 7.5/10 |
99-06 | 911 GT3 | 8.5/11 |
09-on | 997 Carrera S and 4S | 8.5/11 |
12-13 | 997 GTS and GTS4 | 8.5/11 |
13 | 991 Carrera S and 4S | 8.5/11 |
17 | 991 Carrera (all models) | 8.5/11.5 |
20-22 | Boxster GTS & Spyder | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | Cayman GTS & GT4 | 8.5/10 |
21-22 | 992 Carrera S & C4 | 8.5/11.5 |
Class K | ||
All | 959 | 09/10/24 |
All | 996 GT2 | 8.5/12 |
All | 997 Turbo and TS | 8.5/11 |
07-13 | 997 GT3 | 8.5/12 |
14-on | 991 50th Anniversary* | 9/11.5 |
14-on | 991 Turbo | 9/11.5 |
14-on | 991 GT3 | 09/12/24 |
20-22 | 992 Turbo and TS | 9/11.5 |
20-21 | GT3 | 9.5/11.5 |
Class G | ||
72-73 | 2.7 Carrera-Lt. Wgt | 07/08/24 |
All | Playboy-Escort Canadian Cup 944 Turbo (limited to 1 bar boost) | 08/09/24 |
95-98 | 993 all | 08/10/24 |
05-07 | Boxster S | 8/9.5 |
09-10 | Boxster | 8.5/10.5 |
11-12 | Boxster | 8/9.5 |
13-on | 981 Boxster | 8/9.5 |
09-on | Cayman | 8.5/10 |
Class H | ||
74-75 | Carrera RS 3.0 | 08/09/24 |
76-80 | 930 (3.3 Turbo) | 07/08/24 |
86-89 | 930 (3.3 Turbo) | 08/09/24 |
91-92 | 911 3.3 Turbo | 07/09/24 |
92-93 | US Carrera Cup, street version | 07/08/24 |
92 | US Carrera Cup | 8/9.5 |
All | 964 RS | 7.5/9 |
All | 968 | 7.5/9 |
05-08 | 997 Carrera and C4 (3.6) | 8.5/11.5 |
06-08 | Cayman S | 8.5/10 |
8 | Boxster S | 8/9.5 |
20-22 | 718 Cayman and T | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | 718 Boxster and T | 8.5/10 |
Class I | ||
83-84 | 911 SCRS | 07/09/24 |
90-94 | 911 RS 3.8 | 8.5/9 |
94 | 930 (3.6 Turbo) | 08/10/24 |
95-97 | 993 RS and 993 RSCS | 8.5/10 |
02-05 | 996 | 08/10/24 |
05-08 | 997 Carrera S and 4S (3.8) | 8.5/11 |
09-12 | 997 Carrera and C4 | 8.5/11 |
09-on | Boxster S | 8.5/10 |
10 on | Boxster Spyder | 8.5/10 |
09-14 | Cayman S | 8.5/10 |
11 on | Cayman R | 8.5/10 |
13-on | 991 Carrera | 8.5/11 |
20-22 | 718 Cayman S | 8.5/19 |
20-22 | 718 Boxster S | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | 991.2 and 992 Carrera & C4 | 8.5/11.5 |
Class J | ||
81 | 924 GTS (Club Sport) | TBD |
96-98 | 993 Turbo | 08/10/24 |
All | 996 Turbo | 08/10/24 |
99-01 | 996 | 7.5/10 |
99-06 | 911 GT3 | 8.5/11 |
09-on | 997 Carrera S and 4S | 8.5/11 |
12-13 | 997 GTS and GTS4 | 8.5/11 |
13 | 991 Carrera S and 4S | 8.5/11 |
17 | 991 Carrera (all models) | 8.5/11.5 |
20-22 | Boxster GTS & Spyder | 8.5/10 |
20-22 | Cayman GTS & GT4 | 8.5/10 |
21-22 | 992 Carrera S & C4 | 8.5/11.5 |
Class K | ||
22 | GT3 | 9.5/12.5 |
Class L | ||
All | 997 GT2 | 8.5/12 |
All | 997 GT3RS | 8.5/12 |
All | 997 GT2RS | 09/12/24 |
All | 997 GT3RS 4.0 | 09/12/24 |
14-on | 991 Turbo S | 9/11.5 |
17 | 991 GT3RS | 9.5/12.5 |
Class M | ||
18-19 | 991.2 GT2RS | 9/12 |
Cars, other than in the GT1-6 and GTP classes, must have provisions for the use of PCA compliance testing data systems on the track and at tech.
- Cars which came from Porsche with OBD (the round 19 pin OBDI port, or the trapezoidal 16 pin OBDII) data ports must retain that port in an easily accessible (preferably stock) location and with all its wiring intact (i.e., don’t cut any of these wires in order to attach data or other systems).
- Cars which predate the installation of these ports must have a connector with 12 volt (battery) power, chassis ground, and a lead from the tachometer signal input terminal. The connector must be located in a conveniently accessible area below the dash on the passenger side and must have enough slack to be conveniently used and to reach the right-side roll cage front hoop upright but may be lashed up out of the way with a Velcro or Gear Tie or some other easily fastened/unfastened tie (no zip ties, as they have to be cut).The connector must be a flat four pin trailer connector, with three shielded female plugs, and one exposed male bullet plug. The outer shielded plug (typically with a green wire) is for the tachometer signal. The inner shielded plug (typically brown) shall provide 12V battery power, must be connected to an “always on” circuit in the car – that is, one which is always powered when the kill switch is turned on and the battery connected (e.g., interior lights, emergency flashers), and must be protected with a 7.5 ampere fuse. The unshielded male plug (typically white) shall be attached to a chassis ground.

A concussion is a traumatic event that may result in serious brain injury and impair a racer’s judgments immediately and in the long term. In order to keep not only the racer safe but also those racing with him/her, a medical evaluation clearing the racer must be done prior to continued racing participation. The following is the PCA Club Racing policy regarding a concussion occurring during a PCA race weekend.
- Any traumatic head injury with LOC/confusion after an accident, at any time during a PCA Club Racing weekend, even for a brief period should be evaluated by Hospital Emergency Department (Emergency Room/ER) evaluation. If a diagnosis of concussion is made, no further racing for that weekend. If the racer refuses Emergency Department (ED) evaluation, he/she may not race again until medical clearance obtained as below.
- If a concussion diagnosis is made, racer will need further medical clearance by a neurologist or physician qualified to appropriately evaluate neurological injury with specific attention to the head injury and concussion (this may also include a racer’s primary care/family doctor). The examining doctor will also sign the first page of the PCA medical form that details what a racer undergoes during a race weekend in addition to a complete neurological evaluation clearing him for further racing.
- Any significant non-traumatic and unexplained LOC (excluding obvious vaso-vagal or dehydration event) shall result in a suspension of participation until diagnosed, treated, and cleared by the appropriate physician.
All the above medical release certifications must be presented to the PCA Medical Safety Committee for approval at least 1 week prior to the racer’s next racing event.
PCA Club Racing Medical Safety Committee Chairman
Harry Kintzi MD FACEP
Beginning in 2022 Vintage eligible cars are: 356, 911, 912 ,914, 930, 964, and 993.
Years included are from 1998 and before.
- Classes based on actual displacement. Displacements listed are hard limits. (i.e., A 2.0L is an engine that is 2,000 ccs.)
V4U | for four-cylinder cars under 2.0L (1,999 ccs) |
V4O | for four-cylinder cars over 2.0L ( 2,000 ccs) |
VU | for six-cylinder cars under 2.4L ( 2,399 ccs) |
VO | for six-cylinder cars over 2.4 L ( 2,400 ccs to under 3.2L ( 3,199 ccs) |
VO+ | for cars over 3.2 L (3,200 ccs) but not more than 3.6 L (3,600 ccs), and all non-high wing 964s, 993s and Turbos |
VGTU | for cars with high wing and or aero body kits and displacement under 3.2L (3,199 ccs) |
VGTO | for cars with high wing and or Aero body kits and displacement over 3.2L (3,200ccs) |
VGTX | for cars with high wing and or Aero body kit and displacement over 3.6L (3,600ccs), Winged Turbo, and advanced technology drive components (sequential gearbox for example) |
- Air cooled engines only with displacement open subject to the eight class criteria. Cars must at a minimum be eligible to run in PCA Club Racing.
- At races that have a separate Vintage run group a third Sprint Race will be included.
- At races using the new Air cooled run group, every effort will be made to include a third Sprint Race.
- The Vintage class designations apply only to run sessions and races labeled as Vintage or Air cooled. At all other events cars eligible for Vintage must run in the stock, spec, or GT class for which the car and its modifications are eligible.
- Display of both Vintage and regular class on the car is encouraged.
- At races using the new Air cooled run group, every effort will be made to include a third Sprint Race.
- Vintage Group does not compete in Enduros.
- Races will be approximately 30 minutes in duration.
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